
تحرير:هذا اللغز هو المعروف أيضا باسم "لغز اينشتاين"

على الذي يملك حمار وحشي (يمكنك جرب النسخة الإلكترونية هنا) هو مثال كلاسيكي مجموعة من الألغاز و أراهن أن معظم الناس على تجاوز سعة مكدس يمكن حلها مع القلم والورق.ولكن ما أن برنامجي الحل تبدو وكأنها ؟

استنادا إلى القرائن المذكورة أدناه...

  • هناك خمسة منازل.
  • كل بيت له لون فريدة من نوعها.
  • جميع أصحاب البيت من جنسيات مختلفة.
  • أنهم جميعا لديهم حيوانات مختلفة.
  • أنهم جميعا شرب المشروبات المختلفة.
  • كلهم الدخان مختلفة من السجائر.
  • الإنجليزية رجل يعيش في البيت الأحمر.
  • السويدي لديه كلب.
  • الدانماركي يشرب الشاي.
  • البيت الأخضر على الجانب الأيسر من البيت الأبيض.
  • يشربون القهوة في البيت الأخضر.
  • الرجل الذي يدخن Pall Mall وقد الطيور.
  • في البيت الأصفر أنهم الدخان دانهيل.
  • في البيت الأوسط يشرب الحليب.
  • النرويجي يسكن في البيت الأول.
  • الرجل الذي يدخن Blend يسكن في المنزل بجوار المنزل مع القطط.
  • في المنزل بجوار المنزل حيث يكون الحصان ، فإنها الدخان دانهيل.
  • الرجل الذي يدخن بلو ماستر يشرب البيرة.
  • الألماني يدخن Prince.
  • النرويجي يسكن بجانب البيت الأزرق.
  • يشربون الماء في المنزل بجوار المنزل حيث أنها مزيج الدخان.

...من يملك وحشي ؟

هل كانت مفيدة؟


هنا الحل في بيثون على أساس القيد-البرمجة:

from constraint import AllDifferentConstraint, InSetConstraint, Problem

# variables
colors        = "blue red green white yellow".split()
nationalities = "Norwegian German Dane Swede English".split()
pets          = "birds dog cats horse zebra".split()
drinks        = "tea coffee milk beer water".split()
cigarettes    = "Blend, Prince, Blue Master, Dunhill, Pall Mall".split(", ")

# There are five houses.
minn, maxn = 1, 5
problem = Problem()
# value of a variable is the number of a house with corresponding property
variables = colors + nationalities + pets + drinks + cigarettes
problem.addVariables(variables, range(minn, maxn+1))

# Each house has its own unique color.
# All house owners are of different nationalities.
# They all have different pets.
# They all drink different drinks.
# They all smoke different cigarettes.
for vars_ in (colors, nationalities, pets, drinks, cigarettes):
    problem.addConstraint(AllDifferentConstraint(), vars_)

# In the middle house they drink milk.
#NOTE: interpret "middle" in a numerical sense (not geometrical)
problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([(minn + maxn) // 2]), ["milk"])
# The Norwegian lives in the first house.
#NOTE: interpret "the first" as a house number
problem.addConstraint(InSetConstraint([minn]), ["Norwegian"])
# The green house is on the left side of the white house.
#XXX: what is "the left side"? (linear, circular, two sides, 2D house arrangment)
#NOTE: interpret it as 'green house number' + 1 == 'white house number'
problem.addConstraint(lambda a,b: a+1 == b, ["green", "white"])

def add_constraints(constraint, statements, variables=variables, problem=problem):
    for stmt in (line for line in statements if line.strip()):
        problem.addConstraint(constraint, [v for v in variables if v in stmt])

and_statements = """
They drink coffee in the green house.
The man who smokes Pall Mall has birds.
The English man lives in the red house.
The Dane drinks tea.
In the yellow house they smoke Dunhill.
The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
The German smokes Prince.
The Swede has a dog.
add_constraints(lambda a,b: a == b, and_statements)

nextto_statements = """
The man who smokes Blend lives in the house next to the house with cats.
In the house next to the house where they have a horse, they smoke Dunhill.
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
They drink water in the house next to the house where they smoke Blend.
#XXX: what is "next to"? (linear, circular, two sides, 2D house arrangment)
add_constraints(lambda a,b: abs(a - b) == 1, nextto_statements)

def solve(variables=variables, problem=problem):
    from itertools  import groupby
    from operator   import itemgetter

    # find & print solutions
    for solution in problem.getSolutionIter():
        for key, group in groupby(sorted(solution.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1)), key=itemgetter(1)):
            print key, 
            for v in sorted(dict(group).keys(), key=variables.index):
                print v.ljust(9),

if __name__ == '__main__':


1 yellow    Norwegian cats      water     Dunhill  
2 blue      Dane      horse     tea       Blend    
3 red       English   birds     milk      Pall Mall
4 green     German    zebra     coffee    Prince   
5 white     Swede     dog       beer      Blue Master

فإنه يأخذ 0.6 ثانية (وحدة المعالجة المركزية 1.5 GHz) لإيجاد الحل.
الجواب هو "الألماني يملك حمار وحشي."

