
Working on a tortoise and hare project. This method should draw the the tortoises and hares but I'm getting an error message.

protected void paintComponent( Graphics g )
  super.paintComponent( g );

  // draw the finish line
  finishX = getWidth( ) - 20;
  g.setColor( Color.blue );
  g.drawLine( finishX, 0, finishX, getHeight( ) );

  if ( raceIsOn )
      /*  loop through instance variable ArrayList racerList,
       *    which contains Racer object references,
       *    calling draw and move for each element. 
      for (int i = 0; i < racerList.size(); i++)
        draw (Graphics g);

   else // display racers before race begins

    /*  loop through instance variable ArrayList racerList,
     *    which contains Racer object references,
     *    calling draw for each element. 
       for (int i = 0; i < racerList.size(); i++)


Here is part of the class i am trying to call

   /** abstract method for Racer's move
   public abstract void move( );
   /** abstract method for drawing Racer
   *   @param   g    Graphics context
   public abstract void draw( Graphics g );

Here is the entire class

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class RacePoly extends JFrame
  private ArrayList<Racer> racerList; // racers stored in ArrayList
  private static RacePoly app;
  private final int FIRST_RACER = 50;
  private int finishX; // location of finish line, dependent on window width
  private boolean raceIsOn = false;
  private RacePanel racePanel;

  /** Constructor
  *  instantiates list to track racers
  *  sets up GUI components
  public RacePoly( )
    super( "The Tortoise & The Hare!" );
    Container c = getContentPane( );
    racePanel = new RacePanel( );
    c.add( racePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER );

    racerList = new ArrayList<Racer>( );
    setSize( 400, 400 );
    setVisible( true );

  /** prepareToRace method
  *   uses a dialog box to prompt user for racer types
  *     and to start the race
  *   racer types are 't' or 'T' for Tortoise,
  *                   'h' or 'H' for Hare
  *   's' or 'S' will start the race
  private void prepareToRace( )
     int yPos = FIRST_RACER;        // y position of first racer
     final int START_LINE = 40;     // x position of start of race
     final int RACER_SPACE = 50;    // spacing between racers
     char input;

     input = getRacer( ); // get input from user

     while ( input != 's' && input != 'S' )
        switch (input)
        case 'T':
        case 't':
            racerList.add(new Tortoise( "Tortoise", START_LINE, yPos )); 
        case 'H':
        case 'h':
            racerList.add(new Hare( "Hare", START_LINE, yPos )); 
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "That was not a T or H you bitch." );

        *  If input is 'H' or 'h',
        *      add a Hare object to the ArrayList named racerList
        *  The API of the Hare constructor is:
        *          Hare( String ID, int startX, int startY )
        *      a sample call to the constructor is
        *          new Hare( "Hare", START_LINE, yPos )
        *          where START_LINE is a constant local variable
        *            representing the starting x position for the race
        *          and yPos is a local variable representing
        *             the next racer's y position
        *  After adding a racer to the ArrayList racerList,
        *          increment yPos by the value of
        *          the constant local variable RACER_SPACE
        *  if input is anything other than 'T', 't',
        *          'H' or 'h', pop up an error dialog box
        *          a sample method call for the output dialog box is:
        *            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Message" );

       repaint( );
       input = getRacer( ); // get input from user

     } // end while
   private class RacePanel extends JPanel
    /** paint method
    *    @param g   Graphics context
    *    draws the finish line;
    *    moves and draws racers
    protected void paintComponent( Graphics g )
      super.paintComponent( g );

      // draw the finish line
      finishX = getWidth( ) - 20;
      g.setColor( Color.blue );
      g.drawLine( finishX, 0, finishX, getHeight( ) );

      if ( raceIsOn )
          /*  loop through instance variable ArrayList racerList,
           *    which contains Racer object references,
           *    calling draw and move for each element. 
          for (int i = 0; i < racerList.size(); i++)
            draw (g);

       else // display racers before race begins

        /*  loop through instance variable ArrayList racerList,
         *    which contains Racer object references,
         *    calling draw for each element. 
           for (int i = 0; i < racerList.size(); i++)


