
I'm working on a Compojure application that serves json files. I'm using clojure.java.jdbc library to retrieve the files from sqlite database:

(defn grid-result [z x y]
  (j/with-connection db-specs
    (j/with-query-results results ["SELECT grid FROM grids WHERE zoom_level = ? AND tile_column = ? AND tile_row = ?" z x y]
      (doall results))))

The result of the query is this:

({:grid #<byte[] [B@7e88dd33>})

In order to display it as json, I update the headers, and strip the query result to byte array and use ByteArrayInputStream:

(defn grid-response [grid]
  {:status 200
   :headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
   :body (new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream (:grid (first grid)))})

This is how the request is handled:

(defroutes app-routes
  (GET "/api/:z/:x/:y.grid.json" [z x y] (grid-response (grid-result z x y))
  (route/not-found "Page not found"))

All above results in:

"xœ«VJ/ÊLQ²ŠVR (éŒ1jĨ£FŒ1jĨ£FŒ1jĨÄEÊPP¨¨ªQl„

Json that I'm trying to retrieve has a format of:

grid({"keys": ["""], "data": {"105803": {"predicti_9": 0.0257, "prediction": "3B2", "OA01CDOLD": "15UFGH0011"}, "106178": {"predicti_9": 0.0265, "prediction": "6B1", "OA01CDOLD": "15UHFE0001"}, "106171": {"predicti_9": 0.0257, "prediction": "3B2", "OA01CDOLD": "15UHFC0001"}, "105721": {"predicti_9": 0.0257, "prediction": "3B2", "OA01CDOLD": "15UFGC0013"}, "106170": {"predicti_9": 0.0257, "prediction": "3B2", "OA01CDOLD": "15UHFB0001"}}, "grid": ["  ", "  "]});

What I've also tried:

Changed grid-response function to convert byte array to String:

:body (String. (:grid (first grid)) "UTF-8")

Results in ((with UTF-8 or without):


Mapped each char to str:

(apply str (map #(char (bit-and % 255)) (:grid (first grid))))

Results in:


(Same as with ava.io.ByteArrayInputStream).

Any advice on how to convert that byte stream to json will be greatly appreciated.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


The grids are compressed with zlib. So this is the solution I used:

(defn zlib-decompress
  (with-open [input (-> input io/input-stream InflaterInputStream.)]
    (slurp input)))

This function returns a string representation of the json, so when I set the response's content type to "application/json", everything works.

نصائح أخرى

You're trying to read GZIP compressed data. You can try using something like:

  (new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream (:grid (first grid)))))

to decompress it before displaying it.

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