لتثبيت constraint وحدة عبر pip:نقطة تثبيت بيثون-القيد

لتثبيت يدويا:

نصائح أخرى

في Prolog، يمكننا إنشاء المجال فقط عن طريق تحديد العناصر من ذلك :) (صنع خيارات حصرية للطرفين, ، من أجل الكفاءة).باستخدام SWI-Prolog،

select([A|As],S):- select(A,S,S1),select(As,S1).

left_of(A,B,C):- append(_,[A,B|_],C).  
next_to(A,B,C):- left_of(A,B,C) ; left_of(B,A,C).

zebra(Owns, HS):-     % house: color,nation,pet,drink,smokes
  HS   = [ h(_,norwegian,_,_,_),    h(blue,_,_,_,_),   h(_,_,_,milk,_), _, _], 
  select([ h(red,brit,_,_,_),       h(_,swede,dog,_,_), 
           h(_,dane,_,tea,_),       h(_,german,_,_,prince)], HS),
  select([ h(_,_,birds,_,pallmall), h(yellow,_,_,_,dunhill),
           h(_,_,_,beer,bluemaster)],                        HS), 
  left_of( h(green,_,_,coffee,_),   h(white,_,_,_,_),        HS),
  next_to( h(_,_,_,_,dunhill),      h(_,_,horse,_,_),        HS),
  next_to( h(_,_,_,_,blend),        h(_,_,cats, _,_),        HS),
  next_to( h(_,_,_,_,blend),        h(_,_,_,water,_),        HS),
  member(  h(_,Owns,zebra,_,_),                              HS).

يعمل على الفور تماما:

?- time( (zebra(Who,HS), writeln(Who), nl, maplist(writeln,HS), nl, false 
          ; writeln('no more solutions!') )).

h( yellow, norwegian, cats,   water,  dunhill   )
h( blue,   dane,      horse,  tea,    blend     )
h( red,    brit,      birds,  milk,   pallmall  )
h( green,  german,    zebra,  coffee, prince    )     % formatted by hand
h( white,  swede,     dog,    beer,   bluemaster)

no more solutions!
% 1,706 inferences, 0.000 CPU in 0.070 seconds (0% CPU, Infinite Lips)

ذكر أحد الملصقات بالفعل أن Prolog هو حل محتمل.هذا صحيح، وهذا هو الحل الذي سأستخدمه.بعبارات أكثر عمومية، هذه مشكلة مثالية لنظام الاستدلال الآلي.Prolog هي لغة برمجة منطقية (والمترجم المرتبط بها) تشكل مثل هذا النظام.يسمح بشكل أساسي باستخلاص الحقائق من البيانات التي يتم الإدلاء بها باستخدام منطق الطلب الأول.FOL هو في الأساس شكل أكثر تقدمًا من المنطق المقترح.إذا قررت أنك لا تريد استخدام Prolog، فيمكنك استخدام نظام مماثل من تصميمك باستخدام تقنية مثل طريقة العمل لأداء استخلاص الاستنتاجات.

ستحتاج بالطبع إلى إضافة بعض القواعد حول الحمير الوحشية، حيث لم يتم ذكرها في أي مكان...أعتقد أن القصد هو أنه يمكنك اكتشاف الحيوانات الأليفة الأربعة الأخرى وبالتالي استنتاج أن آخر حيوان هو الحمار الوحشي؟ستحتاج إلى إضافة قواعد تنص على أن الحمار الوحشي هو أحد الحيوانات الأليفة، ويمكن لكل منزل أن يحتوي على حيوان أليف واحد فقط.إن الحصول على هذا النوع من المعرفة "الفطرة السليمة" في نظام الاستدلال هو العقبة الرئيسية أمام استخدام هذه التقنية كذكاء اصطناعي حقيقي.هناك بعض المشاريع البحثية، مثل Cyc، التي تحاول تقديم مثل هذه المعرفة العامة من خلال القوة الغاشمة.لقد حققوا قدرًا مثيرًا للاهتمام من النجاح.

