
I have an .aspx page from the /SitePages library that loads different versions for each user. The rendered code and size of the .aspx pages are different from what I can see in the Chrome Dev Tools. I know that I have made changes to that page in SP Designer but it says that the file is checked in. I also deleted all browser cache's on both user's machines and logged out and back in. I can't figure why this is happening. Any ideas?

I appreciate your help.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


At first guess you are looking at a versioning issue. If the site is a publishing site and the page was not "Published" eg a major version. This would explain the issue. Of course the two users would have to have different permissions. eg 1 can only read the other can edit. Page libraries have a setting under version control which determines who can see drafts. Change this and try again.

نصائح أخرى

I found the missing piece. A display template .html file was not published that a content editor webpart one that page was using. Therefore, only my site collection admin was able to see those changes already but a regular user was not. All good now. Thanks for your input.

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