
يبدو أن هذا الملف بتنسيق XML ثنائي. ما هو هذا التنسيق وكيف يمكن تحليله برمجيًا (على عكس استخدام أداة تفريغ AAPT في SDK)؟

لم يتم مناقشة هذا التنسيق الثنائي في الوثائق هنا.

ملحوظة: أريد الوصول إلى هذه المعلومات من خارج بيئة Android ، ويفضل أن يكون من Java.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


استخدام Android-apktool

هناك تطبيق يقرأ ملفات APK ويفكك XMLs إلى النموذج الأصلي تقريبًا.


apktool d Gmail.apk && cat Gmail/AndroidManifest.xml

الشيك Android-apktool للمزيد من المعلومات

نصائح أخرى

طريقة Java هذه ، التي تعمل على Android ، المستندات (ما تمكنت من تفسيره حول) التنسيق الثنائي لملف AndroidManifest.xml في حزمة .APK. يوضح مربع الرمز الثاني كيفية استدعاء DecompressXML وكيفية تحميل البايت [] من ملف حزمة التطبيق على الجهاز. (هناك حقول لا أفهم غرضها ، إذا كنت تعرف ماذا تعني ، أخبرني ، سأقوم بتحديث المعلومات.)

// decompressXML -- Parse the 'compressed' binary form of Android XML docs 
// such as for AndroidManifest.xml in .apk files
public static int endDocTag = 0x00100101;
public static int startTag =  0x00100102;
public static int endTag =    0x00100103;
public void decompressXML(byte[] xml) {
// Compressed XML file/bytes starts with 24x bytes of data,
// 9 32 bit words in little endian order (LSB first):
//   0th word is 03 00 08 00
//   3rd word SEEMS TO BE:  Offset at then of StringTable
//   4th word is: Number of strings in string table
// WARNING: Sometime I indiscriminently display or refer to word in 
//   little endian storage format, or in integer format (ie MSB first).
int numbStrings = LEW(xml, 4*4);

// StringIndexTable starts at offset 24x, an array of 32 bit LE offsets
// of the length/string data in the StringTable.
int sitOff = 0x24;  // Offset of start of StringIndexTable

// StringTable, each string is represented with a 16 bit little endian 
// character count, followed by that number of 16 bit (LE) (Unicode) chars.
int stOff = sitOff + numbStrings*4;  // StringTable follows StrIndexTable

// XMLTags, The XML tag tree starts after some unknown content after the
// StringTable.  There is some unknown data after the StringTable, scan
// forward from this point to the flag for the start of an XML start tag.
int xmlTagOff = LEW(xml, 3*4);  // Start from the offset in the 3rd word.
// Scan forward until we find the bytes: 0x02011000(x00100102 in normal int)
for (int ii=xmlTagOff; ii<xml.length-4; ii+=4) {
  if (LEW(xml, ii) == startTag) { 
    xmlTagOff = ii;  break;
} // end of hack, scanning for start of first start tag

// XML tags and attributes:
// Every XML start and end tag consists of 6 32 bit words:
//   0th word: 02011000 for startTag and 03011000 for endTag 
//   1st word: a flag?, like 38000000
//   2nd word: Line of where this tag appeared in the original source file
//   3rd word: FFFFFFFF ??
//   4th word: StringIndex of NameSpace name, or FFFFFFFF for default NS
//   5th word: StringIndex of Element Name
//   (Note: 01011000 in 0th word means end of XML document, endDocTag)

// Start tags (not end tags) contain 3 more words:
//   6th word: 14001400 meaning?? 
//   7th word: Number of Attributes that follow this tag(follow word 8th)
//   8th word: 00000000 meaning??

// Attributes consist of 5 words: 
//   0th word: StringIndex of Attribute Name's Namespace, or FFFFFFFF
//   1st word: StringIndex of Attribute Name
//   2nd word: StringIndex of Attribute Value, or FFFFFFF if ResourceId used
//   3rd word: Flags?
//   4th word: str ind of attr value again, or ResourceId of value

// TMP, dump string table to tr for debugging
//tr.addSelect("strings", null);
//for (int ii=0; ii<numbStrings; ii++) {
//  // Length of string starts at StringTable plus offset in StrIndTable
//  String str = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, ii);
//  tr.add(String.valueOf(ii), str);

// Step through the XML tree element tags and attributes
int off = xmlTagOff;
int indent = 0;
int startTagLineNo = -2;
while (off < xml.length) {
  int tag0 = LEW(xml, off);
  //int tag1 = LEW(xml, off+1*4);
  int lineNo = LEW(xml, off+2*4);
  //int tag3 = LEW(xml, off+3*4);
  int nameNsSi = LEW(xml, off+4*4);
  int nameSi = LEW(xml, off+5*4);

  if (tag0 == startTag) { // XML START TAG
    int tag6 = LEW(xml, off+6*4);  // Expected to be 14001400
    int numbAttrs = LEW(xml, off+7*4);  // Number of Attributes to follow
    //int tag8 = LEW(xml, off+8*4);  // Expected to be 00000000
    off += 9*4;  // Skip over 6+3 words of startTag data
    String name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi);
    //tr.addSelect(name, null);
    startTagLineNo = lineNo;

