Where do I put macros (besides in normal) so they are always available in word 2013?

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22314130

  •  12-06-2023
  •  | 


I had a bunch of macros that I had in C:\Users\userx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates that were always available in word 2010 but since upgrade to word 2013 I cannot run them. Word apparently does not automatically load them anymore. I used to just do alt F8 and pick from the list. I also had a few added to the quick options bar but they are gone also.

Searched this site and MS website and can't seem to find a solution. Is there another location that I need to move the files containing the macros to or is there some other action that I need to take so I can run them again?

My guess is this is already answered here and I am just not searching for the right things. My apologies if that is the case, please just point me to the appropriate post.

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You can place a shortcut to the templates containing your macros in the following location


That will make your macros available whenever Word opens and restore the Alt+F8 functionality you're looking for. If you add toolbars to your templates, those will also automatically be attached to the Normal template when you open Word.

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