
I want to document my code such that there is minimum need for reading and browsing the code again months later.

I know that there are different types of documentation (in source code and outside, sequence diagrams, and so on).

I just want to know what is an efficient way to document my code so that, when a few months later I want to see my code, I spend less time on reading code and understanding code flow.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


I must admit I do not agree with some of the things that the other answers recommended, so I'm going to throw my two cents;


Documentation is extremely helpful for strangers reading your code. Usually many things will not be verbose enough to be read and understood immediately, and you should then explain what you are doing.

Edit: the discussion in the comment section has pointed out something right – over-commenting is usually done when writing bad code.

Commenting your work should be precise and minimal, but, in my opinion, should definitely be present. At least a comment for every 15 lines of code. For example, on top of blocks on code, add a line about what you're doing:

def login(username: str, password: str, create_session: bool = True):

    # Filter the user we need from the database
    hash = md5(password)
    users = db.table("users", db_entities.USER)
    results = [x for x in users.query(lambda c: c.get("username") == username and c.get("password_hash") == hash)]

    if len(results) == 0:
        return None, None
        # Create a login session record in the database.
        if create_session:
            sessions = db.table("sessions", db_entities.SESSION)
            ses = sessions.new()
            ses.set("username", username) \
                .set("expiery", 31536000 + time.time())
            return results[0], ses
            return results[0], None

Minimal comments that explain why and what you're doing are very helpful throughout the code. I do not agree with the answer that states

If I come across code containing comments, I prepare for the worst: the code is likely to be bad, and to be honest the comments are likely to be bad too.

Many times, gracefully, good code is documented. It is true that bad programmers see their documentation like "Alright, my code is bad, let's add a few sentences to make it clearer".

Yes, and while this occurs quite a lot, it is also true that good programmers that write clean code also want to make sure that they return to their code and understand why they want their function to behave like that, or why did they need that line that seems a bit redundant, etc...

Yes, comments that explain obvious things, comments that are unclear, comments that were just put together to make sure that "this code is documented, yeah, whatever", are code smell. They make reading the code harder and irritating. (Adding an example below)

# Logging into Gmail when the module is imported
_client = login()
def get_client():
    global _client
    return _client

Example clarification: "No shit, Sherlock. does _client = login() log into the mail service? OMG!"

More clarification: the login() method has no relation to the login() method from the above example.

But comments that do match the standards, explain the why's and not the how's, and answer the right questions, are very very (very) helpful.

Inline comments

One thing you should NOT (and if I could write that bigger, I would) do, is write your comments in the same line of the code. It makes comments very line-specific, which completely misses the purpose of commenting your code.

For example, bad inline comments:

outer = MIMEText(details["message"]) # Constructing a new MIMEText object
outer["To"] = details["to"] # Setting message recipient
outer["From"] = "xAI No-Reply" # Setting message sender
outer["Subject"] = details["subject"] # Setting message subject
outer.preamble = "You will not see this in a MIME-aware mail reader.\n" # I don't know what I'm doing here, I copied this from SO.
msg = outer.as_string() # Getting the string of the message
_client = details["client"] # Assigning the client
_client.sendmail(SENDER, details["to"], msg) # Sending the mail

Would be much easier to read and understand this code without the comments, that make it messy and unreadable.

Instead, comments inside your code should be placed above blocks on code, and they should answer the important questions that may arise while reading the code block.

# Constructing the email object with the values 
# we received from the parameter of send_mail(details)
outer = MIMEText(details["message"])
outer["To"] = details["to"]
outer["From"] = "xAI No-Reply"
outer["Subject"] = details["subject"]
outer.preamble = "You will not see this in a MIME-aware mail reader.\n"
msg = outer.as_string()

# Sending the mail using the global client (obtained using login())
_client = details["client"]
_client.sendmail(SENDER, details["to"], msg)

Much clearer, right? Now you also know that you have to use the login() function and provide the parameters to send_mail() with everything you used. Helps a bit, but one thing is still missing.

Function documentation

Has been widely discussed. You should always let your readers know what your function is about, why and what it does. How it does that, this does not belong to the documentation, but maybe to footnotes of the function.

You should clearly describe what you expect your parameters to be, and if you want them to be obtained/created in a specific method. You should declare what your function should return, what its use is, etc.

Again, that's my opinion and methodology while writing my code. Not only those, but those are just some of the things I could not agree with the other answers about. Oh, and of course, not just the comments read your code out, but your code itself. Write clean code, understandable and maintainable. Think about your future self while coding ;-)

نصائح أخرى

IMO the best documentation is the documentation you don't actually need. I also hate writing documentation and comments.

With that being said:

  • Pick readable and talking names. Don't use n, but instead numberOfItemsFound for example.
  • Don't shy back from storing parts of a calculation in a constant variable rather than pushing everything into one line.
  • Move partial tasks from branches into their own (inline) functions, if you're reusing them or the parent function becomes long and tedious to follow.
  • Be more elaborate and only optimize code over readability where it's really required.

