
Недавно у меня был некоторый опыт работы с указателями на функции в C.

Итак, продолжая традицию отвечать на ваши вопросы, я решил сделать небольшое изложение самых основ для тех, кому нужно быстро погрузиться в тему.

Это было полезно?


Функциональные указатели в C

Давайте начнем с базовой функции, на которую мы будем указывать :

int addInt(int n, int m) {
    return n+m;

Прежде всего, давайте определим указатель на функцию, которая получает 2 int с и возвращает typedef:

int (*functionPtr)(int,int);

Теперь мы можем смело указывать на нашу функцию:

functionPtr = &addInt;

Теперь, когда у нас есть указатель на функцию, давайте ее использовать:

int sum = (*functionPtr)(2, 3); // sum == 5

Передача указателя на другую функцию в основном такая же:

int add2to3(int (*functionPtr)(int, int)) {
    return (*functionPtr)(2, 3);

Мы также можем использовать указатели на функции в возвращаемых значениях (старайтесь не отставать, это становится грязным):

// this is a function called functionFactory which receives parameter n
// and returns a pointer to another function which receives two ints
// and it returns another int
int (*functionFactory(int n))(int, int) {
    printf("Got parameter %d", n);
    int (*functionPtr)(int,int) = &addInt;
    return functionPtr;

Но гораздо лучше использовать <=>:

typedef int (*myFuncDef)(int, int);
// note that the typedef name is indeed myFuncDef

myFuncDef functionFactory(int n) {
    printf("Got parameter %d", n);
    myFuncDef functionPtr = &addInt;
    return functionPtr;

Другие советы

Указатели функций в C можно использовать для объектно-ориентированного программирования на C.

Например, следующие строки написаны на C:

String s1 = newString();
s1->set(s1, "hello");

Да, -> и отсутствие new оператор — полная фальшь, но он, похоже, подразумевает, что мы устанавливаем текст какого-то String класс, чтобы быть "hello".

Используя указатели на функции, можно эмулировать методы в C.

Как это достигается?

А String класс на самом деле является struct с кучей указателей на функции, которые служат способом имитации методов.Ниже приводится частичная декларация String сорт:

typedef struct String_Struct* String;

struct String_Struct
    char* (*get)(const void* self);
    void (*set)(const void* self, char* value);
    int (*length)(const void* self);

char* getString(const void* self);
void setString(const void* self, char* value);
int lengthString(const void* self);

String newString();

Как видно, методы String class на самом деле являются указателями на объявленную функцию.При подготовке экземпляра String, newString Функция вызывается для установки указателей функций на соответствующие функции:

String newString()
    String self = (String)malloc(sizeof(struct String_Struct));

    self->get = &getString;
    self->set = &setString;
    self->length = &lengthString;

    self->set(self, "");

    return self;

Например, getString функция, которая вызывается путем вызова get метод определяется следующим образом:

char* getString(const void* self_obj)
    return ((String)self_obj)->internal->value;

Можно заметить одну вещь: не существует понятия экземпляра объекта и наличия методов, которые на самом деле являются частью объекта, поэтому при каждом вызове необходимо передавать «собственный объект».(И internal это просто скрытый struct который ранее был исключен из листинга кода — это способ сокрытия информации, но он не имеет отношения к указателям на функции.)

Поэтому вместо того, чтобы быть в состоянии сделать s1->set("hello");, необходимо передать объект, чтобы выполнить действие над s1->set(s1, "hello").

Поскольку это незначительное объяснение не должно отвлекать вас от себя, мы перейдем к следующей части, а именно: наследование в C.

Допустим, мы хотим создать подкласс String, скажи ImmutableString.Чтобы сделать строку неизменяемой, необходимо set метод не будет доступен, сохраняя при этом доступ к get и length, и заставить «конструктор» принять char*:

typedef struct ImmutableString_Struct* ImmutableString;

struct ImmutableString_Struct
    String base;

    char* (*get)(const void* self);
    int (*length)(const void* self);

ImmutableString newImmutableString(const char* value);

По сути, для всех подклассов доступные методы снова являются указателями на функции.На этот раз декларация set метода нет, поэтому его нельзя вызвать в ImmutableString.

