
Does anyone knows where to find a CAML query builder that I can use for Office 365, Sharepoint Online? (if there exists one)

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The 2 popular CAML query tools are Strammit CamlViewer and U2U CAML Builder. They both say they're for 2007, but it's been proven they work fine for 2010 versions as well.

Edit: and the BIWUG CAML Designer works for O365 too.

نصائح أخرى

Its an old question, but i will update for my finding..

there is SPCAMLQueryHelper

it has choice for office 365, i have tried it and its works :)

enter image description here

edit : in field username you should fill your email for o365 account, ex : username@mysubs.onmicrosoft.com

For the reference, people trying to find the same thing they can use http://karinebosch.wordpress.com/my-articles/caml-designer/

Select Client Object Model in settings

You can use QuickCAML, it is a very good tool for quickly authoring and testing CAML queries in SharePoint 2010 and 2013 (including SPO / Office 365).

How to use the QuickCAML see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FY2IehUjuc

Download link: https://github.com/sapientcoder/QuickCAML

Saketa CAML Query Builder is a CAML query generator for any version of SharePoint and other object models alongside, that help to retrieve data from the SharePoint lists/ libraries.

you can build your query while coding. check this cawl4SharePoint it is open source class. There are even extra features in it.


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