
I m looking for an open source implementation for the TR-069 cwmp client (CPE). I want to install it on a box containing OpenWRT firmware

I found this topic in which there is many open source suggestion.

I make also a search on the net and I found the following open sources:

I want to know what's the opensource which is complete and compliant with the TR-069 standard?

And how to install it (or port it) on OpenWRT linux platforms?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


I tested these cwmp client, I found that EasyCwmp is the only one which contain all required RPC and fully conform with TR069 standard.
This table show the supported RPC by each cwmp client enter image description here

RPR Acronym

نصائح أخرى

EasyCWMP is a complete opensource project. This link can help you to install it: http://www.easycwmp.org/index.php/manual

New updated link : http://www.easycwmp.org/install.html

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