
I have an app that reads an external database and extracts results to fill a ListView, whose row consists of a TextView and a Button. But when I changed the ordinary Button to an ImageButton, the app immediately stops after launching. My .xml for each row is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
   android:orientation="horizontal" >

    android:src="@drawable/ciplus" />

    android:text="Medium Text"
    android:textAppearance="?android:attr/textAppearanceMedium" />

Next to the ImageButton tag, I also get a warning saying: [Accessibility] Missing contentDescription attribute on image. I'm not sure whether it's the cause.

If it's just a Button, the program works fine. I don't know why changing it to ImageButton causes the problem. Thanks in advance.

Here's the java code:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    static final private String LOG_TAG = "main";
    private ArrayList<Content> aList;

    private class Content{

        Content() {};
        public String title;
        public String url;

    private class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Content>{

        int resource;

        public MyAdapter(Context _context, int _resource, List<Content> titles) {
            super(_context, _resource, titles);
            resource = _resource;
        //  this.context = _context;

        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
            LinearLayout newView;

            final Content content = getItem(position);

            // Inflate a new view if necessary.
            if (convertView == null) {
                newView = new LinearLayout(getContext());
                String inflater = Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE;
                LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(inflater);
                vi.inflate(resource,  newView, true);
            } else {
                newView = (LinearLayout) convertView;

            // Fills in the view.
            TextView tv = (TextView) newView.findViewById(R.id.listText);
            Button b = (Button) newView.findViewById(R.id.listButton);

            // Sets a listener for the button, and a tag for the button as well.
            b.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

                public void onClick(View v) {
                    // Reacts to a button press.
                    Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, WebPage.class);
                    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
                    bundle.putString("URL", content.url);
            return newView;

    class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
         private ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(MainActivity.this);
         InputStream inputStream = null;
         String result = ""; 
         Content content;

         protected void onPreExecute() {
             progressDialog.setMessage("Downloading the news...");
             progressDialog.setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() {
                 public void onCancel(DialogInterface arg0) {

         protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

             String url_select = params[0];

             ArrayList<NameValuePair> param = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

             try {
                 // Set up HTTP post
                 // HttpClient is more then less deprecated. Need to change to URLConnection
                 HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();

                 HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url_select);
                 httpPost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(param));
                 HttpResponse httpResponse = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
                 HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity();

                 // Read content & Log
                 inputStream = httpEntity.getContent();
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e1) {
                    Log.e("UnsupportedEncodingException", e1.toString());
                } catch (ClientProtocolException e2) {
                    Log.e("ClientProtocolException", e2.toString());
                } catch (IllegalStateException e3) {
                    Log.e("IllegalStateException", e3.toString());
                } catch (IOException e4) {
                    Log.e("IOException", e4.toString());
             // Convert response to string using String Builder
             try {
                 BufferedReader bReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "iso-8859-1"), 8);
                 StringBuilder sBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                 String line = null;
                 while ((line = bReader.readLine()) != null) {
                     sBuilder.append(line + "\n");
                 result = sBuilder.toString();
             } catch (Exception e) {
                 Log.e("StringBuilding & BufferedReader", "Error converting result " + e.toString());
             return result;
         } // protected Void doInBackground(String... params)

         protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
             //parse JSON data
             try {
                 Log.i(LOG_TAG, result);
                 JSONObject object = new JSONObject(result);
                 JSONArray jArray = object.getJSONArray("sites");
                 for(int i=0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {
                     JSONObject jObject = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
                     content = new Content();
                     if (jObject.has("title") && jObject.has("url")){
                         content.title = jObject.getString("title");
                         content.url = jObject.getString("url");
                 } // End Loop
             } catch (JSONException e) {
            //   progressDialog.dismiss();
                 Log.e("JSONException", "Error: " + e.toString());

         } // protected void onPostExecute(String result)

    private MyAdapter aa;
    private MyAsyncTask loadTask;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        loadTask = new MyAsyncTask();
        aList = new ArrayList<Content>();
        aa = new MyAdapter(this, R.layout.list_element, aList);
        ListView myListView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listView1);

    public void refresh(View v){
        if (loadTask.getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED){
            new MyAsyncTask().execute("http://luca-ucsc.appspot.com/jsonnews/default/news_sources.json");

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu);
        return true;


Here's the logcat info roughly from lunching to stop:

