
I am trying to upload a flat file of product data to MWS. I want to use a tab delimited, flat file.

Could someone please provide an example of a correctly formatted flat file that I could copy and paste into the MWS Scratchpad?

Also is there some type of validator at amazon where I could test my flat file and verify that it's correctly formatted before I send it along?

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If you are not one already, you would need to sign up as a Professional seller in order to access the Inventory File Templates which will validate your data. I assume you are trying to create new products that don't already exist on Amazon or add/change data on existing products. For this you would need one of the Category Specific Inventory Files. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?ie=UTF8&nodeId=200186090

Let's say you're trying to upload a flat file for Books. You would first download the Flat.File.BookLoader template from the above URL. Fill out your data. Fill out your MWS security credentials on the Add-Ins tab. Click the Validate button on the Add-Ins tab. If everything is good, click Upload File, also on the Add-Ins tab.

There's also the Check File feature at the Seller Central website > Inventory > Add Products via Upload > Upload Inventory Files > "Select type of file to upload" > Check File button.

I just saved 1 line of test data from within the template as a tab delimited text file. There's 3 rows of Amazon headers and a LOT of columns. Some columns require data in order to be valid, others do not. Here's what I got:

TemplateType=BookLoader Version=2013.1024   The top 3 rows are for Amazon.com use only. Do not modify or delete the top 3 rows.                                 Offer - These attributes are required to make your item buyable for customers on the site                                   Discovery - These attributes have an effect on how customers can find your product on the site using browse or search                   Image - These attributes provide links to images for a product                      Fulfillment - Use these columns to provide fulfillment-related information for either Amazon-fulfilled (FBA) or seller-fulfilled orders.                            Ungrouped - These attributes create rich product listings for your buyers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
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10162513    0452011876  UPC Olympus Camedia C-50 Digital Camera Sony            J.K.Rowling paperback   1994                                                                http://www.companyname.com/images/1250.main.jpg     
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