    // Look for the Attributes
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
    for (int ii=0; ii<numbAttrs; ii++) {
      int attrNameNsSi = LEW(xml, off);  // AttrName Namespace Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
      int attrNameSi = LEW(xml, off+1*4);  // AttrName String Index
      int attrValueSi = LEW(xml, off+2*4); // AttrValue Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
      int attrFlags = LEW(xml, off+3*4);  
      int attrResId = LEW(xml, off+4*4);  // AttrValue ResourceId or dup AttrValue StrInd
      off += 5*4;  // Skip over the 5 words of an attribute

      String attrName = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrNameSi);
      String attrValue = attrValueSi!=-1
        ? compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrValueSi)
        : "resourceID 0x"+Integer.toHexString(attrResId);
      sb.append(" "+attrName+"=\""+attrValue+"\"");
      //tr.add(attrName, attrValue);
    prtIndent(indent, "<"+name+sb+">");

  } else if (tag0 == endTag) { // XML END TAG
    off += 6*4;  // Skip over 6 words of endTag data
    String name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi);
    prtIndent(indent, "</"+name+">  (line "+startTagLineNo+"-"+lineNo+")");
    //tr.parent();  // Step back up the NobTree

  } else if (tag0 == endDocTag) {  // END OF XML DOC TAG

  } else {
    prt("  Unrecognized tag code '"+Integer.toHexString(tag0)
      +"' at offset "+off);
} // end of while loop scanning tags and attributes of XML tree
prt("    end at offset "+off);
} // end of decompressXML

public String compXmlString(byte[] xml, int sitOff, int stOff, int strInd) {
  if (strInd < 0) return null;
  int strOff = stOff + LEW(xml, sitOff+strInd*4);
  return compXmlStringAt(xml, strOff);

public static String spaces = "                                             ";
public void prtIndent(int indent, String str) {
  prt(spaces.substring(0, Math.min(indent*2, spaces.length()))+str);

// compXmlStringAt -- Return the string stored in StringTable format at
// offset strOff.  This offset points to the 16 bit string length, which 
// is followed by that number of 16 bit (Unicode) chars.
public String compXmlStringAt(byte[] arr, int strOff) {
  int strLen = arr[strOff+1]<<8&0xff00 | arr[strOff]&0xff;
  byte[] chars = new byte[strLen];
  for (int ii=0; ii<strLen; ii++) {
    chars[ii] = arr[strOff+2+ii*2];
  return new String(chars);  // Hack, just use 8 byte chars
} // end of compXmlStringAt

// LEW -- Return value of a Little Endian 32 bit word from the byte array
//   at offset off.
public int LEW(byte[] arr, int off) {
  return arr[off+3]<<24&0xff000000 | arr[off+2]<<16&0xff0000
    | arr[off+1]<<8&0xff00 | arr[off]&0xFF;
} // end of LEW

هذه الطريقة تقرأ AndroidManifest في بايت [] للمعالجة:

public void getIntents(String path) {
  try {
    JarFile jf = new JarFile(path);
    InputStream is = jf.getInputStream(jf.getEntry("AndroidManifest.xml"));
    byte[] xml = new byte[is.available()];
    int br = is.read(xml);
    //Tree tr = TrunkFactory.newTree();
  } catch (Exception ex) {
    console.log("getIntents, ex: "+ex);  ex.printStackTrace();
} // end of getIntents

يتم تخزين معظم التطبيقات في /النظام /التطبيق القابل للقراءة دون جذر EVO الخاص بي ، وتطبيقات أخرى في /بيانات /تطبيق كنت بحاجة إلى الجذر لرؤيته. ستكون وسيطة "المسار" أعلاه مثل: "/system/app/weather.apk"

ماذا عن استخدام أداة تغليف الأصول Android (AAPT) ، من Android SDK ، إلى نصي Python (أو أي شيء آخر)؟

من خلال AAPT (http://elinux.org/android_aapt) ، في الواقع ، يمكنك استرداد معلومات حول .apk حزمة وحولها Androidmanifest.xml ملف. على وجه الخصوص ، يمكنك استخراج قيم العناصر الفردية من .apk حزمة من خلال 'أحمق' موظف فرعي. على سبيل المثال ، يمكنك استخراج أذونات المستخدم في ال Androidmanifest.xml ملف داخل .apk الحزمة بهذه الطريقة:

$ aapt dump permissions package.apk

أين حزمة هو الخاص بك .apk صفقة.