متوافق مع SWI-Prolog:

% NOTE - This may or may not be more efficent. A bit verbose, though.
left_side(L, R, [L, R, _, _, _]).
left_side(L, R, [_, L, R, _, _]).
left_side(L, R, [_, _, L, R, _]).
left_side(L, R, [_, _, _, L, R]).

next_to(X, Y, Street) :- left_side(X, Y, Street).
next_to(X, Y, Street) :- left_side(Y, X, Street).

m(X, Y) :- member(X, Y).

get_zebra(Street, Who) :- 
    Street = [[C1, N1, P1, D1, S1],
              [C2, N2, P2, D2, S2],
              [C3, N3, P3, D3, S3],
              [C4, N4, P4, D4, S4],
              [C5, N5, P5, D5, S5]],
    m([red, english, _, _, _], Street),
    m([_, swede, dog, _, _], Street),
    m([_, dane, _, tea, _], Street),
    left_side([green, _, _, _, _], [white, _, _, _, _], Street),
    m([green, _, _, coffee, _], Street),
    m([_, _, birds, _, pallmall], Street),
    m([yellow, _, _, _, dunhill], Street),
    D3 = milk,
    N1 = norwegian,
    next_to([_, _, _, _, blend], [_, _, cats, _, _], Street),
    next_to([_, _, horse, _, _], [_, _, _, _, dunhill], Street),
    m([_, _, _, beer, bluemaster], Street),
    m([_, german, _, _, prince], Street),
    next_to([_, norwegian, _, _, _], [blue, _, _, _, _], Street),
    next_to([_, _, _, water, _], [_, _, _, _, blend], Street),
    m([_, Who, zebra, _, _], Street).

عند المترجم:

?- get_zebra(Street, Who).
Street = ...
Who = german

وإليك كيف سأفعل ذلك.أولاً سأقوم بإنشاء جميع صفوف n المطلوبة

(housenumber, color, nationality, pet, drink, smoke)

5^6 منها، 15625، يمكن التحكم فيها بسهولة.ثم سأقوم بتصفية الشروط المنطقية البسيطة.هناك عشرة منها، وكل منها تتوقع تصفية 8/25 من الشروط (1/25 من الشروط تحتوي على سويدي مع كلب، 16/25 تحتوي على غير سويدي مع غير كلب) .بالطبع ليسوا مستقلين، لكن بعد تصفية هؤلاء، لن يتبقى الكثير منهم.

بعد ذلك، لديك مشكلة رسم بياني جميلة.قم بإنشاء رسم بياني حيث تمثل كل عقدة واحدة من مجموعات n المتبقية.أضف حواف إلى الرسم البياني إذا كان الطرفان يحتويان على تكرارات في بعض مواضع n-tuple أو ينتهكان أي قيود "موضعية" (هناك خمسة منها).من هناك، تكون على وشك الوصول إلى المنزل، ابحث في الرسم البياني عن مجموعة مستقلة من خمس عقد (مع عدم اتصال أي من العقد بحواف).إذا لم يكن هناك الكثير، فمن المحتمل أن تتمكن من إنشاء جميع الصفوف الخمسة من صفوف n بشكل شامل وتصفيتها مرة أخرى.

قد يكون هذا مرشحًا جيدًا للعبة كود الجولف.من المحتمل أن يتمكن شخص ما من حلها في سطر واحد باستخدام شيء مثل هاسكل :)

فكرة لاحقة: يمكن لتمرير المرشح الأولي أيضًا إزالة المعلومات من القيود الموضعية.ليس كثيرًا (1/25)، لكنه لا يزال مهمًا.

حل آخر لـ Python، هذه المرة باستخدام Python's PyKE (Python Knowledge Engine).من المؤكد أنه أكثر تفصيلاً من استخدام وحدة "القيد" الخاصة بـ Python في الحل بواسطة @ J. F.Sebastian، ولكنه يوفر مقارنة مثيرة للاهتمام لأي شخص يبحث في محرك معرفة أولي لهذا النوع من المشكلات.


categories( POSITION, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )                                   # There are five houses.
categories( HOUSE_COLOR, blue, red, green, white, yellow )              # Each house has its own unique color.
categories( NATIONALITY, Norwegian, German, Dane, Swede, English )      # All house owners are of different nationalities.
categories( PET, birds, dog, cats, horse, zebra )                       # They all have different pets.
categories( DRINK, tea, coffee, milk, beer, water )                     # They all drink different drinks.
categories( SMOKE, Blend, Prince, 'Blue Master', Dunhill, 'Pall Mall' ) # They all smoke different cigarettes.

