
In my Rails app,I need to use oracle database.I installed the oracle 11g client successfully.I can connect the oracle server through:

sqlplus SFUSER/sfuser@SF

Then I connect oracle in Rails:

In databse.yml:

adapter: oracle_enhanced 
username: SFUSER
password: sfuser

In my Gemfile,I add

gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', '~> 1.5.4'
gem 'ruby-oci8', '~> 2.1.7'

and run bundle install All gem are installed successfully.

But when I run:

rails s

I got:

/home/hxh/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p448/gems/activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-1.5.4/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/oracle_enhanced_column_dumper.rb:67:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ColumnDumper (NameError)
هل كانت مفيدة؟


I had exactly the same problem. I found this from activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter github pages

Oracle enhanced adapter version 1.5 just supports Rails 4 and does not support Rails 3.2 or lower version of Rails.


When using Ruby on Rails version 3 then in Gemfile include

gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', '~> 1.4.0'

After running bundle install, rails s started to work.

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