Что касается реализации ImmutableString, единственный соответствующий код — это функция «конструктор», newImmutableString:

ImmutableString newImmutableString(const char* value)
    ImmutableString self = (ImmutableString)malloc(sizeof(struct ImmutableString_Struct));

    self->base = newString();

    self->get = self->base->get;
    self->length = self->base->length;

    self->base->set(self->base, (char*)value);

    return self;

При создании экземпляра ImmutableString, указатели функций на get и length методы на самом деле относятся к String.get и String.length метод, пройдя через base переменная, которая хранится внутри String объект.

Использование указателя на функцию позволяет добиться наследования метода от суперкласса.

Мы можем и дальше продолжать полиморфизм в C.

Если, например, мы хотели изменить поведение length метод возврата 0 все время в ImmutableString class по какой-то причине, все, что нужно сделать, это:

  1. Добавьте функцию, которая будет переопределять length метод.
  2. Перейдите в «конструктор» и установите указатель функции на переопределяющую length метод.

Добавление переопределения length метод в ImmutableString можно выполнить, добавив lengthOverrideMethod:

int lengthOverrideMethod(const void* self)
    return 0;

Затем указатель функции для length метод в конструкторе подключается к lengthOverrideMethod:

ImmutableString newImmutableString(const char* value)
    ImmutableString self = (ImmutableString)malloc(sizeof(struct ImmutableString_Struct));

    self->base = newString();

    self->get = self->base->get;
    self->length = &lengthOverrideMethod;

    self->base->set(self->base, (char*)value);

    return self;

Теперь вместо того, чтобы иметь идентичное поведение для length метод в ImmutableString класс как String класс, теперь length метод будет ссылаться на поведение, определенное в lengthOverrideMethod функция.

Я должен добавить заявление об отказе от ответственности, что я все еще учусь писать в стиле объектно-ориентированного программирования на C, поэтому, вероятно, есть моменты, которые я плохо объяснил или просто не совсем понял, как лучше всего реализовать ООП. в С.Но моей целью было попытаться проиллюстрировать одно из многих применений указателей на функции.

Для получения дополнительной информации о том, как выполнять объектно-ориентированное программирование на C, обратитесь к следующим вопросам:

The guide to getting fired: How to abuse function pointers in GCC on x86 machines by compiling your code by hand:

These string literals are bytes of 32-bit x86 machine code. 0xC3 is an x86 ret instruction.

You wouldn't normally write these by hand, you'd write in assembly language and then use an assembler like nasm to assemble it into a flat binary which you hexdump into a C string literal.

  1. Returns the current value on the EAX register

    int eax = ((int(*)())("\xc3 <- This returns the value of the EAX register"))();
  2. Write a swap function

    int a = 10, b = 20;
    ((void(*)(int*,int*))"\x8b\x44\x24\x04\x8b\x5c\x24\x08\x8b\x00\x8b\x1b\x31\xc3\x31\xd8\x31\xc3\x8b\x4c\x24\x04\x89\x01\x8b\x4c\x24\x08\x89\x19\xc3 <- This swaps the values of a and b")(&a,&b);
  3. Write a for-loop counter to 1000, calling some function each time

    ((int(*)())"\x66\x31\xc0\x8b\x5c\x24\x04\x66\x40\x50\xff\xd3\x58\x66\x3d\xe8\x03\x75\xf4\xc3")(&function); // calls function with 1->1000
  4. You can even write a recursive function that counts to 100

    const char* lol = "\x8b\x5c\x24\x4\x3d\xe8\x3\x0\x0\x7e\x2\x31\xc0\x83\xf8\x64\x7d\x6\x40\x53\xff\xd3\x5b\xc3\xc3 <- Recursively calls the function at address lol.";
    i = ((int(*)())(lol))(lol);

Note that compilers place string literals in the .rodata section (or .rdata on Windows), which is linked as part of the text segment (along with code for functions).

The text segment has Read+Exec permission, so casting string literals to function pointers works without needing mprotect() or VirtualProtect() system calls like you'd need for dynamically allocated memory. (Or gcc -z execstack links the program with stack + data segment + heap executable, as a quick hack.)

To disassemble these, you can compile this to put a label on the bytes, and use a disassembler.

// at global scope
const char swap[] = "\x8b\x44\x24\x04\x8b\x5c\x24\x08\x8b\x00\x8b\x1b\x31\xc3\x31\xd8\x31\xc3\x8b\x4c\x24\x04\x89\x01\x8b\x4c\x24\x08\x89\x19\xc3 <- This swaps the values of a and b";

Compiling with gcc -c -m32 foo.c and disassembling with objdump -D -rwC -Mintel, we can get the assembly, and find out that this code violates the ABI by clobbering EBX (a call-preserved register) and is generally inefficient.