related( NATIONALITY, English, HOUSE_COLOR, red )    # The English man lives in the red house.
related( NATIONALITY, Swede, PET, dog )              # The Swede has a dog.
related( NATIONALITY, Dane, DRINK, tea )             # The Dane drinks tea.
left_of( HOUSE_COLOR, green, HOUSE_COLOR, white )    # The green house is on the left side of the white house.
related( DRINK, coffee, HOUSE_COLOR, green )         # They drink coffee in the green house.
related( SMOKE, 'Pall Mall', PET, birds )            # The man who smokes Pall Mall has birds.
related( SMOKE, Dunhill, HOUSE_COLOR, yellow )       # In the yellow house they smoke Dunhill.
related( POSITION, 3, DRINK, milk )                  # In the middle house they drink milk.
related( NATIONALITY, Norwegian, POSITION, 1 )       # The Norwegian lives in the first house.
next_to( SMOKE, Blend, PET, cats )                   # The man who smokes Blend lives in the house next to the house with cats.
next_to( SMOKE, Dunhill, PET, horse )                # In the house next to the house where they have a horse, they smoke Dunhill.
related( SMOKE, 'Blue Master', DRINK, beer )         # The man who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
related( NATIONALITY, German, SMOKE, Prince )        # The German smokes Prince.
next_to( NATIONALITY, Norwegian, HOUSE_COLOR, blue ) # The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
next_to( DRINK, water, SMOKE, Blend )                # They drink water in the house next to the house where they smoke Blend.


# Categories

# Foreach set of categories, assert each type
        clues.categories($category, $thing1, $thing2, $thing3, $thing4, $thing5)
        clues.is_category($category, $thing1)
        clues.is_category($category, $thing2)
        clues.is_category($category, $thing3)
        clues.is_category($category, $thing4)
        clues.is_category($category, $thing5)

# Inverse Relationships

# Foreach A=1, assert 1=A
        clues.related($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)
        clues.related($category2, $thing2, $category1, $thing1)

# Foreach A!1, assert 1!A
        clues.not_related($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)
        clues.not_related($category2, $thing2, $category1, $thing1)

# Foreach "A beside B", assert "B beside A"
        clues.next_to($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)
        clues.next_to($category2, $thing2, $category1, $thing1)

# Transitive Relationships

# Foreach A=1 and 1=a, assert A=a
        clues.related($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)
        clues.related($category2, $thing2, $category3, $thing3)

        check unique($thing1, $thing2, $thing3) \
          and unique($category1, $category2, $category3)
        clues.related($category1, $thing1, $category3, $thing3)

# Foreach A=1 and 1!a, assert A!a
        clues.related($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)
        clues.not_related($category2, $thing2, $category3, $thing3)

        check unique($thing1, $thing2, $thing3) \
          and unique($category1, $category2, $category3)
        clues.not_related($category1, $thing1, $category3, $thing3)

# Exclusive Relationships

# Foreach A=1, assert A!2 and A!3 and A!4 and A!5
        clues.related($category, $thing, $category_other, $thing_other)
        check unique($category, $category_other)

        clues.is_category($category_other, $thing_not_other)
        check unique($thing, $thing_other, $thing_not_other)
        clues.not_related($category, $thing, $category_other, $thing_not_other)

# Foreach A!1 and A!2 and A!3 and A!4, assert A=5
        clues.not_related($category, $thing, $category_other, $thingA)
        clues.not_related($category, $thing, $category_other, $thingB)
        check unique($thingA, $thingB)

        clues.not_related($category, $thing, $category_other, $thingC)
        check unique($thingA, $thingB, $thingC)

        clues.not_related($category, $thing, $category_other, $thingD)
        check unique($thingA, $thingB, $thingC, $thingD)

        # Find the fifth variation of category_other.
        clues.is_category($category_other, $thingE)
        check unique($thingA, $thingB, $thingC, $thingD, $thingE)
        clues.related($category, $thing, $category_other, $thingE)

# Neighbors: Basic

# Foreach "A left of 1", assert "A beside 1"
        clues.left_of($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)
        clues.next_to($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)

# Foreach "A beside 1", assert A!1
        clues.next_to($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)
        check unique($category1, $category2)
        clues.not_related($category1, $thing1, $category2, $thing2)

# Neighbors: Spatial Relationships

# Foreach "A beside B" and "A=(at-edge)", assert "B=(near-edge)"
        clues.related(POSITION, $position_known, $category, $thing)
        check is_edge($position_known)

        clues.next_to($category, $thing, $category_other, $thing_other)

        clues.is_category(POSITION, $position_other)
        check is_beside($position_known, $position_other)
        clues.related(POSITION, $position_other, $category_other, $thing_other)

# Foreach "A beside B" and "A!(near-edge)" and "B!(near-edge)", assert "A!(at-edge)"
        clues.next_to($category, $thing, $category_other, $thing_other)

        clues.is_category(POSITION, $position_edge)
        clues.is_category(POSITION, $position_near_edge)
        check is_edge($position_edge) and is_beside($position_edge, $position_near_edge)

        clues.not_related(POSITION, $position_near_edge, $category, $thing)
        clues.not_related(POSITION, $position_near_edge, $category_other, $thing_other)
        clues.not_related(POSITION, $position_edge, $category, $thing)

