
I have to restore some databases to a remote SQL Server. The problem is that they can be up to a few gb and this will cause an "OutOfMemory" exception when reading all bytes at one time. On smaller databases it is working without problems..

Now I try to stream the database sequentially to the SQL Server here:

using (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand command = conn.CreateCommand())
    command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO " + dbName + ".dbo.tempTable (blob) values (@data)";
    command.CommandTimeout = 900;

    SqlParameter dataParam = new SqlParameter("@data", SqlDbType.VarBinary);

    SqlParameter offsetParam = new SqlParameter("@offset", SqlDbType.BigInt);

    SqlParameter lengthParam = new SqlParameter("@len", SqlDbType.BigInt);

    using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileSource, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
        byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
        int read = 0;
        int offset = 0;

        while ((read = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
            dataParam.Value = buffer;
            offsetParam.Value = offset;
            lengthParam.Value = read;


            if (offset == 0)
               command.CommandText = "UPDATE " + dbName + ".dbo.tempTable SET blob.WRITE(@data, @offset, @len)";

            offset += read;

Now my problem:

A 500mb database takes more then 15 minutes and then it stops working with this exception:

System.Data.Common.DbException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

Thanks in advance,


هل كانت مفيدة؟

المحلول 2

I have solved it by myself now. The problem was that i created a byte array with 8040 byte. This would be for a 520mb database about 50000 requests. I have changed the byte size to 8MB now.

byte[] buffer = new byte[8388608];

This works well now ;)

نصائح أخرى

I doubt that the timeout is due to performance. My guess (not backed by any data, mind you) is that is blocking. Something prevents your query from executing. Read How to analyse SQL Server performance for tips how to analyze performance problems such as yours, what to measure, what to look at and so on.

Note that your UPDATE ... column.WRITE ... is a prime candidate for Operations That Can Be Minimally Logged, make sure you read on the The Data Loading Performance Guide.

As a side note I have an article describing exactly your technique, including the reading of the BLOB: Download and Upload images from SQL Server via ASP.Net MVC.

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