00000000 <swap>:
   0:   8b 44 24 04             mov    eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x4]   # load int *a arg from the stack
   4:   8b 5c 24 08             mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [esp+0x8]   # ebx = b
   8:   8b 00                   mov    eax,DWORD PTR [eax]       # dereference: eax = *a
   a:   8b 1b                   mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [ebx]
   c:   31 c3                   xor    ebx,eax                # pointless xor-swap
   e:   31 d8                   xor    eax,ebx                # instead of just storing with opposite registers
  10:   31 c3                   xor    ebx,eax
  12:   8b 4c 24 04             mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp+0x4]  # reload a from the stack
  16:   89 01                   mov    DWORD PTR [ecx],eax     # store to *a
  18:   8b 4c 24 08             mov    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp+0x8]
  1c:   89 19                   mov    DWORD PTR [ecx],ebx
  1e:   c3                      ret    

  not shown: the later bytes are ASCII text documentation
  they're not executed by the CPU because the ret instruction sends execution back to the caller

This machine code will (probably) work in 32-bit code on Windows, Linux, OS X, and so on: the default calling conventions on all those OSes pass args on the stack instead of more efficiently in registers. But EBX is call-preserved in all the normal calling conventions, so using it as a scratch register without saving/restoring it can easily make the caller crash.

One of my favorite uses for function pointers is as cheap and easy iterators -

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_COLORS  256

typedef struct {
    char* name;
    int red;
    int green;
    int blue;
} Color;

Color Colors[MAX_COLORS];

void eachColor (void (*fp)(Color *c)) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<MAX_COLORS; i++)

void printColor(Color* c) {
    if (c->name)
        printf("%s = %i,%i,%i\n", c->name, c->red, c->green, c->blue);

int main() {


Function pointers become easy to declare once you have the basic declarators:

  • id: ID: ID is a
  • Pointer: *D: D pointer to
  • Function: D(<parameters>): D function taking <parameters> returning

While D is another declarator built using those same rules. In the end, somewhere, it ends with ID (see below for an example), which is the name of the declared entity. Let's try to build a function taking a pointer to a function taking nothing and returning int, and returning a pointer to a function taking a char and returning int. With type-defs it's like this

typedef int ReturnFunction(char);
typedef int ParameterFunction(void);
ReturnFunction *f(ParameterFunction *p);

As you see, it's pretty easy to build it up using typedefs. Without typedefs, it's not hard either with the above declarator rules, applied consistently. As you see i missed out the part the pointer points to, and the thing the function returns. That's what appears at the very left of the declaration, and is not of interest: It's added at the end if one built up the declarator already. Let's do that. Building it up consistently, first wordy - showing the structure using [ and ]:

function taking 
    [pointer to [function taking [void] returning [int]]] 
    [pointer to [function taking [char] returning [int]]]

As you see, one can describe a type completely by appending declarators one after each other. Construction can be done in two ways. One is bottom-up, starting with the very right thing (leaves) and working the way through up to the identifier. The other way is top-down, starting at the identifier, working the way down to the leaves. I'll show both ways.

Bottom Up

Construction starts with the thing at the right: The thing returned, which is the function taking char. To keep the declarators distinct, i'm going to number them:


Inserted the char parameter directly, since it's trivial. Adding a pointer to declarator by replacing D1 by *D2. Note that we have to wrap parentheses around *D2. That can be known by looking up the precedence of the *-operator and the function-call operator (). Without our parentheses, the compiler would read it as *(D2(char p)). But that would not be a plain replace of D1 by *D2 anymore, of course. Parentheses are always allowed around declarators. So you don't make anything wrong if you add too much of them, actually.


Return type is complete! Now, let's replace D2 by the function declarator function taking <parameters> returning, which is D3(<parameters>) which we are at now.


Note that no parentheses are needed, since we want D3 to be a function-declarator and not a pointer declarator this time. Great, only thing left is the parameters for it. The parameter is done exactly the same as we've done the return type, just with char replaced by void. So i'll copy it:

(*D3(   (*ID1)(void)))(char)

I've replaced D2 by ID1, since we are finished with that parameter (it's already a pointer to a function - no need for another declarator). ID1 will be the name of the parameter. Now, i told above at the end one adds the type which all those declarator modify - the one appearing at the very left of every declaration. For functions, that becomes the return type. For pointers the pointed to type etc... It's interesting when written down the type, it will appear in the opposite order, at the very right :) Anyway, substituting it yields the complete declaration. Both times int of course.

int (*ID0(int (*ID1)(void)))(char)

I've called the identifier of the function ID0 in that example.

