
We ran a SQL Server 2008 Export wizard overnight to copy 100+ tables from one server to another. The process worked fine (if a little slow over our network)

The report produced at the end does not show a start and end time for the operation for some unknown reason

I know the names of all the tables created (they are brand new on the target server) - is there any SQL I can run against sys.tables or a similar table that can show the last write time against the table?

The create_date value on sys.tables seems to imply that the export wizard creates empty copies of each table before starting the data insert rather than doing each one in turn

هل كانت مفيدة؟


You can get an estimation by looking at the index usage statistics

SELECT Object_Name(object_id) As object
     , Max(last_user_update) As last_update
FROM   sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats
WHERE  database_id = DB_ID()
    BY Object_Name(object_id)
    BY object
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