   /** runRace method
   *  checks whether any racers have been added to racerList
   *  if no racers, exits with message
   *  otherwise, runs race, calls repaint to move & draw racers
   *  calls reportRaceResults to identify winners(s)
   *  calls reset to set up for next race
   public void runRace( )
       if ( racerList.size( ) == 0 )
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,
                  "The race has no racers. exiting",
                  "No Racers", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE );
            System.exit( 0 );
       raceIsOn = true;
       while ( ! findWinner( ) )
           repaint( );
       } // end while

       reportRaceResults( );
       reset( );

   /** gets racer selection from user
   *   @return  first character of user entry
   *            if user presses cancel, exits the program
   private char getRacer( )
      String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Enter a racer:"
                                          + "\nt for Tortoise, h for hare,"
                                          + "\nor s to start the race" );
      if ( input == null )
         System.out.println( "Exiting" );
         System.exit( 0 );
      if ( input.length( ) == 0 )
         return 'n';
         return input.charAt( 0 );

   /** findWinners:
   *    checks for any racer whose x position is past the finish line
  *    @return  true if any racer's x position is past the finish line
   *             or false if no racer's x position is past the finish line
   private boolean findWinner( )
     for ( Racer r : racerList )
       if ( r.getX( ) > finishX  )
        return true;
     return false;

   /** reportRaceResults : compiles winner names and prints message
   *   winners are all racers whose x position is past the finish line
   private void reportRaceResults( )
     raceIsOn = false;
     String results = "Racer ";
     for ( int i = 0; i < racerList.size( ); i ++ )
      if ( racerList.get( i ).getX( ) > finishX  )
         results += ( i + 1 )  + ", a " + racerList.get( i ).getID( ) + ", ";

     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this,  results + " win(s) the race " );


   /** reset:  sets up for next race:
   *       sets raceIsOn flag to false
   *       clears the list of racers
   *       resets racer position to FIRST_RACER
   *       enables checkboxes and radio buttons
   private void reset( )
      char answer;
      String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( this, "Another race? (y, n)" );
      if ( input == null || input.length( ) == 0 )
          System.out.println( "Exiting" );
          System.exit( 0 );

      answer = input.charAt( 0 );
      if ( answer == 'y' || answer == 'Y' )
          raceIsOn = false;
          racerList.clear( );
          app.prepareToRace( );
          app.runRace( );
          System.exit( 0 );

   /** main
   *   instantiates the RacePoly object app
   *   calls runRace method
   public static void main( String [] args )
     app = new RacePoly( );
     app.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
     app.prepareToRace( );
     app.runRace( );

Racer class

import java.awt.Graphics;

public abstract class Racer
  private String ID;  // racer ID
  private int x;      // x position
  private int y;      // y position

  /** default constructor
  *    Sets ID to blank
  public Racer( )
    ID = "";

  /** Constructor
  *    @param rID   racer ID
  *    @param rX    x position
  *    @param rY    y position
  public Racer( String rID, int rX, int rY )
    ID = rID;
    x = rX;
    y = rY;

  /** accessor for ID
  *   @return  ID
  public String getID( )
    return ID;

  /** accessor for x
  *   @return  current x value
  public int getX( )
    return x;

  /** accessor for y
  *   @return  current y value
  public int getY( )
    return y;

  /** mutator for x
  *   @param  newX   new value for x
  public void setX( int newX )
    x = newX;

  /** mutator for y
  *   @param  newY   new value for y
  public void setY( int newY )
    y = newY;

  /** abstract method for Racer's move
  public abstract void move( );

  /** abstract method for drawing Racer
  *   @param   g    Graphics context
  public abstract void draw( Graphics g );

Tortoise Class

/**  Tortoise class
*    inherits from abstract Racer class

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Random;

public class Tortoise extends Racer
   private int speed;
    private Random rand;

   /** Default Constructor: calls Racer default constructor
   public Tortoise( )
     super( );

     // percentage of time (between 90 - 99%) that this tortoise moves each turn
      rand = new Random( );
     speed = rand.nextInt( 10 ) + 90;

