
I am trying to change the width of twitter bootstrap popover using bootstrap 3:

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="right" data-content="Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus.">

At the moment the content in the popover spreads over two lines. I want the popover content to stay on one line. Is this possible?

I am using C#, html and css.

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You can change the popover's dimensions with CSS:


But that CSS will change ALL popovers. What you need to do is put the button in a container element and use CSS like this:

#containerElem .popover {
  max-width:none; // Required for popovers wider than 276px (Bootstrap's max-width for popovers)

You also need to change data-container="#containerElem" to match your container.

NOTE: If your popover is going to have a width greater than 276px, you need to override the max-width property as well. So add max-width: none to the .popover {} class.

Here's a jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4FMmA/

نصائح أخرى

If you want to controle the width in javascript:

HTML (example from Bootstrap)

<button id="exampleButton" type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-container="body" data-toggle="popover" data-placement="top" data-content="Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus.">
  Popover on top</button>


We set the max-width when show.bs.popover event is triggered:

var p = $("#exampleButton").popover();
p.on("show.bs.popover", function(e){
    p.data("bs.popover").tip().css({"max-width": "500px"});


  • You can also add a data-max-width attribute on the button element and get the value in the trigger function:

p.on("show.bs.popover", function(e){
    var w = $(this).attr("data-max-width");
    p.data("bs.popover").tip().css({"max-width": w});
    max-width: 100%;
    width: <width>;

The 'max-width' sets max-width of popover to the width of the page. You can then set the width as you like

You can adjust the width of the popover, but the best thing to do is to define the width of the content before Bootstrap sees is. For instance, I had a table, I defined it's width, then bootstrap built a popover to suit it. (Sometimes Bootstrap has trouble determining the width, and you need to step in and hold its hand)

I might have an easier solution:

Add the following css class:

.app-popover-fw { width: 276px; }

Use the following template for your popover

var newPopoverTemplate = '<div class="popover app-popover-fw" role="popover">' +
                             '<div class="arrow"></div>'+ 
                             '<h3 class="popover-title"></h3>'+
                             '<div class="popover-content"></div>'+

$('#example').popover({template: newPopoverTemplate });`

Working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/b5Ly2ynd/

NB: As others said, there is a "max-width" property on bs popovers. You need to alter this one if you want your popover larger than 276px.

Use this code . It will work fine:


I used the following code:

.popover {
      width: 600px;
      max-width: 600px;
      font-size: 13px;
      font-family: Menlo,Monaco,Consolas,"Courier New",monospace;
      word-break: break-all;
      word-wrap: break-word;
      white-space: pre;
      width: 600px;

Another option is to use custom template like (added only additional class: popover-lg):

<div class="popover popover-lg" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"></div></div>

Then in css:

.popover-lg {
    max-width: 100%;


        trigger: "hover",
        template: templateString,
        container: "body",
        content: '...',

This way it is clean and doesn't interfere original bootstrap behavior.

You can achieve that in two ways, one is by reducing the font-size for class 'popover' and the other is by reducing the padding in class 'popover-content'. Here is how I achieved it,

.popover {
  font-size: 12px;

.popover-content {
  padding: 5px 5px;

You can use CSS to increase the width of your popover.

    max-width: 100%; /* Max Width of the popover (depending on the container!) */

The best method I have found to affect the popover properties without directly overriding them in a CSS override class, is to use the container attribute when instantiating the popover, then using a complex selector to override the properties, thereby keeping the original properties for any other popovers you may want in some other area of your site.

Simply overriding max-width in the .popover will work of course, but then you have to live with that override for everything, essentially defeating the purpose.

What I do is set the container of my popover to the container of the triggering element, then creating a complex CSS class like .container > .popover that sets the max-width the popover only for that instance.

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