
How would I generate the following using expression trees...

var people = context.Set<Person>();
var transactions = context.Set<FinancialTransaction>();

var dataview = people.Where( p => p.LastName == "Smith" );

var selection = dataview
        .Select( p => new
            FirstName = p.FirstName,
            LastName = p.LastName,
            LastTransaction =
                    .Where( t => t.AuthorizedPersonId == p.Id )
                    .Max( t => t.TransactionDateTime )
        } );

gReport.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
gReport.DataSource = selection.ToList();

I'm trying to use the LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder solution that Ethan Brown provided here but struggling with how to create the expression for the LastTransaction sub-query and how to bind the query to the GridView.

This is what I have so far...

var people = context.Set<Person>();
var transactions = context.Set<FinancialTransaction>();

var dataview = people.Where( p => p.LastName == "Smith" );

var dynamicFields = new Dictionary<string, Type>();
dynamicFields.Add( "FirstName", typeof( string ) );
dynamicFields.Add( "LastName", typeof( string ) );
dynamicFields.Add( "LastTransaction", typeof( DateTime? ) );

Type dynamicType = Rock.Data.LinqRuntimeTypeBuilder.GetDynamicType( dynamicFields );

ParameterExpression sourceItem = Expression.Parameter( dataview.ElementType, "x" );

// Is this right? if if so how do I bind it to the dynamic field????
Expression<Func<Person, DateTime>> lastTransactionSelect = a => transactions.Where( t => t.AuthorizedPersonId == a.Id && t.TransactionDateTime.HasValue ).Max( t => t.TransactionDateTime.Value );

var bindings = new List<MemberBinding>();
bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "FirstName" ), Expression.Property( sourceItem, dataview.ElementType.GetProperty( "FirstName" ) ) ) );
bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "LastName" ), Expression.Property( sourceItem, dataview.ElementType.GetProperty( "LastName" ) ) ) );
bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "LastTransaction" ), ??? ) );

Expression selector = Expression.Lambda( Expression.MemberInit( Expression.New( dynamicType.GetConstructor( Type.EmptyTypes ) ), bindings ), sourceItem );

var query = dataview.Provider.CreateQuery(
        typeof( Queryable ),
        new Type[] { dataview.ElementType, dynamicType },
    Expression.Constant( dataview ), selector ) ).AsNoTracking();

// Can't bind directly to the query since it's a DBQuery object
gReport.DataSource = ???;


How can I create the expression for the sub-query, and then also what's the best way to bind the query to the GridView?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


After using Reflector to evaluate how the compiler generated the linq statement, here's how I ended up creating the expression for the sub-select...

ParameterExpression transactionParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FinancialTransaction), "t");
MemberExpression authorizedPersonIdProperty = Expression.Property(transactionParameter, "AuthorizedPersonId");
MemberExpression transactionDateTime = Expression.Property(transactionParameter,"TransactionDateTime");

MethodInfo whereMethod = GetWhereMethod();
MethodInfo maxMethod = GetMaxMethod();

var personIdCompare = new Expression[] { 
    Expression.Lambda<Func<FinancialTransaction, bool>>( Expression.Equal(authorizedPersonIdProperty, Expression.Convert(idProperty, typeof(int?))), new ParameterExpression[] { transactionParameter } ) 
var transactionDate = Expression.Lambda<Func<FinancialTransaction, DateTime?>>( transactionDateTime, new ParameterExpression[] { transactionParameter } );
var lastTransactionDate = Expression.Call( null, maxMethod, new Expression[] { Expression.Call( null, whereMethod, personIdCompare ), transactionDate } );


bindings.Add( Expression.Bind( dynamicType.GetField( "LastTransaction" ), lastTransactionDate ) );


private MethodInfo GetWhereMethod()
    Func<FinancialTransaction, bool> fake = element => default( bool );
    Expression<Func<IEnumerable<FinancialTransaction>, IEnumerable<FinancialTransaction>>> lamda = list => list.Where( fake );
    return ( lamda.Body as MethodCallExpression ).Method;

private MethodInfo GetMaxMethod()
    Func<FinancialTransaction, DateTime?> fake = element => default( DateTime? );
    Expression<Func<IEnumerable<FinancialTransaction>, DateTime?>> lamda = list => list.Max( fake );
    return ( lamda.Body as MethodCallExpression ).Method;

نصائح أخرى

I know your main question is about building a dynamic linq expression tree, but I might be able to help with your secondary question about binding the Queryable to the grid.

EDIT: Sorry, I actually tried this and doing OfType< object > generated a Casting exception, so here is something that will actually work

var query = dataview.Provider.CreateQuery(
        typeof( Queryable ),
        new Type[] { dataview.ElementType, dynamicType },
    Expression.Constant( dataview ), selector ) ).AsNoTracking();

// enumerate thru the query results and put into a list
var listResult = new List<object>();
var enumerator = query.GetEnumerator();
while ( enumerator.MoveNext() )
    reportResult.Add( enumerator.Current );

gReport.DataSource = listResult;

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