
I'm trying to create and add event listener to a button in jquery. I'm able to achieve this, but What is my problem is that when I click any of the button in the form, this event is triggering.

here is my code:


function  secCheck(invoker) {
    var id = 'secModal', title = '<h3>Security Verification</h3>',
    body = $('<form/>').attr({'method': 'post', 'action': '', 'id': 'secCheck'}).append($('<div/>').addClass('form-group')
         .append($('<label/>').attr({'for': 'verPass'}).addClass('control-label').text('Please enter your password'), $('<input/>').attr({'type': 'password', 'id': 'verPass', 'name': 'verPass', 'value': '', 'placeholder': 'Enter your password'})
         .addClass('form-control'))), $('<div/>').addClass('form-group').append($('<div/>').addClass('col-lg-10 warning-mes')),$('<div/>').addClass('form-group').append($('<button/>').click(confCheck()).attr({'type': 'button', 'id': 'secCheckSubmit'}).addClass('btn btn-default').text('Submit')));
            createModal(id, title, body, invoker);       

function createModal(id, title, body, invoker) {
   var modal = $('<div/>').attr('id', id).addClass('modal fade')
       .append($('<button/>').attr({'data-dismiss': 'modal', 'area-hidden': true}).addClass('close').html('&times'), title), $('<div/>').addClass('modal-body').html(body), $('<div/>').addClass('modal-footer')
.append($('<button/>').attr({'type': 'button', 'data-dismiss': 'modal'}).addClass('btn btn-default').text('Close')))));
            if (!$('div#' + id).length) {
            showModal('#' + id, invoker);
function showModal(sId, invoker) {
    var $this = invoker;
    var id = sId;
    var $target = $(sId || (id && id.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''))); //strip for ie7
            var option = $target.data('modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({remote: !/#/.test(id) && id}, $target.data());

            this.modal = $target
                    .modal(option, this)
                    .one('hide', function() {
                        $this.is(':visible') && $this.focus();
function confCheck() {

This is how I did. But this was not producing the expected result as I stated above.

Please anyone help me to solve this problem...



هل كانت مفيدة؟


it should be


You need to pass a function reference as the parameter to click(), don't invloke it ans sent the result

نصائح أخرى

You can use .appendTo() in this context



better you should give a class name for the newly created button and provide deligate for event listening

 $('#button').append($('<button/>', { class: "test" }));
        $("body").on("click", ".test", function () { });
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