
I am writing a simple C++ helpertool for a popular game (League of Legends), targeted at windows users.

I wish to allow the user to auto restart games which crash. This can be done by starting 'leagueoflegends.exe'. I want to autodetect the location of the executable and this is where I have issues.

The exe is located at: *GAME_FOLDER*\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\releases\x.x.x.xx\leagueoflegends.exe

I use a registry entry to get the game folder, ie: C:\leagueoflegends\

However there is a folder that changed with every update in the form of x.x.x.xx where the x are digits (numbers) reflecting the versions. There is always 1 folder in the releases folder.

I figured I need to use REGEXP but I didn't have much luck. This is the regexp I made:


This is what I used to get the name of the dir using cmd

dir /B | findstr /R " ^[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9][0-9]$"

However I cant seem to be able to run the executable no matter what I do. Its not like linux where I can manipulate filters and pipes. Any help with a one liner to run the exe or methods of obtaining the folder name (without using a system call?) would be appreciated. Once I can get the folder name in a variable then it becomes easy.

Thanks in advance!

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