
Today when I checked my SharePoint 2016 on premise it gives me

500 Internal server error ,

I checked the Application Pool (All the application are running correctly), I restarted IIS also but still I am getting the same error.

C.A is working fine

Это было полезно?


Finally got the solution for my problem.

Here I am giving the steps that I have done:

  1. Go to SharePoint Management Shell( ISE ) (Run as administrator) and run the Below powershell command:

    Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
    $hostConfig = Get-SPServiceHostconfig
    $SPservice = Get-SPServiceApplication |?{$_.name -eq 'SecurityTokenServiceApplication'}
    Import-Module WebAdministration
    Stop-Website 'SharePoint Web Services'
    Start-Website 'SharePoint Web Services'

Другие советы

You can try to change the web service url of SharePoint webservices to 16 hive, in my case it point to 15 hive folder. https://abdulazizfarooqi.wordpress.com/2016/04/30/sharepoint-2016-http-500-internal-server-error-while-trying-to-browse-to-a-sharepoint-site-using-claims-based/

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