
I am trying to create a DataTable (because of pagination) with PanelGrid like this.

enter image description here

My code for the grid is taken from PrimeFaces website:

<p:panelGrid style="margin-top:20px">
        <f:facet name="header">
                <p:column colspan="7">1995-96 NBA Playoffs</p:column>
                <p:column colspan="2">Conf. Semifinals</p:column>
                <p:column colspan="2">Conf. Finals</p:column>
                <p:column colspan="2">NBA Finals</p:column>
            <p:column style="font-weight: bold;">Seattle</p:column>
            <p:column style="font-weight: bold;">4</p:column>

            <p:column rowspan="2" style="font-weight: bold;">Seattle</p:column>
            <p:column rowspan="2" style="font-weight: bold;">4</p:column>

            <p:column rowspan="5">Seattle</p:column>
            <p:column rowspan="5">2</p:column>

            <p:column rowspan="11" style="font-weight: bold;">Chicago</p:column>

When i put the code for the grid between DataTable tags, it just show the header and pagination line. Some idea how to make such PanelGrids with pagination?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


You don't need p:panelGrid for that. You can use p:dataTable and p:row with p:column rowspan="2" and p:column colspan="2" like you have in your code. In case if table is more complicated use p:subTable. Example of subtable is here.

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