
This statement is extracting a list to excel which works fine

string sql = "select wo.email, wo.productid, wo.variantid ";
sql += "from woeosemails wo ";
sql += "order by email, productid ";

string attachment = "attachment; filename=EmailList.csv";
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "text/csv";
HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "public");


using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DB.GetDBConn()))
using (IDataReader NotifyReader = DB.GetRS(sql, conn))
while (NotifyReader.Read())
string email = DB.RSField(NotifyReader, "email");
int productid = DB.RSFieldInt(NotifyReader, "productid");
int variantid = DB.RSFieldInt(NotifyReader, "variantid");

email = email.Replace("\"","\"\"");
HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("\"" + email + "\"," + productid.ToString() + "," + variantid.ToString());



I've tried adding a variety and I thought that this would work

I want to add two columns from another sql table, these are Name and SKU. Any ideas on how I can modify the first part of this code, I have tried joining the tables but nothing seems to work. The closest I have is modifying the first part to this

string sql = "select wo.email, wo.productid, wo.variantid,  p.Name pname,  p.Name psku, ";
        sql += "from woeosemails wo ";
                    sql += "join Product p with (nolock) on p.ProductID = wo.productid ";
        sql += "order by email, productid ";

Any help would be great

هل كانت مفيدة؟


First of all you need to put alias to your order by properties and remove the comma at first line at the end. Try following:

string sql = "select wo.email, wo.productid, wo.variantid,  p.Name pname,  p.Name psku ";
sql += "from woeosemails wo ";
sql += "join Product p with (nolock) on p.ProductID = wo.productid ";
sql += "order by wo.email, wo.productid ";

نصائح أخرى

The order by could be messing this up, you have two ProductID's, so you need to specify which one, ie: wo.productid. Check the same for email too.

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