# Foreach "A beside B" and "A!(one-side)", assert "A=(other-side)"
        clues.next_to($category, $thing, $category_other, $thing_other)

        clues.related(POSITION, $position_known, $category_other, $thing_other)
        check not is_edge($position_known)

        clues.not_related($category, $thing, POSITION, $position_one_side)
        check is_beside($position_known, $position_one_side)

        clues.is_category(POSITION, $position_other_side)
        check is_beside($position_known, $position_other_side) \
          and unique($position_known, $position_one_side, $position_other_side)
        clues.related($category, $thing, POSITION, $position_other_side)

# Foreach "A left of B"...
#   ... and "C=(position1)" and "D=(position2)" and "E=(position3)"
# ~> assert "A=(other-position)" and "B=(other-position)+1"
        clues.left_of($category_left, $thing_left, $category_right, $thing_right)

        clues.related($category_left, $thing_left_other1, POSITION, $position1)
        clues.related($category_left, $thing_left_other2, POSITION, $position2)
        clues.related($category_left, $thing_left_other3, POSITION, $position3)
        check unique($thing_left, $thing_left_other1, $thing_left_other2, $thing_left_other3)

        clues.related($category_right, $thing_right_other1, POSITION, $position1)
        clues.related($category_right, $thing_right_other2, POSITION, $position2)
        clues.related($category_right, $thing_right_other3, POSITION, $position3)
        check unique($thing_right, $thing_right_other1, $thing_right_other2, $thing_right_other3)

        clues.is_category(POSITION, $position4)
        clues.is_category(POSITION, $position5)

        check is_left_right($position4, $position5) \
          and unique($position1, $position2, $position3, $position4, $position5)
        clues.related(POSITION, $position4, $category_left, $thing_left)
        clues.related(POSITION, $position5, $category_right, $thing_right)



    def unique(*args):
        return len(args) == len(set(args))

    def is_edge(pos):
        return (pos == 1) or (pos == 5)

    def is_beside(pos1, pos2):
        diff = (pos1 - pos2)
        return (diff == 1) or (diff == -1)

    def is_left_right(pos_left, pos_right):
        return (pos_right - pos_left == 1)

driver.py (في الواقع أكبر، ولكن هذا هو الجوهر)

from pyke import knowledge_engine

engine = knowledge_engine.engine(__file__)

    natl = engine.prove_1_goal('clues.related(PET, zebra, NATIONALITY, $nationality)')[0].get('nationality')
except Exception, e:
    natl = "Unknown"
print "== Who owns the zebra? %s ==" % natl

إخراج العينة:

$ python driver.py

== Who owns the zebra? German ==

#   Color    Nationality    Pet    Drink       Smoke    
1   yellow   Norwegian     cats    water    Dunhill     
2   blue     Dane          horse   tea      Blend       
3   red      English       birds   milk     Pall Mall   
4   green    German        zebra   coffee   Prince      
5   white    Swede         dog     beer     Blue Master 

Calculated in 1.19 seconds.

مصدر: https://github.com/DreadPirateShawn/pyke-who-owns-zebra

هنا مقتطف من الحل الكامل استخدام نسولفر, ، نشرت في لغز أينشتاين في لغة C#:

// The green house's owner drinks coffee
// The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds 
// The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill 

فيما يلي حل مباشر في CLP(FD) (انظر أيضًا ):

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

solve(ZebraOwner) :-
    maplist( init_dom(1..5), 
        [[British,  Swedish,  Danish,  Norwegian, German],     % Nationalities
         [Red,      Green,    Blue,    White,     Yellow],     % Houses
         [Tea,      Coffee,   Milk,    Beer,      Water],      % Beverages
         [PallMall, Blend,    Prince,  Dunhill,   BlueMaster], % Cigarettes
         [Dog,      Birds,    Cats,    Horse,     Zebra]]),    % Pets
    British #= Red,        % Hint 1
    Swedish #= Dog,        % Hint 2
    Danish #= Tea,         % Hint 3
    Green #= White - 1 ,   % Hint 4
    Green #= Coffee,       % Hint 5
    PallMall #= Birds,     % Hint 6
    Yellow #= Dunhill,     % Hint 7
    Milk #= 3,             % Hint 8
    Norwegian #= 1,        % Hint 9
    neighbor(Blend, Cats),     % Hint 10
    neighbor(Horse, Dunhill),  % Hint 11
    BlueMaster #= Beer,        % Hint 12
    German #= Prince,          % Hint 13
    neighbor(Norwegian, Blue), % Hint 14
    neighbor(Blend, Water),    % Hint 15
    memberchk(Zebra-ZebraOwner, [British-british, Swedish-swedish, Danish-danish,
                                 Norwegian-norwegian, German-german]).

init_dom(R, L) :-
    L ins R.

neighbor(X, Y) :-
    (X #= (Y - 1)) #\/ (X #= (Y + 1)).

