
I'm using SpriteKit and wonder if there is open sourced joystick somewhere which allows to move only in four directions

  • left
  • right
  • down
  • up

I understand that there are should be some workaround with angle. I'm wondering if it's possible technically, and found only joysticks which allows circle rotation etc, like this


It looks well enough instead of moving in desired directions... Because user can touch it occasionally and object will move in incorrect direction.

enter image description here

Any help really appreciated!!!

هل كانت مفيدة؟


I just created a class that provides exactly what you are looking for. My dpad class can be set up with any amount of directions you like. It inherits from SKNode and is very simple to use. I hope I could help you.

EDIT: The class isn't supported by anymore. Use it adapt it like you want.

//  LESKSliderNode.swift
//  LESKClasses
//  Created by Cyrill Lippuner on 17.06.14.
//  Copyright (c) 2014 legelite. All rights reserved.

import SpriteKit

class LESKSliderNode : SKNode
Defines the Size of the LESKSliderNode.
var size : CGSize = CGSize(width: 0, height: 0)
Defines the AnchorPoint of the LESKSliderNode.
//var anchorPoint : CGPoint = CGPoint(x:0.5,y:0.5)
Defines frameInParent with the position of the superclass and the size of the LESKSliderNode.
var frameInParent : CGRect
get {return CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x:self.position.x - 0.5 * self.size.width,y:self.position.y - 0.5 * self.size.height), size: self.size)}
    super.position = newValue.origin
    self.size = newValue.size
    //self.value = self.valueRange.startIndex + ((newPositionX + range.endIndex) / (range.endIndex - range.startIndex)) * (self.valueRange.endIndex - self.valueRange.startIndex)

Enables the LESKSliderNode to interactions.
var isEnabled : Bool = true
Displays whether a touch is in progress.
var isActive : Bool = false
Defines the space between the thumb and the edges of the scale.
var overlayThumb : Bool = false {didSet{calculateNewThumbRange()}}
Displays the value of thumb on the slider.
var value : Float
    return  self.valueRange.startIndex + ((thumbSprite.position.x + self.thumbRange.endIndex) / (self.thumbRange.endIndex - self.thumbRange.startIndex)) * (self.valueRange.endIndex - self.valueRange.startIndex)
    var val = newValue
    if newValue < self.valueRange.startIndex {val = self.valueRange.startIndex}
    else if newValue > self.valueRange.endIndex {val = self.valueRange.endIndex}
    let newPositionX = (val - self.valueRange.startIndex) * (self.thumbRange.endIndex - self.thumbRange.startIndex) / (self.valueRange.endIndex - self.valueRange.startIndex) - self.thumbRange.endIndex
    thumbSprite.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:thumbSprite.position.y)
    if self.thumbSpriteActive {self.thumbSpriteActive!.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:self.thumbSpriteActive!.position.y)}
Defines the range of the values.
var valueRange : Range<Float> = Range(start: 0.0, end: 1.0)
The range of the thumb's position.
var thumbRange : Range<Float> = Range(start: 0.0, end: 0.0)
The range of the thumb's position.
var thumbOffset : Float = 0.0
    self.thumbSprite.position = CGPoint(x:self.thumbSprite.position.x, y: self.thumbOffset)
    if self.thumbSpriteActive {self.thumbSpriteActive!.position = CGPoint(x:self.thumbSpriteActive!.position.x, y: self.thumbOffset)}

ScaleSprite is the scale for the LESKSliderNode.
let scaleSprite : SKSpriteNode
ThumbSprite is the thumb for the LESKSliderNode.
let thumbSprite : SKSpriteNode
ScaleSpriteActive is the active scale for the LESKSliderNode.
let scaleSpriteActive : SKSpriteNode?
ThumbSpriteActive is the active thumb for the LESKSliderNode.
let thumbSpriteActive : SKSpriteNode?

Description of the LESKSliderNode
override var description : String
    var string = "<LESKSliderNode> name: \(self.name) "
    string += "scaleSprite: [\(scaleSprite.description)] "
    string += "thumbSprites: [\(thumbSprite.description)] "
    string += "frame: \(self.frameInParent) rotation: \(self.zRotation) "
    string += "isEnabled: \(isEnabled) "
    if isEnabled {string += "isActive: \(isActive) overlayThumb: \(overlayThumb) range: \(valueRange) value: \(value)"}
    return string

typealias LESKSliderNodeCompletion = ((slider: LESKSliderNode, value: Float) -> ())
Closure, which is executed when a touch begins
var touchDown : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when the thumb is dragged
var touchMoved : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when a touch ends
var touchUp : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when a touch ends inside the frame of the LESKSliderNode
var touchUpInside : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?
Closure, which is executed when a touch is cancelled
var touchCancelled : LESKSliderNodeCompletion?

