
I have an array that looks like this.

[DETROIT] => Array
    [NORTH] => 20.00%
    [SOUTH] => 30.00%
    [WEST] => 25.00%


[CHICAGO] => Array
    [NORTH] => 59.14%
    [SOUTH] => 12.94%
    [WEST] => 0.00%
    [EAST] => 34.60%

 [NEW YORK] => Array
    [WEST] => 38.00%
    [EAST] => 49.00%

[DALLAS] => Array
    [WEST] => 60.57%

With the help of another user, I got the code to print it out like this table.

NORTH     20.00       59.14      N/A       N/A
SOUTH     30.00       12.94      N/A       N/A
WEST      25.00       0.00       38.00     60.57
EAST      N/A         34.60      49.00     N/A

This is my code for printing out the following table:

echo "<table>";
$heading = "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
$stats_key = array("Stat 1","Stat 2","Stat 3");
$cities = array();
foreach ($stats as $city=>$city_stats){
$cities[] = $city;
$heading .= "<td>" . $city . "</td>";
$heading .= "</tr>";
foreach ($stats_key as $key){
$table .= "<tr><td>" . $key . "</td>";
foreach ($cities as $cit){
 $table .= "<td>" . $stats[$cit][$key] . "</td>";
$table .= "</tr>";

echo $heading;
echo $table;

I have another array, with the keys being the people in charge of these locations.

[John Doe] => Array
    [0] => DETROIT
    [1] => DALLAS


[Sara Smith] => Array

    [1] => NEW YORK

 [Donald Duck] => Array
    [0] => CHICAGO

Now, I just want to print out the same table, but the locations that are under the same person get printed out together, like so:

  NORTH     20.00       N/A      N/A       59.14
  SOUTH     30.00       N/A      N/A       12.94
  WEST      25.00       60.57    38.00     0.00
  EAST      N/A         N/A      49.00     34.60

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Edit: This is what I've done so far:

echo "<table>";
$heading = "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
$stats_key = array("Stat 1","Stat 2","Stat 3");
$cities = array();

foreach($PERSON as $per){
foreach ($stats as $city=>$city_stats){
$cities[] = $city;
$heading .= "<td>" . $city . "</td>";
$heading .= "</tr>";
foreach ($stats_key as $key){
$table .= "<tr><td>" . $key . "</td>";
foreach ($cities as $cit){
 $table .= "<td>" . $stats[$cit][$key] . "</td>";
$table .= "</tr>";

echo $heading;
echo $table;

But that extra foreach loop got me too many duplicates. Also, no two people can be in charge of one place.

لا يوجد حل صحيح

نصائح أخرى

The last foreach in your code

foreach ($cities as $cit){
    foreach($person_name as $charge){
        if($charge = $cit){
            $table .= "<td>" . $stats[$cit][$key] . "</td>";
            $table .= "<td> N/A </td>";

As far as I understood, you need to display cities in the same order as they appear in the second array.

Try this:

$array1 = array(
    'DETROIT' => array(
        'NORTH' => '20.00%',
        'SOUTH' => '30.00%',
        'WEST' => '25.00%',
    'CHICAGO' => array(
        'NORTH' => '59.14%',
        'SOUTH' => '12.94%',
        'WEST' => '0.00%',
        'EAST' => '34.60%',
    'NEW YORK' => array(
        'WEST' => '38.00%',
        'EAST' => '49.00%',
    'DALLAS' => array(
        'WEST' => '60.57%',
$array2 = array(
    'John Doe' => array(
    'Sara Smith' => array(
        'NEW YORK',
    'Donald Duck' => array(

function get2ndLevel($arr, $bKeys = false) {
    $vals = array();
    array_walk($arr, function($v, $k) use(&$vals, $bKeys){
        $vals = array_merge($vals, $bKeys? array_keys($v) : array_values($v));
    return array_values(array_unique($vals));

$dirs = get2ndLevel($array1, true);
$cities = get2ndLevel($array2);
$cities = array_merge($cities,
    array_values(array_diff(array_keys($array1), $cities))

$table = "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td>";
foreach ($cities as $city){
    $table .= "<td>" . $city . "</td>";
$table .= "</tr>";
foreach ($dirs as $dir){
    $table .= "<tr><td>" . $dir . "</td>";
    foreach ($cities as $city){
        $table .= "<td>" . (isset($array1[$city][$dir])? $array1[$city][$dir] : "N/A") . "</td>";
    $table .= "</tr>";

echo "<table>". $table. "</table>";


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