Top Down

This starts at the identifier at the very left in the description of the type, wrapping that declarator as we walk our way through the right. Start with function taking <parameters> returning


The next thing in the description (after "returning") was pointer to. Let's incorporate it:


Then the next thing was functon taking <parameters> returning. The parameter is a simple char, so we put it in right away again, since it's really trivial.


Note the parentheses we added, since we again want that the * binds first, and then the (char). Otherwise it would read function taking <parameters> returning function .... Noes, functions returning functions aren't even allowed.

Now we just need to put <parameters>. I will show a short version of the deriveration, since i think you already by now have the idea how to do it.

pointer to: *ID1
... function taking void returning: (*ID1)(void)

Just put int before the declarators like we did with bottom-up, and we are finished

int (*ID0(int (*ID1)(void)))(char)

The nice thing

Is bottom-up or top-down better? I'm used to bottom-up, but some people may be more comfortable with top-down. It's a matter of taste i think. Incidentally, if you apply all the operators in that declaration, you will end up getting an int:

int v = (*ID0(some_function_pointer))(some_char);

That is a nice property of declarations in C: The declaration asserts that if those operators are used in an expression using the identifier, then it yields the type on the very left. It's like that for arrays too.

Hope you liked this little tutorial! Now we can link to this when people wonder about the strange declaration syntax of functions. I tried to put as little C internals as possible. Feel free to edit/fix things in it.

Another good use for function pointers:
Switching between versions painlessly

They're very handy to use for when you want different functions at different times, or different phases of development. For instance, I'm developing an application on a host computer that has a console, but the final release of the software will be put on an Avnet ZedBoard (which has ports for displays and consoles, but they are not needed/wanted for the final release). So during development, I will use printf to view status and error messages, but when I'm done, I don't want anything printed. Here's what I've done:


// First, undefine all macros associated with version.h

// Define which version we want to use
#define DEBUG_VERSION       // The current version
// #define RELEASE_VERSION  // To be uncommented when finished debugging

#ifndef __VERSION_H_      /* prevent circular inclusions */
    #define __VERSION_H_  /* by using protection macros */
    void board_init();
    void noprintf(const char *c, ...); // mimic the printf prototype

// Mimics the printf function prototype. This is what I'll actually 
// use to print stuff to the screen
void (* zprintf)(const char*, ...); 

// If debug version, use printf
    #include <stdio.h>

// If both debug and release version, error

// If neither debug or release version, error

    // Won't allow compilation without a valid version define
    #error "Invalid version definition"

In version.c I will define the 2 function prototypes present in version.h


#include "version.h"

* @name board_init
* Sets up the application based on the version type defined in version.h.
* Includes allowing or prohibiting printing to STDOUT.
* @return    None
void board_init()
    // Assign the print function to the correct function pointer
    #ifdef DEBUG_VERSION
        zprintf = &printf;
        // Defined below this function
        zprintf = &noprintf;

* @name noprintf
* simply returns with no actions performed
* @return   None
void noprintf(const char* c, ...)

Notice how the function pointer is prototyped in version.h as

void (* zprintf)(const char *, ...);

When it is referenced in the application, it will start executing wherever it is pointing, which has yet to be defined.

In version.c, notice in the board_init()function where zprintf is assigned a unique function (whose function signature matches) depending on the version that is defined in version.h

zprintf = &printf; zprintf calls printf for debugging purposes


zprintf = &noprint; zprintf just returns and will not run unnecessary code

Running the code will look like this:


#include "version.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    // Must run board_init(), which assigns the function
    // pointer to an actual function

    void *ptr = malloc(100); // Allocate 100 bytes of memory
    // malloc returns NULL if unable to allocate the memory.

    if (ptr == NULL)
        zprintf("Unable to allocate memory\n");
        return 1;

    // Other things to do...
    return 0;

The above code will use printf if in debug mode, or do nothing if in release mode. This is much easier than going through the entire project and commenting out or deleting code. All that I need to do is change the version in version.h and the code will do the rest!

Function pointer is usually defined by typedef, and used as param & return value.

