
I am trying to get video stream from analog camera connected to usb easycap - in OpenCV C++.

using MATLAB, I can get stream the same approach like for laptop webcam (with changing the index from 1 to 2).

with OpenCV, I can get stream from laptop webcam with index 0. but when I am trying to get with the camera connected to the easycap (using index 1) , the laptop crashes and get blue screen.

Anyone have done this before?


هل كانت مفيدة؟


I work on the same device and I also have some BSOD with it.

Do you plug it with the USB extension provided ? If yes, try don't use it.

If your problem is still hapening, it's probably because like me, you use a low quality chinese fake EasyCap. I bought a real one and I haven't problems anymore

If you want to keep your device, you can use it with VideoCapture in python, it works very well and there is no more BSOD

نصائح أخرى

Try using Linux. I tested my code with a fake EasyCAP in windows and I got many BSOD then I built and executed the same code in Linux and it worked. Linux is driver friendly.

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