Treat your code as documentation

Your code is your primary documentation. It precisely describes what the resultant app, library or whatever, actually does. As such, any attempts at speed up the understanding of that code has to start with the code itself.

There's lots written on how to write readable code, but some of the key points are:

  • do not rely on comments to explain bad code, make the code better and get rid of the comments,
  • write short focused functions, methods, classes etc,
  • use names appropriate to the context (eg n is good for a loop, longer descriptive names are needed for items with greater scope),
  • treat function names as if they were comments, eg don't use UpdtTbl with a comment explaining it updates the table with the supplied rules when UpdateTableContentsWithSuppliedRules can be used as the name,
  • avoid mutability. Every time you change the contents of a variable, you increase the complexity of the code. Assign that new value to a new variable (with a good name) where feasible.
  • lastly, and most importantly, avoid "clever" code. The only real clever code is code that is easy to read. If you write some complex bit of code and find yourself think "wow, aren't I clever here?", the answer is almost guaranteed to be "no, you aren't".

Become better at reading code

Reading code, regardless of how simple it is, is a learned skill. No one is naturally good at reading code. It takes practice; lots of practice. So, for example, go to Github or whatever and read the code of the libraries that you use, rather than just using those libraries. Find code to read and read it.

Comments are a code smell

Only then do we get to other types of documentation. Firstly, as previously stated, avoid comments. If I come across code containing comments, I prepare for the worst: the code is likely to be bad, and to be honest the comments are likely to be bad too. Someone who can't communicate well through code is unlikely to be able to communicate any better through natural language.

Beware autogenerated API documentation

Also, beware autogenerated API documentation. If I have to resort to reading such docs, it'll be because your code is so hard to read. Again, make the code simple and I can read that directly.

Tests are docs, too

Tests are documentation too. So don't treat your unit tests as a chore. Treat them as a way of communicating with others (your six month's later self being included here) as to how the code works and is intended to be used.

Draw pictures if it helps

If you like UML, then by all means find yourself a good tool and generate UML diagrams from your code. Just never ever ever ever try to use it to generate code. It's not good as a design tool and you will end up with horrible code as a result.

Have a "1000ft" view document

Finally, write yourself an overview document. What does the app do? How does it do it? What other systems does it connect to? Things like that. Do not attempt to describe the code structure here though. Let the code do that. Let this document remind you why you wrote the code in the first place.

Provide a cover letter

Unless you are in a very technical domain, most questions around the code will not be about the 'how' but about the 'why' or the 'what'.

As such, the way to reduce people from having to look in your code, is to write a short description of it. The advantage of this is that you can compile an overview of descriptions quite easily, and that this is much more accesible. (Even to people who won't/are not allowed to see the code).

Even if people are technical, the cover letter should offer guidance of where they should be looking for something.

Simple extremely minimalistic points:

  1. Introduction, why does this code (base) exist
  2. What function does the code subset fulfill
  3. Where is the code (script name for instance)


  1. This set of scripts scrapes StackOverflow and upvotes answers by Dennis Jaheruddin
  2. a. This script is responsible for parsing the html, and analyze whether it is the right user
  3. a. The script is found at: ScrapeAndVote/RecognizeDennis.scr

The biggest speed gain I usually get from building separate commits that each represent an intermediate step that compiles and works.

So if I have to introduce a new parameter to a function in order to implement a specific feature, then there is one commit that does nothing but add the parameter in the declaration, in the definition and at all call sites. Then, the next commit introduces functionality, and the third updates the call sites that make use of the new feature.

This is easy to review, because the purely mechanical changes can be glanced over quickly, and then get out of the way.

Similarly, if you reformat code, that should always be a separate commit.

Although there are one or two apparent points of disagreement among the existing answers, if only in emphasis, I'll try to summarise the usual advice in a way that makes clear where everyone's been coming from:

  1. Firstly, write clean code; any other "documentation" will take care of itself after that. Clean code is a whole set of principles to learn in the first place: single-responsibility classes, short methods that do one thing, good variable and method names, better class/type names than these by focusing on metaphors (e.g. call a MultiButtSupporter a sofa), unit tests to indicate requirements, DRY, SOLID, a consistent paradigm and so on.
  2. Code reveals how code works; comments reveal why code works. For example, explain a +1 with "prevents an off by 1 error", or some complicated formula with "derived in this textbook or webpage".
  3. Whatever you've been doing with comments, point 1 above may well achieve that in clean code. See comments as failures/necessary evils, or even lies if over time they get out of sync with code as both are edited. Comments shouldn't compensate for badly written code, because why would comments be written with any more talent or care than the code was?

On the other hand, if anything I probably err too far the other way, almost never using comments. Your code reviewers will let you know if you've got the balance in the wrong place for them, but if you make a conscious effort to follow the above 3-point plan you'll probably be close to their optimum anyway.

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