
I am trying to read char pointer/string from resource, and then show it from messagebox. However it seems to be blank and I don't know if I am reading it correctly.

Here's my resources:


And here's the code that I am using to read it:

void main()
    HGLOBAL G1, G2;

    HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL);

    G1 = LoadResource(hMod, FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(RT_RCDATA), "RESOURCE1"));
    G2 = LoadResource(hMod, FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(RT_RCDATA), "RESOURCE2"));

    //G1 = LoadResource(NULL, FindResource(NULL, "RCData", "RESOURCE1"));
    //G2 = LoadResource(NULL, FindResource(NULL, "RCData", "RESOURCE2"));

    MessageBoxA(NULL, (char*)LockResource(G1), (char*)LockResource(G1), MB_OK);
    MessageBoxA(NULL, (char*)LockResource(G2), (char*)LockResource(G2), MB_OK);

    /*char *strURL;
    HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL); 
    HRSRC hResource = FindResource(hModule, "RESOURCE1", "RCData"); //HRSRC hResource = FindResource(hModule, "RCData", "RESOURCE1"); 
    HGLOBAL hMemory = LoadResource(hModule, hResource);
    DWORD dwSize = SizeofResource(hModule, hResource);
    LPVOID lpAddress = LockResource(hMemory);

    memcpy(strURL, lpAddress, dwSize);

    MessageBoxA(0, strURL, strURL, MB_OK);*/


The commented parts are alternatives that I tried for reading it properly. What is going wrong? I know that the RT_RCDATA is not correct, because in the resources it's clearly "RCDATA" but then I also tried using just LPCSTR in quotes, but that didn't help either.

Also, I am not releasing the resource(FreeResource) because this is what MSDN says:

This function is obsolete and is only supported for backward compatibility with 16-bit Windows. For 32-bit Windows applications, it is not necessary to free the resources loaded using LoadResource.

What is going wrong or what am I doing incorrectly?

Edit: Bad tags because apparently I need some kind of reputation to add correct tags for this, makes absolutely no sense to me.

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نصائح أخرى

You can use the LoadString WinAPI like this:

HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
char myString[512];
LoadString(hMod, IDS_STRING101, myString, 512);
MessageBox(NULL, myString, "", MB_OK);

IDS_STRING101 has been defined in your .rc file

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