علاوة على ذلك ، يمكنك استخدام أمر UNIX Pipe لمسح الإخراج. علي سبيل المثال:

$ aapt dump permissions package.apk | sed 1d | awk '{ print $NF }'

هنا نص Python إلى ذلك برمجيا:

import os
import subprocess

#Current directory and file name:
curpath = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) )
filepath = os.path.join(curpath, "package.apk")

#Extract the AndroidManifest.xml permissions:
command = "aapt dump permissions " + filepath + " | sed 1d | awk '{ print $NF }'"
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, shell=True)
permissions = process.communicate()[0]

print permissions

بطريقة مماثلة يمكنك استخراج معلومات أخرى (على سبيل المثال صفقة, اسم التطبيق, ، إلخ ...) من Androidmanifest.xml:

#Extract the APK package info:
shellcommand = "aapt dump badging " + filepath
process = subprocess.Popen(shellcommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, shell=True)
apkInfo = process.communicate()[0].splitlines()

for info in apkInfo:
    #Package info:
    if string.find(info, "package:", 0) != -1:
        print "App Package: " + findBetween(info, "name='", "'")
        print "App Version: " + findBetween(info, "versionName='", "'")

    #App name:
    if string.find(info, "application:", 0) != -1:
        print "App Name: " + findBetween(info, "label='", "'")

def findBetween(s, prefix, suffix):
        start = s.index(prefix) + len(prefix)
        end = s.index(suffix, start)
        return s[start:end]
    except ValueError:
        return ""

إذا كنت ترغب بدلاً من ذلك في تحليل شجرة AndroidManifest XML بأكملها ، فيمكنك القيام بذلك بطريقة مماثلة باستخدام xmltree أمر:

aapt dump xmltree package.apk AndroidManifest.xml

باستخدام Python كما كان من قبل:

#Extract the AndroidManifest XML tree:
shellcommand = "aapt dump xmltree " + filepath + " AndroidManifest.xml"
process = subprocess.Popen(shellcommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, shell=True)
xmlTree = process.communicate()[0]

print "Number of Activities: " + str(xmlTree.count("activity"))
print "Number of Services: " + str(xmlTree.count("service"))
print "Number of BroadcastReceivers: " + str(xmlTree.count("receiver"))

يمكنك استخدام AXML2XML.PL تم تطوير أداة منذ فترة Android-Random مشروع. سيقوم بإنشاء ملف واضح (AndroidManifest.xml) من الملف الثنائي.

انا اقول "نص" و لا "أصلي"لأنه مثل العديد من أدوات الهندسة العكسية ، فإن هذا واحد ليس مثاليًا و النتائج سوف لن كن كاملاً. أفترض إما أنه لم يكن له أبدًا مكتملًا أو ببساطة غير متوافق للأمام (مع نظام الترميز الثنائي الأحدث). مهما كان السبب، AXML2XML.PL لن تتمكن الأداة من استخراج جميع قيم السمات بشكل صحيح. مثل هذه السمات هي minsdkversion و targetsdkversion وجميع السمات التي تشير إلى الموارد (مثل الأوتار ، الرموز ، وما إلى ذلك) ، أي فقط أسماء الفصول الدراسية (للأنشطة ، الخدمات ، إلخ) يتم استخراجها بشكل صحيح.

ومع ذلك ، لا يزال بإمكانك العثور على هذه المعلومات المفقودة عن طريق التشغيل AAPT أداة على ملف تطبيق Android الأصلي (.apk):

AAPT L -A u003Csomeapp.apk>

تحقق من هذا التالي مشروع WPF الذي يدلل الخصائص بشكل صحيح.

apk-parser ، https://github.com/caoqianli/apk-parser, ، يعد ضمنيًا خفيف الوزن لـ Java ، مع عدم وجود اعتماد على AAPT أو غيرها من الثنائيات ، مفيدًا لملفات XML الثنائية ، وغيرها من INFOS APK.

ApkParser apkParser = new ApkParser(new File(filePath));
// set a locale to translate resource tag into specific strings in language the locale specified, you set locale to Locale.ENGLISH then get apk title 'WeChat' instead of '@string/app_name' for example

String xml = apkParser.getManifestXml();

String xml2 = apkParser.transBinaryXml(xmlPathInApk);

ApkMeta apkMeta = apkParser.getApkMeta();

Set<Locale> locales = apkParser.getLocales();
for (Locale l : locales) {

مع أحدث أدوات SDK ، يمكنك الآن استخدام أداة تسمى apkanalyzer لطباعة AndroidManifest.xml من APK (وكذلك أجزاء أخرى ، مثل الموارد).

[android sdk]/tools/bin/apkanalyzer manifest print [app.apk]


إذا كنت في بيثون أو استخدام Androguard, ، ستقوم ميزة Androguard AndroaxML بهذا التحويل لك. الميزة مفصلة في منشور المدونة هذا, ، مع إضافية الوثائق هنا و المصدر هنا.


