
Is it mandatory to implement a REST API even if it doesn't make sense?

I have created an app consuming REST services from other apps. Now that I have the final result, I wonder if it is needed to implement my own REST API, because as I try to implement it seems that the API has the same funcionality as the APIs I'm using without adding anything new, hence my doubt.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


No, its not mandatory to implement an API, let alone a REST style API.

Unless, you've agreed to provide one. Then yes, but you should push back and see if there isn't a better solution. Perhaps the API needs to follow another style, perhaps you could provide data extracts on a schedule. Depends entirely on what is needed.

Unless, you are implementing this API to hide the consumed APIs. In which case your service is acting as a facade. Which adds little/zero value of its own, but does provide value in decoupling the front from the back. Agian it does not need to be a REST style API. Would another network communication style be more appropriate?

Unless, you are wanting to provide some form of external automation. Such as some shell scripts that on a schedule requests reports. But this could also be provided by programatic means, such as powershell loading .net dlls. Or by standard shell command means, by providing a command line app. It doesn't have to be a HTTP/TCP/IP interface.

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