
I am having the problem that whitespace of some sort is being inserted between characters when I am converting a Queue<byte> list into a string for comparison. I do not think that they are actual whitespace characters, however, because the Queue retains only seven values and when debugging I am still able to see the seven character values. See image:

Relevant code:

Queue<byte> bufKeyword = new Queue<byte>(7);

    // Remove old byte from queue and add new one
    if (bufKeyword.Count == 7) bufKeyword.Dequeue();

    // Check buffer string for match
    StringBuilder bufKeywordString = new StringBuilder();

    foreach (byte qByte in bufKeyword) { 

    string _bufKeywordString = bufKeywordString.ToString();
    Console.WriteLine("{0}", _bufKeywordString); //DEBUG - SEE IMAGE

    StringBuilder bufWriteString = new StringBuilder();
    if (_bufKeywordString.StartsWith("time=")) //Does not work because of 'whitespace'
        for (int i = 1; i < 25; i++) { bufWriteString.Append(fsInput.ReadByte()); }     // Read next 24 bytes
        fileWriteQueue.Enqueue(bufWriteString.ToString());                              // Add this data to write queue
        fileBytesRead += 24;                                                            // Change to new spot in file
هل كانت مفيدة؟


There is no BitConverter.GetBytes for byte argument. byte gets converted to short, and BitConverter.GetBytes(short) returns an array of two elements.

So instead of



bufKeywordString.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(new byte[] {qByte});
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