$ ./androaxml.py -h
Usage: androaxml.py [options]

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT
                      filename input (APK or android's binary xml)
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
                      filename output of the xml
-v, --version         version of the API

$ ./androaxml.py -i yourfile.apk -o output.xml
$ ./androaxml.py -i AndroidManifest.xml -o output.xml

في حال كان الأمر مفيدًا ، إليك إصدار C ++ من مقتطف Java المنشور بواسطة Ribo:

struct decompressXML
    // decompressXML -- Parse the 'compressed' binary form of Android XML docs 
    // such as for AndroidManifest.xml in .apk files
        endDocTag = 0x00100101,
        startTag =  0x00100102,
        endTag =    0x00100103

    decompressXML(const BYTE* xml, int cb) {
    // Compressed XML file/bytes starts with 24x bytes of data,
    // 9 32 bit words in little endian order (LSB first):
    //   0th word is 03 00 08 00
    //   3rd word SEEMS TO BE:  Offset at then of StringTable
    //   4th word is: Number of strings in string table
    // WARNING: Sometime I indiscriminently display or refer to word in 
    //   little endian storage format, or in integer format (ie MSB first).
    int numbStrings = LEW(xml, cb, 4*4);

    // StringIndexTable starts at offset 24x, an array of 32 bit LE offsets
    // of the length/string data in the StringTable.
    int sitOff = 0x24;  // Offset of start of StringIndexTable

    // StringTable, each string is represented with a 16 bit little endian 
    // character count, followed by that number of 16 bit (LE) (Unicode) chars.
    int stOff = sitOff + numbStrings*4;  // StringTable follows StrIndexTable

    // XMLTags, The XML tag tree starts after some unknown content after the
    // StringTable.  There is some unknown data after the StringTable, scan
    // forward from this point to the flag for the start of an XML start tag.
    int xmlTagOff = LEW(xml, cb, 3*4);  // Start from the offset in the 3rd word.
    // Scan forward until we find the bytes: 0x02011000(x00100102 in normal int)
    for (int ii=xmlTagOff; ii<cb-4; ii+=4) {
      if (LEW(xml, cb, ii) == startTag) { 
        xmlTagOff = ii;  break;
    } // end of hack, scanning for start of first start tag

    // XML tags and attributes:
    // Every XML start and end tag consists of 6 32 bit words:
    //   0th word: 02011000 for startTag and 03011000 for endTag 
    //   1st word: a flag?, like 38000000
    //   2nd word: Line of where this tag appeared in the original source file
    //   3rd word: FFFFFFFF ??
    //   4th word: StringIndex of NameSpace name, or FFFFFFFF for default NS
    //   5th word: StringIndex of Element Name
    //   (Note: 01011000 in 0th word means end of XML document, endDocTag)

    // Start tags (not end tags) contain 3 more words:
    //   6th word: 14001400 meaning?? 
    //   7th word: Number of Attributes that follow this tag(follow word 8th)
    //   8th word: 00000000 meaning??

    // Attributes consist of 5 words: 
    //   0th word: StringIndex of Attribute Name's Namespace, or FFFFFFFF
    //   1st word: StringIndex of Attribute Name
    //   2nd word: StringIndex of Attribute Value, or FFFFFFF if ResourceId used
    //   3rd word: Flags?
    //   4th word: str ind of attr value again, or ResourceId of value

    // TMP, dump string table to tr for debugging
    //tr.addSelect("strings", null);
    //for (int ii=0; ii<numbStrings; ii++) {
    //  // Length of string starts at StringTable plus offset in StrIndTable
    //  String str = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, ii);
    //  tr.add(String.valueOf(ii), str);

    // Step through the XML tree element tags and attributes
    int off = xmlTagOff;
    int indent = 0;
    int startTagLineNo = -2;
    while (off < cb) {
      int tag0 = LEW(xml, cb, off);
      //int tag1 = LEW(xml, off+1*4);
      int lineNo = LEW(xml, cb, off+2*4);
      //int tag3 = LEW(xml, off+3*4);
      int nameNsSi = LEW(xml, cb, off+4*4);
      int nameSi = LEW(xml, cb, off+5*4);

      if (tag0 == startTag) { // XML START TAG
        int tag6 = LEW(xml, cb, off+6*4);  // Expected to be 14001400
        int numbAttrs = LEW(xml, cb, off+7*4);  // Number of Attributes to follow
        //int tag8 = LEW(xml, off+8*4);  // Expected to be 00000000
        off += 9*4;  // Skip over 6+3 words of startTag data
        std::string name = compXmlString(xml, cb, sitOff, stOff, nameSi);
        //tr.addSelect(name, null);
        startTagLineNo = lineNo;

