
I have the following message being received on my client from a PSI client:

<message from="testing@example.com/PAT" type="chat" xmlns="jabber:client" id="ab1ca" to="testing2@example.com/Smack">
<active xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates"/>
<nick xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/nick">testing</nick>

How is it that I can parse the nick extension to get the "testing" value?

DefaultPacketExtension ext2 = (DefaultPacketExtension) msg.getExtension("nick");

Only provides me with the option to get a value using getValue(String) if it's the following format:

<foo xmlns="http://bar.com">

The embedded packet extension doesn't allow me either, allowing me to only retrieve further packet extensions.

So how is it that I can get the "testing" value if it is not in an XML format?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


Smack has support for XEP-172: Simply use

Nick nick = (nick) msg.getExtension("nick");

and then


to retrieve the nickname. javadoc

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