تشغيله ينتج:

3 ?- الوقت(حل(Z)).
% 111,798 استنتاجًا، 0.016 وحدة المعالجة المركزية في 0.020 ثانية (78% وحدة المعالجة المركزية، 7166493 شفاه)
ض = ألماني.

حل ES6 (جافا سكريبت).

مع الكثير من مولدات ES6 وقليلا من لوداش.سوف تحتاج بابل لتشغيل هذا.

var _ = require('lodash');

function canBe(house, criteria) {
    for (const key of Object.keys(criteria))
        if (house[key] && house[key] !== criteria[key])
            return false;
    return true;

function* thereShouldBe(criteria, street) {
    for (const i of _.range(street.length))
        yield* thereShouldBeAtIndex(criteria, i, street);

function* thereShouldBeAtIndex(criteria, index, street) {
    if (canBe(street[index], criteria)) {
        const newStreet = _.cloneDeep(street);
        newStreet[index] = _.assign({}, street[index], criteria);
        yield newStreet;

function* leftOf(critA, critB, street) {
    for (const i of _.range(street.length - 1)) {
        if (canBe(street[i], critA) && canBe(street[i+1], critB)) {
            const newStreet = _.cloneDeep(street);
            newStreet[i  ] = _.assign({}, street[i  ], critA);
            newStreet[i+1] = _.assign({}, street[i+1], critB);
            yield newStreet;
function* nextTo(critA, critB, street) {
    yield* leftOf(critA, critB, street);
    yield* leftOf(critB, critA, street);

const street = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]; // five houses

// Btw: it turns out we don't need uniqueness constraint.

const constraints = [
    s => thereShouldBe({nation: 'English', color: 'red'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBe({nation: 'Swede', animal: 'dog'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBe({nation: 'Dane', drink: 'tea'}, s),
    s => leftOf({color: 'green'}, {color: 'white'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBe({drink: 'coffee', color: 'green'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBe({cigarettes: 'PallMall', animal: 'birds'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBe({color: 'yellow', cigarettes: 'Dunhill'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBeAtIndex({drink: 'milk'}, 2, s),
    s => thereShouldBeAtIndex({nation: 'Norwegian'}, 0, s),
    s => nextTo({cigarettes: 'Blend'}, {animal: 'cats'}, s),
    s => nextTo({animal: 'horse'}, {cigarettes: 'Dunhill'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBe({cigarettes: 'BlueMaster', drink: 'beer'}, s),
    s => thereShouldBe({nation: 'German', cigarettes: 'Prince'}, s),
    s => nextTo({nation: 'Norwegian'}, {color: 'blue'}, s),
    s => nextTo({drink: 'water'}, {cigarettes: 'Blend'}, s),

    s => thereShouldBe({animal: 'zebra'}, s), // should be somewhere

function* findSolution(remainingConstraints, street) {
    if (remainingConstraints.length === 0)
        yield street;
        for (const newStreet of _.head(remainingConstraints)(street))
            yield* findSolution(_.tail(remainingConstraints), newStreet);

for (const streetSolution of findSolution(constraints, street)) {


[ { color: 'yellow',
    cigarettes: 'Dunhill',
    nation: 'Norwegian',
    animal: 'cats',
    drink: 'water' },
  { nation: 'Dane',
    drink: 'tea',
    cigarettes: 'Blend',
    animal: 'horse',
    color: 'blue' },
  { nation: 'English',
    color: 'red',
    cigarettes: 'PallMall',
    animal: 'birds',
    drink: 'milk' },
  { color: 'green',
    drink: 'coffee',
    nation: 'German',
    cigarettes: 'Prince',
    animal: 'zebra' },
  { nation: 'Swede',
    animal: 'dog',
    color: 'white',
    cigarettes: 'BlueMaster',
    drink: 'beer' } ]

يبلغ وقت التشغيل حوالي 2.5 ثانية بالنسبة لي، ولكن يمكن تحسين ذلك كثيرًا عن طريق تغيير ترتيب القواعد.قررت الاحتفاظ بالأمر الأصلي من أجل الوضوح.

شكرا، كان هذا تحديا رائعا!

هذه حقًا مشكلة حل القيد.يمكنك القيام بذلك من خلال نوع عام من انتشار القيد في البرمجة المنطقية مثل اللغات.لدينا عرض توضيحي مخصص لمشكلة Zebra في نظام ALE (محرك منطق السمات):


إليك الرابط لترميز لغز Zebra المبسط:


للقيام بذلك بكفاءة أمر آخر.

أسهل طريقة لحل مثل هذه المشكلات برمجيًا هي استخدام الحلقات المتداخلة على كافة التباديل والتحقق لمعرفة ما إذا كانت النتيجة تلبي المسندات في السؤال.يمكن رفع العديد من المسندات من الحلقة الداخلية إلى الحلقات الخارجية لتقليل التعقيد الحسابي بشكل كبير حتى يمكن حساب الإجابة في وقت معقول.

