
We are using wkhtmltopdf to convert dynamic html pages to pdf. We need to wait until all the ajax requests are finished.

Is there a possibility to delay the printing by a condition?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


You can use the --window-status option, see this post on the mailing list.

نصائح أخرى

If you can change the javascript code of the webpage then add this line of code to your javascript when you are certain everything is done loading:

if (your_condition_is_met_here){
    window.status = 'ready_to_print';

Then pass a flag --window-status ready_to_print to wkhtmltopdf. For example:

wkhtmltopdf --window-status ready_to_print map.html map.pdf

See: wkhtmltopdf javascript delay for output of google maps

You can try using the --javascript-delay option.

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