
I have a strange issue happening. I have some code which must do an http post to a client's server. Their post returns content to me, which I need to show to my user. If thee is a problem, I want to trap the error and inject my own content to let the user know there was a problem.

Here is my static helper class for performing the http post.

public static class HttpPostHelper
    public static string Post(string url, NameValueCollection values)
        StringBuilder dataBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        foreach (var key in values.AllKeys)
            EncodeAndAddItem(ref dataBuilder, key, values[key]);

        Uri uri = new Uri(url);
        HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
        request.Method = "POST";
        request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
        request.ContentLength = dataBuilder.Length;
        using (Stream writeStream = request.GetRequestStream())
            UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
            byte[] bytes = encoding.GetBytes(dataBuilder.ToString());
            writeStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

        string result = String.Empty;

        using (HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
            using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8))
                    result = readStream.ReadToEnd();

        return result;

    private static void EncodeAndAddItem(ref StringBuilder baseRequest, string key, string dataItem)
        if (baseRequest == null)
            baseRequest = new StringBuilder();
        if (baseRequest.Length != 0)


And here is my code that does the post and returns the content.

private string GetReturnContent(string callback, NameValueCollection data, LogRequest request)
    string content = String.Empty;

        content = HttpPostHelper.Post(callback, data);
        request.Message = String.Format("Content Retrieved from Callback: {0}", content);

    catch (System.Net.WebException ex)
        var response = ex.Response as HttpWebResponse;

        if (response != null)
            if ((int)response.StatusCode == 403)
                content = String.Format("The url {0} returned access denied (403).", callback);
                request.Message = content;
            else if ((int)response.StatusCode == 404)
                content = String.Format("The url {0} returned page not found (404).", callback);
                request.Message = content;
            else if ((int)response.StatusCode == 405)
                content = String.Format("The url {0} returned 405 error.  Please ensure the url is configured to accept http POST requests", callback);
                request.Message = content;
            else if ((int)response.StatusCode == 500)
                content = String.Format("The url {0} returned a server error (500).", callback);
                request.Message = content;

                content = String.Format("The url {0} returned an error: {1}", callback, ex.Message);
                request.Message = content;

            content = String.Format("The url {0} returned an error: {1}", callback, ex.Message);
            request.Message = content;

    return content;

The problem is that no matter what, I always get a server error reported to me (through an e-mail reporting handler, but that is another story. I have the exception caught, and I am not re-throwing it, and yet I still get an error report.


System.Net.WebException : Unable to connect to the remote server

Inner Exception Message:

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException : A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond [redacted]

The stack trace points to this line as the culprit in my PostHelper

using (Stream writeStream = request.GetRequestStream())

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(TransportContext& context) at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()

هل كانت مفيدة؟


You are getting a socket error. This error is happening before HTTP traffic is sent (hence, no status codes).

This block is going to get executed (hence your error email notification):


content = String.Format("The url {0} returned an error: {1}", callback, ex.Message);
request.Message = content;
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