Above answers already explained a lot, I just give a full example:

#include <stdio.h>

#define NUM_A 1
#define NUM_B 2

// define a function pointer type
typedef int (*two_num_operation)(int, int);

// an actual standalone function
static int sum(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

// use function pointer as param,
static int sum_via_pointer(int a, int b, two_num_operation funp) {
    return (*funp)(a, b);

// use function pointer as return value,
static two_num_operation get_sum_fun() {
    return &sum;

// test - use function pointer as variable,
void test_pointer_as_variable() {
    // create a pointer to function,
    two_num_operation sum_p = &sum;
    // call function via pointer
    printf("pointer as variable:\t %d + %d = %d\n", NUM_A, NUM_B, (*sum_p)(NUM_A, NUM_B));

// test - use function pointer as param,
void test_pointer_as_param() {
    printf("pointer as param:\t %d + %d = %d\n", NUM_A, NUM_B, sum_via_pointer(NUM_A, NUM_B, &sum));

// test - use function pointer as return value,
void test_pointer_as_return_value() {
    printf("pointer as return value:\t %d + %d = %d\n", NUM_A, NUM_B, (*get_sum_fun())(NUM_A, NUM_B));

int main() {

    return 0;

One of the big uses for function pointers in C is to call a function selected at run-time. For example, the C run-time library has two routines, qsort and bsearch, which take a pointer to a function that is called to compare two items being sorted; this allows you to sort or search, respectively, anything, based on any criteria you wish to use.

A very basic example, if there is one function called print(int x, int y) which in turn may require to call a function (either add() or sub(), which are of the same type) then what we will do, we will add one function pointer argument to the print() function as shown below:

#include <stdio.h>

int add()
   return (100+10);

int sub()
   return (100-10);

void print(int x, int y, int (*func)())
    printf("value is: %d\n", (x+y+(*func)()));

int main()
    int x=100, y=200;

    return 0;

The output is:

value is: 410
value is: 390

A function pointer is a variable that contains the address of a function. Since it is a pointer variable though with some restricted properties, you can use it pretty much like you would any other pointer variable in data structures.

The only exception I can think of is treating the function pointer as pointing to something other than a single value. Doing pointer arithmetic by incrementing or decrementing a function pointer or adding/subtracting an offset to a function pointer isn't really of any utility as a function pointer only points to a single thing, the entry point of a function.

The size of a function pointer variable, the number of bytes occupied by the variable, may vary depending on the underlying architecture, e.g. x32 or x64 or whatever.

The declaration for a function pointer variable needs to specify the same kind of information as a function declaration in order for the C compiler to do the kinds of checks that it normally does. If you don't specify a parameter list in the declaration/definition of the function pointer, the C compiler will not be able to check the use of parameters. There are cases when this lack of checking can be useful however just remember that a safety net has been removed.

Some examples:

int func (int a, char *pStr);    // declares a function

int (*pFunc)(int a, char *pStr);  // declares or defines a function pointer

int (*pFunc2) ();                 // declares or defines a function pointer, no parameter list specified.

int (*pFunc3) (void);             // declares or defines a function pointer, no arguments.

The first two declararations are somewhat similar in that:

  • func is a function that takes an int and a char * and returns an int
  • pFunc is a function pointer to which is assigned the address of a function that takes an int and a char * and returns an int

So from the above we could have a source line in which the address of the function func() is assigned to the function pointer variable pFunc as in pFunc = func;.

Notice the syntax used with a function pointer declaration/definition in which parenthesis are used to overcome the natural operator precedence rules.

int *pfunc(int a, char *pStr);    // declares a function that returns int pointer
int (*pFunc)(int a, char *pStr);  // declares a function pointer that returns an int

Several Different Usage Examples

Some examples of usage of a function pointer:

int (*pFunc) (int a, char *pStr);    // declare a simple function pointer variable
int (*pFunc[55])(int a, char *pStr); // declare an array of 55 function pointers
int (**pFunc)(int a, char *pStr);    // declare a pointer to a function pointer variable
struct {                             // declare a struct that contains a function pointer
    int x22;
    int (*pFunc)(int a, char *pStr);
} thing = {0, func};                 // assign values to the struct variable
char * xF (int x, int (*p)(int a, char *pStr));  // declare a function that has a function pointer as an argument
char * (*pxF) (int x, int (*p)(int a, char *pStr));  // declare a function pointer that points to a function that has a function pointer as an argument

You can use variable length parameter lists in the definition of a function pointer.