        // Look for the Attributes
        std::string sb;
        for (int ii=0; ii<numbAttrs; ii++) {
          int attrNameNsSi = LEW(xml, cb, off);  // AttrName Namespace Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
          int attrNameSi = LEW(xml, cb, off+1*4);  // AttrName String Index
          int attrValueSi = LEW(xml, cb, off+2*4); // AttrValue Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
          int attrFlags = LEW(xml, cb, off+3*4);  
          int attrResId = LEW(xml, cb, off+4*4);  // AttrValue ResourceId or dup AttrValue StrInd
          off += 5*4;  // Skip over the 5 words of an attribute

          std::string attrName = compXmlString(xml, cb, sitOff, stOff, attrNameSi);
          std::string attrValue = attrValueSi!=-1
            ? compXmlString(xml, cb, sitOff, stOff, attrValueSi)
            : "resourceID 0x"+toHexString(attrResId);
          sb.append(" "+attrName+"=\""+attrValue+"\"");
          //tr.add(attrName, attrValue);
        prtIndent(indent, "<"+name+sb+">");

      } else if (tag0 == endTag) { // XML END TAG
        off += 6*4;  // Skip over 6 words of endTag data
        std::string name = compXmlString(xml, cb, sitOff, stOff, nameSi);
        prtIndent(indent, "</"+name+">  (line "+toIntString(startTagLineNo)+"-"+toIntString(lineNo)+")");
        //tr.parent();  // Step back up the NobTree

      } else if (tag0 == endDocTag) {  // END OF XML DOC TAG

      } else {
        prt("  Unrecognized tag code '"+toHexString(tag0)
          +"' at offset "+toIntString(off));
    } // end of while loop scanning tags and attributes of XML tree
    prt("    end at offset "+off);
    } // end of decompressXML

    std::string compXmlString(const BYTE* xml, int cb, int sitOff, int stOff, int strInd) {
      if (strInd < 0) return std::string("");
      int strOff = stOff + LEW(xml, cb, sitOff+strInd*4);
      return compXmlStringAt(xml, cb, strOff);

    void prt(std::string str)
        printf("%s", str.c_str());
    void prtIndent(int indent, std::string str) {
        char spaces[46];
        memset(spaces, ' ', sizeof(spaces));
        spaces[min(indent*2,  sizeof(spaces) - 1)] = 0;

    // compXmlStringAt -- Return the string stored in StringTable format at
    // offset strOff.  This offset points to the 16 bit string length, which 
    // is followed by that number of 16 bit (Unicode) chars.
    std::string compXmlStringAt(const BYTE* arr, int cb, int strOff) {
        if (cb < strOff + 2) return std::string("");
      int strLen = arr[strOff+1]<<8&0xff00 | arr[strOff]&0xff;
      char* chars = new char[strLen + 1];
      chars[strLen] = 0;
      for (int ii=0; ii<strLen; ii++) {
          if (cb < strOff + 2 + ii * 2)
              chars[ii] = 0;
        chars[ii] = arr[strOff+2+ii*2];
      std::string str(chars);
      return str;
    } // end of compXmlStringAt

    // LEW -- Return value of a Little Endian 32 bit word from the byte array
    //   at offset off.
    int LEW(const BYTE* arr, int cb, int off) {
      return (cb > off + 3) ? ( arr[off+3]<<24&0xff000000 | arr[off+2]<<16&0xff0000
          | arr[off+1]<<8&0xff00 | arr[off]&0xFF ) : 0;
    } // end of LEW

    std::string toHexString(DWORD attrResId)
        char ch[20];
        sprintf_s(ch, 20, "%lx", attrResId);
        return std::string(ch);
    std::string toIntString(int i)
        char ch[20];
        sprintf_s(ch, 20, "%ld", i);
        return std::string(ch);

للرجوع إليها هنا نسختي من رمز Ribo. الفرق الرئيسي هو أن decompressxml () يعيد مباشرة سلسلة ، والتي كانت لأغراض بلدي الاستخدام أكثر ملاءمة.

ملاحظة: كان غرضي الوحيد في استخدام حل Ribo هو جلب الإصدار المنشور لملف.

تحرير [2013-03-16]: إنه يعمل بشكل جميل لو يتم تعيين الإصدار كنص عادي ، ولكن إذا تم تعيينه للإشارة إلى مورد XML ، فسوف يظهر على أنه "Resource 0x1" على سبيل المثال. في هذه الحالة بالذات ، من المحتمل أن تضطر إلى إقران هذا الحل لحل آخر من شأنه أن يجلب مرجع مورد السلسلة المناسب.

 * Binary XML doc ending Tag
public static int endDocTag = 0x00100101;

 * Binary XML start Tag
public static int startTag =  0x00100102;

 * Binary XML end Tag
public static int endTag =    0x00100103;

 * Reference var for spacing
 * Used in prtIndent()
public static String spaces = "                                             ";

 * Parse the 'compressed' binary form of Android XML docs 
 * such as for AndroidManifest.xml in .apk files
 * Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2097813/how-to-parse-the-androidmanifest-xml-file-inside-an-apk-package/4761689#4761689
 * @param xml Encoded XML content to decompress
public static String decompressXML(byte[] xml) {

    StringBuilder resultXml = new StringBuilder();