@param the string of the thumbSprite
@param the string of the scaleSprite
convenience init(thumbString: String, scaleString: String)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: thumbString), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: scaleString), thumbSpriteActive: nil, scaleSpriteActive: nil)

@param the string of the thumbSprite
@param the string of the scaleSprite
@param the string of the thumbSpriteActive
@param the string of the scaleSpriteActive
convenience init(thumbString: String, scaleString: String, thumbStringActive: String?, scaleStringActive: String?)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: thumbString), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: scaleString), thumbSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: thumbStringActive), scaleSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: scaleStringActive))

@param the texture of the thumbSprite
@param the texture of the scaleSprite
convenience init(thumbTexture: SKTexture, scaleTexture: SKTexture)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: thumbTexture), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: scaleTexture), thumbSpriteActive: nil, scaleSpriteActive: nil)

@param the texture of the thumbSprite
@param the texture of the scaleSprite
@param the texture of the thumbSpriteActive
@param the texture of the scaleSpriteActive
convenience init(thumbTexture: SKTexture, scaleTexture: SKTexture, thumbTextureActive: SKTexture?, scaleTextureActive: SKTexture?)
    self.init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: thumbTexture), scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode(texture: scaleTexture), thumbSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(texture: thumbTextureActive), scaleSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode(texture: scaleTextureActive))

@param the sprite of the thumbSprite
@param the sprite of the scaleSprite
convenience init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode, scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode)
    self.init(thumbSprite: thumbSprite, scaleSprite: scaleSprite)

@param the sprite of the thumbSprite
@param the sprite of the scaleSprite
@param the sprite of the thumbSpriteActive
@param the sprite of the scaleSpriteActive
init(thumbSprite: SKSpriteNode, scaleSprite: SKSpriteNode, thumbSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode?, scaleSpriteActive: SKSpriteNode?)
    self.thumbSprite = thumbSprite
    self.scaleSprite = scaleSprite
    self.thumbSpriteActive = thumbSpriteActive
    self.scaleSpriteActive = scaleSpriteActive
    self.userInteractionEnabled = true
    if self.scaleSpriteActive?
        self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
    if self.thumbSpriteActive?
        self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = true
    self.size = scaleSprite.size

override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        isActive = true
        if self.scaleSpriteActive?
            self.scaleSprite.hidden = true
            self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = false
        if self.thumbSpriteActive?
            self.thumbSprite.hidden = true
            self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = false
        moveThumbToValueAccordingToTouch(touches.anyObject() as UITouch)
        if touchDown? {touchDown!(slider: self, value: self.value)}

override func touchesMoved(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        let touchPosition = (touches.anyObject() as UITouch).locationInNode(self.parent)
        if CGRectContainsPoint(self.frameInParent, touchPosition)
            if self.scaleSpriteActive?
                self.scaleSprite.hidden = true
                self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = false
            if self.scaleSpriteActive?
                self.scaleSprite.hidden = false
                self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        moveThumbToValueAccordingToTouch(touches.anyObject() as UITouch)
        if touchMoved? {touchMoved!(slider: self, value: self.value)}

override func touchesEnded(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        isActive = false
        if self.scaleSpriteActive?
            self.scaleSprite.hidden = false
            self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if self.thumbSpriteActive?
            self.thumbSprite.hidden = false
            self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if touchUp? {touchUp!(slider: self, value: self.value)}
        let touchPosition = (touches.anyObject() as UITouch).locationInNode(self.parent)
        if CGRectContainsPoint(self.frameInParent, touchPosition) {if touchUpInside? {touchUpInside!(slider: self, value: self.value)}}

override func touchesCancelled(touches: NSSet!, withEvent event: UIEvent!)
    if isEnabled
        isActive = false
        if self.scaleSpriteActive?
            self.scaleSprite.hidden = false
            self.scaleSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if self.thumbSpriteActive?
            self.thumbSprite.hidden = false
            self.thumbSpriteActive!.hidden = true
        if touchCancelled? {touchCancelled!(slider: self, value: self.value)}

func moveThumbToValueAccordingToTouch(touch: UITouch)
    let touchPosition = touch.locationInNode(self)
    var newPositionX = touchPosition.x
    if newPositionX < self.thumbRange.startIndex {newPositionX = self.thumbRange.startIndex}
    else if newPositionX > self.thumbRange.endIndex {newPositionX = self.thumbRange.endIndex}
    self.thumbSprite.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:self.thumbSprite.position.y)
    if self.thumbSpriteActive {self.thumbSpriteActive!.position = CGPoint(x:newPositionX,y:self.thumbSpriteActive!.position.y)}

func calculateNewThumbRange()
    self.thumbRange = (self.overlayThumb) ? Range(start: -scaleSprite.size.width/2, end: scaleSprite.size.width/2) : Range(start: -(scaleSprite.size.width / 2 - thumbSprite.size.width / 2), end: scaleSprite.size.width / 2 - thumbSprite.size.width / 2)
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