
Background: My company has a REST-api developed in Play Framework 2.2 and we use Play's built in authentication using signed cookies as security. Our application is split up into multiple instances of Play all sharing the same application.secret. This enables us to read the session cookie on all instances of Play very easy.

Problem: Right now we're in the process of migrating some parts of the REST-api to Node.js and would like to use the same session cookie there (with same application.secret) to detect if a user is logged in or not. I've searched the internet and I haven't found anything on the topic.

Question: So, is it possible to do it? Is it considered secure enough or do I need to migrate to another method of authentication?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


The cookie is encoded in CookieBaker:


with an HMAC-SHA1 signature using Crypto.sign:


You have the application secret and presumably Node.js has the same signature algorithm, so you should be good to go.

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