    // Compressed XML file/bytes starts with 24x bytes of data,
    // 9 32 bit words in little endian order (LSB first):
    //   0th word is 03 00 08 00
    //   3rd word SEEMS TO BE:  Offset at then of StringTable
    //   4th word is: Number of strings in string table
    // WARNING: Sometime I indiscriminently display or refer to word in 
    //   little endian storage format, or in integer format (ie MSB first).
    int numbStrings = LEW(xml, 4*4);

    // StringIndexTable starts at offset 24x, an array of 32 bit LE offsets
    // of the length/string data in the StringTable.
    int sitOff = 0x24;  // Offset of start of StringIndexTable

    // StringTable, each string is represented with a 16 bit little endian 
    // character count, followed by that number of 16 bit (LE) (Unicode) chars.
    int stOff = sitOff + numbStrings*4;  // StringTable follows StrIndexTable

    // XMLTags, The XML tag tree starts after some unknown content after the
    // StringTable.  There is some unknown data after the StringTable, scan
    // forward from this point to the flag for the start of an XML start tag.
    int xmlTagOff = LEW(xml, 3*4);  // Start from the offset in the 3rd word.
    // Scan forward until we find the bytes: 0x02011000(x00100102 in normal int)
    for (int ii=xmlTagOff; ii<xml.length-4; ii+=4) {
      if (LEW(xml, ii) == startTag) { 
        xmlTagOff = ii;  break;
    } // end of hack, scanning for start of first start tag

    // XML tags and attributes:
    // Every XML start and end tag consists of 6 32 bit words:
    //   0th word: 02011000 for startTag and 03011000 for endTag 
    //   1st word: a flag?, like 38000000
    //   2nd word: Line of where this tag appeared in the original source file
    //   3rd word: FFFFFFFF ??
    //   4th word: StringIndex of NameSpace name, or FFFFFFFF for default NS
    //   5th word: StringIndex of Element Name
    //   (Note: 01011000 in 0th word means end of XML document, endDocTag)

    // Start tags (not end tags) contain 3 more words:
    //   6th word: 14001400 meaning?? 
    //   7th word: Number of Attributes that follow this tag(follow word 8th)
    //   8th word: 00000000 meaning??

    // Attributes consist of 5 words: 
    //   0th word: StringIndex of Attribute Name's Namespace, or FFFFFFFF
    //   1st word: StringIndex of Attribute Name
    //   2nd word: StringIndex of Attribute Value, or FFFFFFF if ResourceId used
    //   3rd word: Flags?
    //   4th word: str ind of attr value again, or ResourceId of value

    // TMP, dump string table to tr for debugging
    //tr.addSelect("strings", null);
    //for (int ii=0; ii<numbStrings; ii++) {
    //  // Length of string starts at StringTable plus offset in StrIndTable
    //  String str = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, ii);
    //  tr.add(String.valueOf(ii), str);

    // Step through the XML tree element tags and attributes
    int off = xmlTagOff;
    int indent = 0;
    int startTagLineNo = -2;
    while (off < xml.length) {
      int tag0 = LEW(xml, off);
      //int tag1 = LEW(xml, off+1*4);
      int lineNo = LEW(xml, off+2*4);
      //int tag3 = LEW(xml, off+3*4);
      int nameNsSi = LEW(xml, off+4*4);
      int nameSi = LEW(xml, off+5*4);

      if (tag0 == startTag) { // XML START TAG
        int tag6 = LEW(xml, off+6*4);  // Expected to be 14001400
        int numbAttrs = LEW(xml, off+7*4);  // Number of Attributes to follow
        //int tag8 = LEW(xml, off+8*4);  // Expected to be 00000000
        off += 9*4;  // Skip over 6+3 words of startTag data
        String name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi);
        //tr.addSelect(name, null);
        startTagLineNo = lineNo;

        // Look for the Attributes
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (int ii=0; ii<numbAttrs; ii++) {
          int attrNameNsSi = LEW(xml, off);  // AttrName Namespace Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
          int attrNameSi = LEW(xml, off+1*4);  // AttrName String Index
          int attrValueSi = LEW(xml, off+2*4); // AttrValue Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
          int attrFlags = LEW(xml, off+3*4);  
          int attrResId = LEW(xml, off+4*4);  // AttrValue ResourceId or dup AttrValue StrInd
          off += 5*4;  // Skip over the 5 words of an attribute

          String attrName = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrNameSi);
          String attrValue = attrValueSi!=-1
            ? compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrValueSi)
            : "resourceID 0x"+Integer.toHexString(attrResId);
          sb.append(" "+attrName+"=\""+attrValue+"\"");
          //tr.add(attrName, attrValue);
        resultXml.append(prtIndent(indent, "<"+name+sb+">"));

      } else if (tag0 == endTag) { // XML END TAG
        off += 6*4;  // Skip over 6 words of endTag data
        String name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi);
        resultXml.append(prtIndent(indent, "</"+name+">  (line "+startTagLineNo+"-"+lineNo+")"));
        //tr.parent();  // Step back up the NobTree

