
I've recently discovered Magepack. It's a really good tool for Magento 2 JS bundling and it gives us a much better Google Pagespeed score than Baler which I'm using.

I was able to install Magepack on a Magento default instance and I'm planning to use it for my clients, but I'm hesitant to do so as I'm not sure if it's stable to be on production yet.

Has anyone been using Magepack on production? Is that worth using it comparing to Baler?


هل كانت مفيدة؟


I found the answer myself by applying Magepack to our merchants. I have applied Magepack on the following sites so far and they are happy with the speed.

  1. https://medmartonline.com/ (Magento Cloud instance)
  2. https://www.headcovers.com/

I recommend all Magento sites to apply Magepack to speed the frontend JS loading up.

نصائح أخرى

https://www.nkd.com/ (Commerce Cloud)

https://www.haar-shop.ch/ (OS)

https://haka.com/ (Commerce on premise)

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