
Does someone know a clean way to set different versions of jQuery, depending on browser, with an integrated use of Yii? In my case, I want to load jQuery 2 to all browsers except to IE 8-.

I'm using, in config/main.php, this clientScript:


Yii 1.1.14 carries jQuery 1.8.3, and it would get referenced into the page when calling registerCoreScript():

$cs = Yii::app()->clientScript;

, because jQuery is registered as a dependence of jQueryUI. But it doesn't, because of my clientScript, defined as above. Hence, all browsers get jQuery 2 and the problem is that it doesn't offer support to IE 8-.

There is also the option of using IE comments, just like:

<!--[if (gte IE 6)&(lte IE 8)]>

So, here is the question: I would like to avoid the solution with comments and let the Yii do the job for me, but how?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


You can use CHttpRequest::getBrowser()

if (($browser['Browser']=="MSIE")&&(floatval($browser['version'])<9)){
// register legacy scripts
//register normal scripts

In order for this to work, your browscap configuration setting in php.ini must point to the correct location of the browscap.ini file on your system.

But the best decision can be - not to support IE 9 and older

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