فيما يلي حل F# بسيط مشتق من مقال في مجلة F#:

let rec distribute y xs =
  match xs with
  | [] -> [[y]]
  | x::xs -> (y::x::xs)::[for xs in distribute y xs -> x::xs]

let rec permute xs =
  match xs with
  | [] | [_] as xs -> [xs]
  | x::xs -> List.collect (distribute x) (permute xs)

let find xs x = List.findIndex ((=) x) xs + 1

let eq xs x ys y = find xs x = find ys y

let nextTo xs x ys y = abs(find xs x - find ys y) = 1

let nations = ["British"; "Swedish"; "Danish"; "Norwegian"; "German"]

let houses = ["Red"; "Green"; "Blue"; "White"; "Yellow"]

let drinks = ["Milk"; "Coffee"; "Water"; "Beer"; "Tea"]

let smokes = ["Blend"; "Prince"; "Blue Master"; "Dunhill"; "Pall Mall"]

let pets = ["Dog"; "Cat"; "Zebra"; "Horse"; "Bird"]

[ for nations in permute nations do
    if find nations "Norwegian" = 1 then
      for houses in permute houses do
        if eq nations "British" houses "Red" &&
           find houses "Green" = find houses "White"-1 &&
           nextTo nations "Norwegian" houses "Blue" then
          for drinks in permute drinks do
            if eq nations "Danish" drinks "Tea" &&
               eq houses "Green" drinks "Coffee" &&
               3 = find drinks "Milk" then
              for smokes in permute smokes do
                if eq houses "Yellow" smokes "Dunhill" &&
                   eq smokes "Blue Master" drinks "Beer" &&
                   eq nations "German" smokes "Prince" &&
                   nextTo smokes "Blend" drinks "Water" then
                  for pets in permute pets do
                    if eq nations "Swedish" pets "Dog" &&
                       eq smokes "Pall Mall" pets "Bird" &&
                       nextTo pets "Cat" smokes "Blend" &&
                       nextTo pets "Horse" smokes "Dunhill" then
                      yield nations, houses, drinks, smokes, pets ]

الإخراج الذي تم الحصول عليه في 9 مللي ثانية هو:

val it :
  (string list * string list * string list * string list * string list) list =
  [(["Norwegian"; "Danish"; "British"; "German"; "Swedish"],
    ["Yellow"; "Blue"; "Red"; "Green"; "White"],
    ["Water"; "Tea"; "Milk"; "Coffee"; "Beer"],
    ["Dunhill"; "Blend"; "Pall Mall"; "Prince"; "Blue Master"],
    ["Cat"; "Horse"; "Bird"; "Zebra"; "Dog"])]

مثال Microsoft Solver Foundation من:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff525831%28v=vs.93%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396

delegate CspTerm NamedTerm(string name);

public static void Zebra() {
  ConstraintSystem S = ConstraintSystem.CreateSolver();
  var termList = new List<KeyValuePair<CspTerm, string>>();

  NamedTerm House = delegate(string name) {
    CspTerm x = S.CreateVariable(S.CreateIntegerInterval(1, 5), name);
    termList.Add(new KeyValuePair<CspTerm, string>(x, name));
    return x;

  CspTerm English = House("English"), Spanish = House("Spanish"),
    Japanese = House("Japanese"), Italian = House("Italian"),
    Norwegian = House("Norwegian");
  CspTerm red = House("red"), green = House("green"),
    white = House("white"),
    blue = House("blue"), yellow = House("yellow");
  CspTerm dog = House("dog"), snails = House("snails"),
    fox = House("fox"),
    horse = House("horse"), zebra = House("zebra");
  CspTerm painter = House("painter"), sculptor = House("sculptor"),
    diplomat = House("diplomat"), violinist = House("violinist"),
    doctor = House("doctor");
  CspTerm tea = House("tea"), coffee = House("coffee"),
    milk = House("milk"),
    juice = House("juice"), water = House("water");

    S.Unequal(English, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Norwegian),
    S.Unequal(red, green, white, blue, yellow),
    S.Unequal(dog, snails, fox, horse, zebra),
    S.Unequal(painter, sculptor, diplomat, violinist, doctor),
    S.Unequal(tea, coffee, milk, juice, water),
    S.Equal(English, red),
    S.Equal(Spanish, dog),
    S.Equal(Japanese, painter),
    S.Equal(Italian, tea),
    S.Equal(1, Norwegian),
    S.Equal(green, coffee),
    S.Equal(1, green - white),
    S.Equal(sculptor, snails),
    S.Equal(diplomat, yellow),
    S.Equal(3, milk),
    S.Equal(1, S.Abs(Norwegian - blue)),
    S.Equal(violinist, juice),
    S.Equal(1, S.Abs(fox - doctor)),
    S.Equal(1, S.Abs(horse - diplomat))
  bool unsolved = true;
  ConstraintSolverSolution soln = S.Solve();