int sum (int a, int b, ...);
int (*psum)(int a, int b, ...);

Or you can not specify a parameter list at all. This can be useful but it eliminates the opportunity for the C compiler to perform checks on the argument list provided.

int  sum ();      // nothing specified in the argument list so could be anything or nothing
int (*psum)();
int  sum2(void);  // void specified in the argument list so no parameters when calling this function
int (*psum2)(void);

C style Casts

You can use C style casts with function pointers. However be aware that a C compiler may be lax about checks or provide warnings rather than errors.

int sum (int a, char *b);
int (*psplsum) (int a, int b);
psplsum = sum;               // generates a compiler warning
psplsum = (int (*)(int a, int b)) sum;   // no compiler warning, cast to function pointer
psplsum = (int *(int a, int b)) sum;     // compiler error of bad cast generated, parenthesis are required.

Compare Function Pointer to Equality

You can check that a function pointer is equal to a particular function address using an if statement though I am not sure how useful that would be. Other comparison operators would seem to have even less utility.

static int func1(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

static int func2(int a, int b, char *c) {
    return c[0] + a + b;

static int func3(int a, int b, char *x) {
    return a + b;

static char *func4(int a, int b, char *c, int (*p)())
    if (p == func1) {
        p(a, b);
    else if (p == func2) {
        p(a, b, c);      // warning C4047: '==': 'int (__cdecl *)()' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *(__cdecl *)(int,int,char *)'
    } else if (p == func3) {
        p(a, b, c);
    return c;

An Array of Function Pointers

And if you want to have an array of function pointers each of the elements of which the argument list has differences then you can define a function pointer with the argument list unspecified (not void which means no arguments but just unspecified) something like the following though you may see warnings from the C compiler. This also works for a function pointer parameter to a function:

int(*p[])() = {       // an array of function pointers
    func1, func2, func3
int(**pp)();          // a pointer to a function pointer

p[0](a, b);
p[1](a, b, 0);
p[2](a, b);      // oops, left off the last argument but it compiles anyway.

func4(a, b, 0, func1);
func4(a, b, 0, func2);  // warning C4047: 'function': 'int (__cdecl *)()' differs in levels of indirection from 'char *(__cdecl *)(int,int,char *)'
func4(a, b, 0, func3);

    // iterate over the array elements using an array index
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(p) / sizeof(p[0]); i++) {
    func4(a, b, 0, p[i]);
    // iterate over the array elements using a pointer
for (pp = p; pp < p + sizeof(p)/sizeof(p[0]); pp++) {
    (*pp)(a, b, 0);          // pointer to a function pointer so must dereference it.
    func4(a, b, 0, *pp);     // pointer to a function pointer so must dereference it.

C style namespace Using Global struct with Function Pointers

You can use the static keyword to specify a function whose name is file scope and then assign this to a global variable as a way of providing something similar to the namespace functionality of C++.

In a header file define a struct that will be our namespace along with a global variable that uses it.

typedef struct {
   int (*func1) (int a, int b);             // pointer to function that returns an int
   char *(*func2) (int a, int b, char *c);  // pointer to function that returns a pointer
} FuncThings;

extern const FuncThings FuncThingsGlobal;

Then in the C source file:

#include "header.h"

// the function names used with these static functions do not need to be the
// same as the struct member names. It's just helpful if they are when trying
// to search for them.
// the static keyword ensures these names are file scope only and not visible
// outside of the file.
static int func1 (int a, int b)
    return a + b;

static char *func2 (int a, int b, char *c)
    c[0] = a % 100; c[1] = b % 50;
    return c;

const FuncThings FuncThingsGlobal = {func1, func2};

This would then be used by specifying the complete name of global struct variable and member name to access the function. The const modifier is used on the global so that it can not be changed by accident.

int abcd = FuncThingsGlobal.func1 (a, b);

Application Areas of Function Pointers

A DLL library component could do something similar to the C style namespace approach in which a particular library interface is requested from a factory method in a library interface which supports the creation of a struct containing function pointers.. This library interface loads the requested DLL version, creates a struct with the necessary function pointers, and then returns the struct to the requesting caller for use.

