
What is a concise and readable way of interpolating a 1D array such that the maximum difference between elements is minimized?

For instance, if I had the array [4 9 13 25] and I was allowed to add 1 more number in order to minimize the maximum difference between elements I would insert a 19 between 13 and 25 (max difference is now 6 rather than 12).

Of course a good ole' for loop will get it done, but for posterity is there a less verbose approach than below?

# current array
nums = np.array([4.0, 9.0, 13.0, 25.0])
# size of new array

# recursively find max gap (difference) and fill it with a mid point    
for k in range(N-len(nums)):
    inds = range(len(nums))
    # get the maximum difference between two elements
    max_gap = np.argmax(np.diff(nums))
    # put a new number that's equidistant from the two element values
    new_num = np.interp(np.mean([inds[max_gap],inds[max_gap+1]]), inds, nums)
    nums = np.insert(nums, max_gap+1, new_num)
    print nums

This example interpolates the 1D array, filling regions where the greatest difference was:

[  4.   9.  13.  19.  25.]
[  4.   9.  13.  16.  19.  25.]
[  4.   9.  13.  16.  19.  22.  25.]
[  4.    6.5   9.   13.   16.   19.   22.   25. ]
[  4.    6.5   9.   11.   13.   16.   19.   22.   25. ]
[  4.    6.5   9.   11.   13.   14.5  16.   19.   22.   25. ]

edit 1: As comments suggest, there is a trade-off between readability, efficiency, and accuracy. Of these three attributes, for me the most important is readability. I still give +1 for any and all improvements to my above algorithm though since it is a general problem and any answer that improves either of those three attributes is beneficial to someone if not me later on.

هل كانت مفيدة؟

المحلول 2

If the array is small and readability is more important than efficiency I suggest:

  nums = [4., 9., 13., 25]
  N = 10
  while len(nums) < N:
      pos = np.argmax(np.diff(nums))   # where maximum difference is
      nums.insert(pos+1, (nums[pos+1] + nums[pos]) / 2.)  #introduce value

Of couse, this suffers from the problems already mentioned that probably this is not the most efficient way of interpolating with the minimum differences between the points at the end of the run.

نصائح أخرى

And, if you want efficiency for long arrays, even if the code is not as short, I suggest:

nums = np.array([4., 9., 13., 25])
diffs = np.diff(nums)
N = 10

# Number of interpolation points proportional to length of gaps
new_points = diffs/sum(diffs) * (N-len(nums))
while sum(np.floor(new_points)) != N -len(nums): # from continuum to discrete 
    pos = np.argmax(new_points - np.floor(new_points))
    new_points[pos] = np.floor(new_points[pos] + 1)
new_points = np.floor(new_points)

# Now we interpolate by inserting linspace values starting from the end to 
# avoid the loop limits being spoiled when introducing values. 
for ii in range(len(new_points))[::-1]:
    #linspace includes borders
    introduce_these = np.linspace(nums[ii], nums[ii+1], new_points[ii] + 2)[1:-1]
    nums = np.insert(nums, ii+1, introduce_these)

That produces:

In [205]: print nums
[4.   5.66666667   7.33333333   9.   11.   13.   16.   19.   22.   25. ]

It is possible that you can update multiple values at once. Consider the following:

for k in xrange(N/count):
    max_gaps = np.argsort(np.diff(nums))
    inds = np.sort(max_gaps[-count:])
    new_num = (nums[inds]+nums[inds+1])/2

    nums = np.insert(nums, inds+1, new_num)
    print nums

Count will be the number of gaps simultaneously filled.

First example when count=1 and N=6:

[  4.   9.  13.  19.  25.]
[  4.   9.  13.  19.  22.  25.]
[  4.   9.  13.  16.  19.  22.  25.]
[  4.    6.5   9.   13.   16.   19.   22.   25. ]
[  4.    6.5   9.   11.   13.   16.   19.   22.   25. ]
[  4.    6.5   9.   11.   13.   16.   19.   22.   23.5  25. ]

This example simplifies the linear interpolation and code, but will take the last largest equivalent gap not the first.

Second example when count=2 and N=6:

[  4.    6.5   9.   13.   19.   25. ]
[  4.    6.5   9.   13.   16.   19.   22.   25. ]
[  4.    6.5   9.   11.   13.   16.   19.   22.   23.5  25. ]

Increasing count will change your results, but will help vectorize the code.

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