
I want to try developing an android application that can send image/pdfFile from android to android device. For example i have a list of patients. when i click an item it will go to send file to patient that i have clicked. Then the sent file will be stored in database. and will serve as sent file history. Just like an instant messaging. I found an example of instant messaging but this only sending texts not images/files

here AndroidIM

Could anyone convert it to sending images?I really don't know how. Or just link me to some tutorial in sending images/files to another device. I am using also database for storing history of sent files.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


send the image to you PHP backend using the Http MultiPart Request like the following :

 HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpPost request = new HttpPost(url);

    MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity(

    File file = new File(imagePath);
    ContentBody encFile = new FileBody(file,"image/png");

    entity.addPart("images", encFile);

}catch(Exception e ){


and please give me some feedback .

Hope That Helps .

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