
I am getting started with the Rcpp framwork for intergrating C++ function with R.

The following integration works just fine:

   double normal_dens( double x ) 
     const double  SQRT2PI = 2.50662827463;
     return( exp(-x*x/2.0)/SQRT2PI );

next I want to integrate:

   double test( double x ,double a) 
    return( a* normal_dens(x);); 

the internal cpp-compiler complains ( rightly-so ) that the function normal_dens is not known. What is the easiest way to do this?

many thx

هل كانت مفيدة؟


Each of these cppFunction calls create an independent shared library. They don't know about each other.

An easy alternative is to have all on the same file:

#include <Rcpp.h>

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double normal_dens( double x ) {
  const double  SQRT2PI = 2.50662827463;
  return( exp(-x*x/2.0)/SQRT2PI );

// [[Rcpp::export]]
double test( double x ,double a){
  return( a* normal_dens(x);); 

and then call sourceCpp on this file. Then later, you'll want to learn how to make packages.

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