04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 3, Width = 6, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 178 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 7, Width = 6, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 186 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 2, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 194 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 15, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 198 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 8, Width = 7, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 209 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 218 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 14, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 231 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 8, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 247 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 16, Width = 2, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 257 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 0, Width = 0, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 261 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 3, Width = 3, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 263 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 13, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 268 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 3, Width = 4, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 283 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 14, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 289 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 305 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 4, Width = 3, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 315 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 320 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 2, Width = 7, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 330 
04-28 00:09:03.859: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 2, Width = 7, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 339 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 6, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 348 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 15, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 358 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 7, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 369 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 378 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 7, Width = 7, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 389 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 11, Width = 10, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 398 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 410 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 421 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 3, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 432 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 3, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 437 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 3, Width = 5, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 442 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 11, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 449 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 10, Width = 5, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 460 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 15, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 467 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 10, Width = 14, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 478 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 18, Width = 5, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 494 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 18, Width = 5, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 13 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 11, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 494 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 2, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 505 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 10, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 516 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 11, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 527 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 11, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 538 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 549 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 6, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 559 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 10, Width = 14, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 567 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 11, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 583 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 593 
04-28 00:09:03.869: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 10, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 604 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 3, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 614 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 619 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 15, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 632 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 9, Width = 8, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 642 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 652 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 663 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 9, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 674 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 685 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 18, Width = 4, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 698 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 18, Width = 4, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 20 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 698 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 16, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 711 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 19, Width = 6, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 729 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 19, Width = 6, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 26 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 729 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 14, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 742 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 758 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 771 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 10, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 784 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 15, Width = 12, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 796 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 10, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 810 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 822 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 11, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 835 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 14, Width = 10, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 848 
04-28 00:09:03.879: E/OpenGLRenderer(14018): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 13, Width = 12, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 860 
04-28 00:09:03.919: I/ActivityManager(279): Displayed ucsc.luca.listviewexample/com.example.newsapp.MainActivity: +467ms
04-28 00:09:04.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getLTELevel - rsrp:2147483647 snr:2147483647 rsrpIconLevel:-1 snrIconLevel:-1
04-28 00:09:04.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getLTELevel - rssi:99 rssiIconLevel:0
04-28 00:09:04.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getGsmLevel=2
04-28 00:09:04.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getLevel=2
04-28 00:09:04.309: W/dalvikvm(14018): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40d06390)
04-28 00:09:04.849: E/Sensors(279): GsSensor: line +83 ~~~handle===0~~en==0~~!n
04-28 00:09:04.859: E/Sensors(279): GsSensor::setDelay: line +114 ~~~handle===0~~ns==200000000~~
04-28 00:09:04.879: I/WindowManager(279): SCREENLAYOUT_SIZE (1:small, 2:normal, 3:large, 4:xlarge) 2
04-28 00:09:04.879: I/fitatc(485): no preference set
04-28 00:09:04.929: E/OpenGLRenderer(485): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 8, Width = 3, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 0 
04-28 00:09:04.929: E/OpenGLRenderer(485): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 0, Width = 0, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 5 
04-28 00:09:04.929: E/OpenGLRenderer(485): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 7, Width = 6, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 7 
04-28 00:09:04.929: E/OpenGLRenderer(485): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 8, Width = 4, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 15 
04-28 00:09:04.929: E/OpenGLRenderer(485): HUAWEI_DEBUG: glyph's Height = 9, Width = 6, current total allocated size out of MAX(1024) = 21 
04-28 00:09:06.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getLTELevel - rsrp:2147483647 snr:2147483647 rsrpIconLevel:-1 snrIconLevel:-1
04-28 00:09:06.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getLTELevel - rssi:99 rssiIconLevel:0
04-28 00:09:06.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getGsmLevel=2
04-28 00:09:06.009: W/SignalStrength(356): getLevel=2
04-28 00:09:06.229: W/SignalStrength(457): SignalStrength before validate=SignalStrength: 5 255 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 99 -32767 -32767 -32767 -32767.0.0 cdma
04-28 00:09:06.229: W/SignalStrength(457): SignalStrength after validate=SignalStrength: 5 255 -120 -160 -120 -1 -1 99 2147483647 2147483647 2147483647 -32767.0.0 cdma
04-28 00:09:06.329: W/lights(279): TP Button Light current value is 60 
04-28 00:09:06.329: W/lights(279): button_backlight:property_get,percent =0
04-28 00:09:06.359: W/MemoryDealer(147): madvise(0x42261000, 16384, MADV_REMOVE) returned Operation not supported on transport endpoint
هل كانت مفيدة؟


In xml layout you are using "ImageButton" but in your custom "MyAdapter" you are referencing it as "Button". Thats why you might be getting "ClassCastException".

Change Button b = (Button) newView.findViewById(R.id.listButton); to ImageButton b = (ImageButton) newView.findViewById(R.id.listButton);

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لا تنتمي إلى StackOverflow
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