      } else if (tag0 == endDocTag) {  // END OF XML DOC TAG

      } else {
          Log.e(TAG, "  Unrecognized tag code '"+Integer.toHexString(tag0)
          +"' at offset "+off);
    } // end of while loop scanning tags and attributes of XML tree
    Log.i(TAG, "    end at offset "+off);

    return resultXml.toString();
} // end of decompressXML

 * Tool Method for decompressXML();
 * Compute binary XML to its string format 
 * Source: Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2097813/how-to-parse-the-androidmanifest-xml-file-inside-an-apk-package/4761689#4761689
 * @param xml Binary-formatted XML
 * @param sitOff
 * @param stOff
 * @param strInd
 * @return String-formatted XML
public static String compXmlString(byte[] xml, int sitOff, int stOff, int strInd) {
  if (strInd < 0) return null;
  int strOff = stOff + LEW(xml, sitOff+strInd*4);
  return compXmlStringAt(xml, strOff);

 * Tool Method for decompressXML(); 
 * Apply indentation
 * @param indent Indentation level
 * @param str String to indent
 * @return Indented string
public static String prtIndent(int indent, String str) {

    return (spaces.substring(0, Math.min(indent*2, spaces.length()))+str);

 * Tool method for decompressXML()
 * Return the string stored in StringTable format at
 * offset strOff.  This offset points to the 16 bit string length, which 
 * is followed by that number of 16 bit (Unicode) chars.
 * @param arr StringTable array
 * @param strOff Offset to get string from
 * @return String from StringTable at offset strOff
public static String compXmlStringAt(byte[] arr, int strOff) {
  int strLen = arr[strOff+1]<<8&0xff00 | arr[strOff]&0xff;
  byte[] chars = new byte[strLen];
  for (int ii=0; ii<strLen; ii++) {
    chars[ii] = arr[strOff+2+ii*2];
  return new String(chars);  // Hack, just use 8 byte chars
} // end of compXmlStringAt

 * Return value of a Little Endian 32 bit word from the byte array
 *   at offset off.
 * @param arr Byte array with 32 bit word
 * @param off Offset to get word from
 * @return Value of Little Endian 32 bit word specified
public static int LEW(byte[] arr, int off) {
  return arr[off+3]<<24&0xff000000 | arr[off+2]<<16&0xff0000
    | arr[off+1]<<8&0xff00 | arr[off]&0xFF;
} // end of LEW

أتمنى أن يساعد الآخرين أيضًا.

في Android Studio 2.2 يمكنك تحليل APK مباشرة. Goto Build- تحليل APK. حدد APK ، انتقل إلى AndroidManifest.xml. يمكنك رؤية تفاصيل Androidmanifest.

لقد وجدت AXMLPRINTER2 ، وهو تطبيق Java في مشروع Android4ME للعمل بشكل جيد على AndroidManifest.xml الذي كان لدي (وطباعة XML بطريقة منسقة بشكل جيد).http://code.google.com/p/android4me/downloads/detail؟name=axmlprinter2.jar

ملاحظة واحدة .. (والرمز الموجود على هذه الإجابة من RIBO) لا يبدو أنه يتعامل مع كل ملف XML المترجم الذي صادفته. لقد وجدت واحدة حيث تم تخزين الأوتار مع بايت واحد لكل حرف ، بدلاً من تنسيق البايت المزدوج الذي يفترضه.

يمكن أن يكون مفيدًا

public static int vCodeApk(String path) {
    PackageManager pm = G.context.getPackageManager();
    PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageArchiveInfo(path, 0);
    return info.versionCode;
    //        Toast.makeText(this, "VersionCode : " + info.versionCode + ", VersionName : " + info.versionName, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

G هو فئة التطبيق الخاصة بي:

public class G extends Application {

لقد كنت أركض مع رمز الريبو المنشور أعلاه لأكثر من عام ، وقد خدمنا بشكل جيد. مع التحديثات الأخيرة (Gradle 3.x) ، لم أعد قادرًا على تحليل AndroidManifest.xml ، كنت أخرج من أخطاء الحدود ، وبشكل عام لم يعد قادرًا على تحليل الملف.

