How can I install dashcode (part of Apple's developer suite)? [duplicate]


  •  11-06-2021
  •  | 


I've installed XCode from the App Store, but it doesn't include Dashcode. I found this (somewhat out of date) solution, that says to just download XCode from the Apple Developer Connection and it's included in that bundle, but I don't think I can/want to do that, since I already have XCode installed from the App Store.

What should I do-- short of UNinstalling Xcode via the App Store (which appears to include only XCode, not Dashcode with it), then downloading the "big" Xcode package from Developer Connection?

thanks E

هل كانت مفيدة؟


In Xcode, choose the menu Xcode > Open Developer Tool > More Developer Tools....

More Developer Tools…

Then download "Dashcode for Xcode".

The disk image contains the Dashcode app itself; you can put it wherever you want, and there is no need to install any packages or bundles.

(This is all explained in the "What's New In Xcode" documentation.)

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