   /** Constructor
   *    @param rID  racer Id, passed to Racer constructor
   *    @param rX    x position, passed to Racer constructor
   *    @param rY    y position, passed to Racer constructor
   public Tortoise( String rID, int rX, int rY )
     super( rID, rX, rY );

     // percentage of time (between 90 - 99%) that this tortoise moves each turn
      rand = new Random( );
     speed = rand.nextInt( 10 ) + 90;

   /** move:  calculates the new x position for the racer
   *   Tortoise move characteristics: "slow & steady wins the race"
   *      increment x by 1 most of the time
   public void move( )
     int move =  rand.nextInt( 100 )  + 1;
     if ( move < speed )
       setX( getX( ) + 1 );

   /** draw: draws the Tortoise at current (x, y) coordinate
   *       @param g   Graphics context
   public void draw( Graphics g )
     int startX = getX( );
     int startY = getY( );

     g.setColor( new Color( 34, 139, 34 ) ); // dark green

     g.fillOval( startX - 30, startY, 25, 15 );

     g.fillOval( startX - 10, startY + 5,  15, 10 );

     //flatten bottom
      g.clearRect( startX - 30, startY + 11, 35, 4 );

     g.setColor( new Color( 34, 139, 34 ) );  // brown
     g.fillOval( startX - 27, startY + 10,  5, 5 );
     g.fillOval( startX - 13, startY + 10, 5, 5 );

Hare Class

/** Hare class
*   inherits from abstract Racer class

import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.util.Random;

public class Hare extends Racer
   /** Default Constructor: calls Racer default constructor
   public Hare( )
     super( );

   /** Constructor
   *    @param rID   racer Id, passed to Racer constructor
   *    @param rX    x position, passed to Racer constructor
   *    @param rY    y position, passed to Racer constructor
   public Hare( String rID, int rX, int rY )
     super( rID, rX, rY );

   /** move:  calculates the new x position for the racer
   *   Hare move characteristics:  30% of the time, Hare jumps 5 pixels
   *                               70% of the time, Hare sleeps (no move)
   *   generates random number between 1 & 10
   *          for 1 - 7,  no change to x position
   *          for 8 - 10, x position is incremented by 5
   public void move( )
      Random rand = new Random( );
     int move =  rand.nextInt( 10 ) + 1 ;

     if ( getX( ) < 100 )
      if ( move > 6 )
       setX( getX( ) + 4 );
      if ( move > 8 )
       setX( getX( ) + 4 );

   /** draw: draws the Hare at current (x, y) coordinate
   *   @param g   Graphics context
   public void draw( Graphics g )
     int startY = getY( );
     int startX = getX( );

     // tail
     g.setColor( Color.LIGHT_GRAY );
     g.fillOval( startX - 37, startY + 8,  12, 12 ) ;

     g.setColor( Color.GRAY );
     g.fillOval( startX - 30, startY,  20,  20 );

     g.fillOval( startX - 13, startY + 2, 13, 8 );
     g.fillOval( startX - 13, startY - 8, 8, 28 );

     //flatten bottom
     g.clearRect( startX - 37, startY + 15, 32, 5 );
هل كانت مفيدة؟


Looking at your original draw method, you need to actually call draw on something that extends your Racer object,

     * paint method
     * @param g
     *            Graphics context draws the finish line; moves and draws
     *            racers
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

        // draw the finish line
        finishX = getWidth() - 20;
        g.drawLine(finishX, 0, finishX, getHeight());

        if (raceIsOn) {
             * loop through instance variable ArrayList racerList, which
             * contains Racer object references, calling draw and move for
             * each element.
            for (int i = 0; i < racerList.size(); i++) {

        } else // display racers before race begins

             * loop through instance variable ArrayList racerList, which
             * contains Racer object references, calling draw for each
             * element.
            for (int i = 0; i < racerList.size(); i++) {


I also noticed you used something odd for Pause? Just use, Thread.sleep(30); instead. After making those changes I was able to run the program fine.

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