
I have a Magazine Article content type, with a Body field. The body field is configured to use CKEditor. I also have a Magazine Editor role set up.

When logged in as Admin, I can see a "Text format" select box immediately below the editor textarea, with the usual options (Full HTML, Filtered HTML, Plain text, PHP code). When I am logged in as a Magazine Editor, the "Text format" box is not rendered to the page.

I would like, ideally, for the available text formats (depending on user role) to be displayed to all users in the select box. At a pinch, I'll take defaulting that body field to Full HTML for all users.

Under /admin/structure/types/manage/magazine-article/fields/body:

  • "Text processing" is set to "Filtered text (user selects text format)"
  • "Limit allowed text formats" is unchecked
  • "Override default order" is unchecked

Under /admin/config/content/ckeditor:

  • A "Magazine" profile has been defined. Its configured Input Formats are "Filtered HTML" and "Full HTML"

Under /admin/config/content/formats:

  • The "Full HTML" and "Filtered HTML" formats both have the "magazine editor" role assigned to them.

Under /admin/people/permissions:

  • The Magazine Editor role has permission to use both the "Full HTML" and "Filtered HTML" formats

I've cleared caches. I've turned it off and on again. What have I missed?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


I just had this exact issue. In my case it was the Better Formats module I had installed. I had to enable appropriate permissions for non-administrator roles via /admin/people/permissions in the Better Formats section. Somehow the latest round of updates I did altered the permissions. If it's not that, I'm stumped too since it looks like you have everything set up right.

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