
on setting an element:


it marshalls the XML to


I am expecting it to be:



 <element />
هل كانت مفيدة؟


JAXB does not marshal a null value as:


By default it will not marshal the element. If you annotate it with @XmlElement(nillable=true) the xsi:nil attribute will be used.

For More Information

نصائح أخرى

You need to put @XmlValue annotation on getter method value

public String getValue(){

further see How to represent null value as empty element with JAXB?

Try to set to element.setValue("") , instead of null directly for the desired output.

You have two options:

  1. set the value with an empty string and do that each time you want an empty field in the file
  2. In the getter method of value you do so:

    public String getValue(){
     if(value == null)
           return null;
     return value;

    In this case if you don't give a value to this field then you will have an empty element. Personnally, I prefer the first solution

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