  while (soln.HasFoundSolution) {
    unsolved = false;
    StringBuilder[] houses = new StringBuilder[5];
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      houses[i] = new StringBuilder(i.ToString());
    foreach (KeyValuePair<CspTerm, string> kvp in termList) {
      string item = kvp.Value;
      object house;
      if (!soln.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out house))
        throw new InvalidProgramException(
                    "can't find a Term in the solution: " + item);
      houses[(int)house - 1].Append(", ");
      houses[(int)house - 1].Append(item);
    foreach (StringBuilder house in houses) {
  if (unsolved)
    System.Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");
"Expected: the Norwegian drinking water and the Japanese with the zebra.");

هذا هو حل MiniZinc للغز الحمار الوحشي كما هو محدد في ويكيبيديا:

include "globals.mzn";

% Zebra puzzle
int: nc = 5;

% Colors
int: red = 1;
int: green = 2;
int: ivory = 3;
int: yellow = 4;
int: blue = 5;
array[1..nc] of var 1..nc:color;
constraint alldifferent([color[i] | i in 1..nc]);

% Nationalities
int: eng = 1;
int: spa = 2;
int: ukr = 3;
int: nor = 4;
int: jap = 5;
array[1..nc] of var 1..nc:nationality;
constraint alldifferent([nationality[i] | i in 1..nc]);

% Pets
int: dog = 1;
int: snail = 2;
int: fox = 3;
int: horse = 4;
int: zebra = 5;
array[1..nc] of var 1..nc:pet;
constraint alldifferent([pet[i] | i in 1..nc]);

% Drinks
int: coffee = 1;
int: tea = 2;
int: milk = 3;
int: orange = 4;
int: water = 5;
array[1..nc] of var 1..nc:drink;
constraint alldifferent([drink[i] | i in 1..nc]);

% Smokes
int: oldgold = 1;
int: kools = 2;
int: chesterfields = 3;
int: luckystrike = 4;
int: parliaments = 5;
array[1..nc] of var 1..nc:smoke;
constraint alldifferent([smoke[i] | i in 1..nc]);

% The Englishman lives in the red house.
constraint forall ([nationality[i] == eng <-> color[i] == red | i in 1..nc]);

% The Spaniard owns the dog.
constraint forall ([nationality[i] == spa <-> pet[i] == dog | i in 1..nc]);

% Coffee is drunk in the green house.
constraint forall ([color[i] == green <-> drink[i] == coffee | i in 1..nc]);

% The Ukrainian drinks tea.
constraint forall ([nationality[i] == ukr <-> drink[i] == tea | i in 1..nc]);

% The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory house.
constraint forall ([color[i] == ivory -> if i<nc then color[i+1] == green else false endif | i in 1..nc]);

% The Old Gold smoker owns snails.
constraint forall ([smoke[i] == oldgold <-> pet[i] == snail | i in 1..nc]);

% Kools are smoked in the yellow house.
constraint forall ([smoke[i] == kools <-> color[i] == yellow | i in 1..nc]);

% Milk is drunk in the middle house.
constraint drink[3] == milk;

% The Norwegian lives in the first house.
constraint nationality[1] == nor;

% The man who smokes Chesterfields lives in the house next to the man with the fox.
constraint forall ([smoke[i] == chesterfields -> (if i>1 then pet[i-1] == fox else false endif \/ if i<nc then pet[i+1] == fox else false endif) | i in 1..nc]);

% Kools are smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.
constraint forall ([smoke[i] == kools -> (if i>1 then pet[i-1] == horse else false endif \/ if i<nc then pet[i+1] == horse else false endif)| i in 1..nc]);

%The Lucky Strike smoker drinks orange juice.
constraint forall ([smoke[i] == luckystrike <-> drink[i] == orange | i in 1..nc]);

% The Japanese smokes Parliaments.
constraint forall ([nationality[i] == jap <-> smoke[i] == parliaments | i in 1..nc]);

% The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
constraint forall ([color[i] == blue -> (if i > 1 then nationality[i-1] == nor else false endif \/ if i<nc then nationality[i+1] == nor else false endif) | i in 1..nc]);

solve satisfy;


Compiling zebra.mzn
Running zebra.mzn
color = array1d(1..5 ,[4, 5, 1, 3, 2]);
nationality = array1d(1..5 ,[4, 3, 1, 2, 5]);
pet = array1d(1..5 ,[3, 4, 2, 1, 5]);
drink = array1d(1..5 ,[5, 2, 3, 4, 1]);
smoke = array1d(1..5 ,[2, 3, 1, 4, 5]);
Finished in 47msec
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