
I'm working with an Enfora MT4000 device. The device sends data to tcp or udp server when certain event has occurred. Data can be send in binary or ASCII format, but I need to use binary.

Enfora device is configured with AT commands like this:


When I configure the device with ASCII, the server receives data in this format:

r        13    0    0 $GPRMC,211533.00,A,3321.856934,S,07040.240234,W,0.0,0.0,120514,2.3,W,A*2B

But, when I use binary, the data looks like this:

$2K�  �Dk����a�H

Anyone knows how Node.js can convert binary data from a socket? I'm trying to do this with a very simple script.

// server
require('net').createServer(function (socket) {
    socket.on('data', function (data) {



هل كانت مفيدة؟


The data argument in your 'data' event handler is already a Buffer. By calling data.toString() you are converting that Buffer to a (UTF-8 by default) string. You're probably better off keeping it as a Buffer and using that if you need the original binary data.

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