
I have a master-master replication setup using MariaDB 10.5.8 regarding replication I have these common settings in both servers:

log_slave_updates        = 1
gtid_strict_mode         = 1
gtid_ignore_duplicates   = 1
sync_binlog              = 1
sync_relay_log           = 1
sync_relay_log_info      = 1
sync_master_info         = 1

But some times depending on a query created by MySQL Workbench when dropping all tables I get this error the one breaks the replica:

 Error on master: message (format)='Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (%.192s)' error code=1451 ;

Any idea how I could prevent breaking the replica or fixing the problem without the need to do a full restore of an existing backup?

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