
عند تحميل صورة تصل إلى 300 × 300 للحصول على ملفات التعريف في SharePoint 2013 - SP يقوم SP تلقائيا بإنشاء الصور المصغرة للصورة للاستخدام في جميع أنحاء الموقع؛متصفح ORG، بحث الناس وما إلى ذلك.

أنا أدرك أن هناك كثيرا يمكنني أن أفعله لتغيير Way SP يعمل ولكن إذا كنت تعرف أداة سيتم تغيير حجم الصور (إضافة حشوة بيضاء إلى الصورة) التي ستكون مفيدة للغاية لأن هناك حوالي 1000 صورة للتعاملمع.

هل كانت مفيدة؟

المحلول 2

In the end I used a tool called imagemagick from www.imagemagick.org

First I created a simple white square 300x300 for the background image to be under the actual user image - I realise there are other ways of using imagemagick to achieve the same thing but this seemed the simplest approach for me. The next step is to resize the images to a suitable size (i.e. 300px wide or 300px tall)

mogrify -path "c:\temp\Resized photos" -resize 300x300 "c:\temp\Resized photos"\*.*
for /f %%a IN ('dir /b /s "c:\temp\resize~1\*.*"') do call composite -gravity center %%a     "c:\temp\background.png" %%a

Once that was complete I was able to run my profile image import as normal and have the user images not cropped incorrectly.

نصائح أخرى

goto site settings, under look and feel select image renditions.

here you can fiddle around to choose what you want to show with an image when sharepoint renders the profile image.

its found here:

rendition click here

select the image (thumbnail) by hovering over and click on edit renditions

edit image

these are the sizes to change to your liking:

image size types

click on the selected size to edit (scale is available)

change image prop

now select your rendition that you want as default

select default type

unfortunatly, once the rendering has started it cant be saved. What i mean is when you upload an image to sharpeoint it saves three scales and those a saved and used... the origional image is not saved. so if it saved the images cropped than it will be using the cropped images. You would need to reupload the image otherwise!

full details can be found here:


مرخصة بموجب: CC-BY-SA مع الإسناد
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