typedef struct {
    HMODULE  hModule;
    int (*Func1)();
    int (*Func2)();
    int(*Func3)(int a, int b);
} LibraryFuncStruct;

int  LoadLibraryFunc LPCTSTR  dllFileName, LibraryFuncStruct *pStruct)
    int  retStatus = 0;   // default is an error detected

    pStruct->hModule = LoadLibrary (dllFileName);
    if (pStruct->hModule) {
        pStruct->Func1 = (int (*)()) GetProcAddress (pStruct->hModule, "Func1");
        pStruct->Func2 = (int (*)()) GetProcAddress (pStruct->hModule, "Func2");
        pStruct->Func3 = (int (*)(int a, int b)) GetProcAddress(pStruct->hModule, "Func3");
        retStatus = 1;

    return retStatus;

void FreeLibraryFunc (LibraryFuncStruct *pStruct)
    if (pStruct->hModule) FreeLibrary (pStruct->hModule);
    pStruct->hModule = 0;

and this could be used as in:

LibraryFuncStruct myLib = {0};
LoadLibraryFunc (L"library.dll", &myLib);
//  ....
//  ....
FreeLibraryFunc (&myLib);

The same approach can be used to define an abstract hardware layer for code that uses a particular model of the underlying hardware. Function pointers are filled in with hardware specific functions by a factory to provide the hardware specific functionality that implements functions specified in the abstract hardware model. This can be used to provide an abstract hardware layer used by software which calls a factory function in order to get the specific hardware function interface then uses the function pointers provided to perform actions for the underlying hardware without needing to know implementation details about the specific target.

Function Pointers to create Delegates, Handlers, and Callbacks

You can use function pointers as a way to delegate some task or functionality. The classic example in C is the comparison delegate function pointer used with the Standard C library functions qsort() and bsearch() to provide the collation order for sorting a list of items or performing a binary search over a sorted list of items. The comparison function delegate specifies the collation algorithm used in the sort or the binary search.

Another use is similar to applying an algorithm to a C++ Standard Template Library container.

void * ApplyAlgorithm (void *pArray, size_t sizeItem, size_t nItems, int (*p)(void *)) {
    unsigned char *pList = pArray;
    unsigned char *pListEnd = pList + nItems * sizeItem;
    for ( ; pList < pListEnd; pList += sizeItem) {
        p (pList);

    return pArray;

int pIncrement(int *pI) {

    return 1;

void * ApplyFold(void *pArray, size_t sizeItem, size_t nItems, void * pResult, int(*p)(void *, void *)) {
    unsigned char *pList = pArray;
    unsigned char *pListEnd = pList + nItems * sizeItem;
    for (; pList < pListEnd; pList += sizeItem) {
        p(pList, pResult);

    return pArray;

int pSummation(int *pI, int *pSum) {
    (*pSum) += *pI;

    return 1;

// source code and then lets use our function.
int intList[30] = { 0 }, iSum = 0;

ApplyAlgorithm(intList, sizeof(int), sizeof(intList) / sizeof(intList[0]), pIncrement);
ApplyFold(intList, sizeof(int), sizeof(intList) / sizeof(intList[0]), &iSum, pSummation);

Another example is with GUI source code in which a handler for a particular event is registered by providing a function pointer which is actually called when the event happens. The Microsoft MFC framework with its message maps uses something similar to handle Windows messages that are delivered to a window or thread.

Asynchronous functions that require a callback are similar to an event handler. The user of the asynchronous function calls the asynchronous function to start some action and provides a function pointer which the asynchronous function will call once the action is complete. In this case the event is the asynchronous function completing its task.

Starting from scratch function has Some Memory Address From Where They start executing. In Assembly Language They Are called as (call "function's memory address").Now come back to C If function has a memory address then they can be manipulated by Pointers in C.So By the rules of C

1.First you need to declare a pointer to function 2.Pass the Address of the Desired function

****Note->the functions should be of same type****

This Simple Programme will Illustrate Every Thing.

void (*print)() ;//Declare a  Function Pointers
void sayhello();//Declare The Function Whose Address is to be passed
                //The Functions should Be of Same Type
int main()
 print=sayhello;//Addressof sayhello is assigned to print
 print();//print Does A call To The Function 
 return 0;

void sayhello()
 printf("\n Hello World");

enter image description hereAfter That lets See How machine Understands Them.Glimpse of machine instruction of the above programme in 32 bit architecture.

The red mark area is showing how the address is being exchanged and storing in eax. Then their is a call instruction on eax. eax contains the desired address of the function.

Since function pointers are often typed callbacks, you might want to have a look at type safe callbacks. The same applies to entry points, etc of functions that are not callbacks.

C is quite fickle and forgiving at the same time :)

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