تحديث: أعتقد الآن أن مشكلاتنا كانت مع الترقية إلى Gradle 3.x. تصف هذه المقالة كيف أن Airwatch كان لديه مشكلات ويمكن إصلاحه باستخدام إعداد Gradle لاستخدام AAPT بدلاً من AAPT2 يبدو أن Airwatch غير متوافق مع Android Plugin لـ Gradle 3.0.0-beta1

في البحث حولها ، صادفت هذا المشروع المفتوح المصدر ، وقد تم الحفاظ عليه وتمكنت من الوصول إلى النقطة وقراءة كلا من محطفي القديم الذي كان بإمكاني تحليله سابقًا ، ومجموعات APK الجديدة التي ألقى بها Ribo استثناءات


من مثاله هذا ما أفعله

  zf = new ZipFile(apkFile);

  //Getting the manifest
  ZipEntry entry = zf.getEntry("AndroidManifest.xml");
  InputStream is = zf.getInputStream(entry);

     // Read our manifest Document
     Document manifestDoc = new CompressedXmlParser().parseDOM(is);

     // Make sure we got a doc, and that it has children
     if (null != manifestDoc && manifestDoc.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) {
        Node firstNode = manifestDoc.getFirstChild();

        // Now get the attributes out of the node
        NamedNodeMap nodeMap = firstNode.getAttributes();

        // Finally to a point where we can read out our values
        versionName = nodeMap.getNamedItem("android:versionName").getNodeValue();
        versionCode = nodeMap.getNamedItem("android:versionCode").getNodeValue();

سيكون Apkanalyzer مفيدًا

@echo off

::##  apkanalyzer start up script for Windows
::##  converted by ewwink

::Attempt to set APP_HOME

SET APP_HOME=C:\android\sdk\tools
SET APP_NAME="apkanalyzer"

::Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and APKANALYZER_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.
SET DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=-Dcom.android.sdklib.toolsdir=%APP_HOME%

SET CLASSPATH=%APP_HOME%\lib\dvlib-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\util-2.2.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jimfs-1.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\annotations-13.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\ddmlib-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\repository-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\sdk-common-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\kotlin-stdlib-1.1.3-2.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\protobuf-java-3.0.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\apkanalyzer-cli.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\gson-2.3.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\httpcore-4.2.5.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\dexlib2-2.2.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\commons-compress-1.12.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\generator.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\error_prone_annotations-2.0.18.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\commons-codec-1.6.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\kxml2-2.3.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\httpmime-4.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\annotations-12.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\bcpkix-jdk15on-1.56.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jsr305-3.0.0.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\explainer.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\builder-model-3.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\baksmali-2.2.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\j2objc-annotations-1.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\layoutlib-api-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jcommander-1.64.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\commons-logging-1.1.1.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\annotations-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\builder-test-api-3.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\animal-sniffer-annotations-1.14.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\bcprov-jdk15on-1.56.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\httpclient-4.2.6.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\common-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\jopt-simple-4.9.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\sdklib-26.0.0-dev.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\apkanalyzer.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\shared.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\binary-resources.jar;%APP_HOME%\lib\guava-22.0.jar

::Collect all arguments for the java command, following the shell quoting and substitution rules
SET APKANALYZER_OPTS=%DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS% -classpath %CLASSPATH% com.android.tools.apk.analyzer.ApkAnalyzerCli %APP_ARGS%

::Determine the Java command to use to start the JVM.
where %JAVACMD% >nul 2>nul
if %errorlevel%==1 (
  echo ERROR: 'java' command could be found in your PATH.
  echo Please set the 'java' variable in your environment to match the
  echo location of your Java installation.
  exit /b 0

:: execute apkanalyzer


المنشور الأصلي https://stackoverflow.com/a/51905063/1383521

يتبع إصدار Kotlin: mathieu

fun main(args : Array<String>) {
    val fileName = "app.apk"
    ZipFile(fileName).use { zip ->
        zip.entries().asSequence().forEach { entry ->
            if(entry.name == "AndroidManifest.xml") {
                zip.getInputStream(entry).use { input ->
                    val xml = decompressXML(input.readBytes())
                    //TODO: parse the XML


     * Binary XML doc ending Tag
    var endDocTag = 0x00100101

     * Binary XML start Tag
    var startTag = 0x00100102

     * Binary XML end Tag
    var endTag = 0x00100103

     * Reference var for spacing
     * Used in prtIndent()
    var spaces = "                                             "

     * Parse the 'compressed' binary form of Android XML docs
     * such as for AndroidManifest.xml in .apk files
     * Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2097813/how-to-parse-the-androidmanifest-xml-file-inside-an-apk-package/4761689#4761689
     * @param xml Encoded XML content to decompress
    fun decompressXML(xml: ByteArray): String {

        val resultXml = StringBuilder()

        // Compressed XML file/bytes starts with 24x bytes of data,
        // 9 32 bit words in little endian order (LSB first):
        //   0th word is 03 00 08 00
        //   3rd word SEEMS TO BE:  Offset at then of StringTable
        //   4th word is: Number of strings in string table
        // WARNING: Sometime I indiscriminently display or refer to word in
        //   little endian storage format, or in integer format (ie MSB first).
        val numbStrings = LEW(xml, 4 * 4)

        // StringIndexTable starts at offset 24x, an array of 32 bit LE offsets
        // of the length/string data in the StringTable.
        val sitOff = 0x24  // Offset of start of StringIndexTable

        // StringTable, each string is represented with a 16 bit little endian
        // character count, followed by that number of 16 bit (LE) (Unicode) chars.
        val stOff = sitOff + numbStrings * 4  // StringTable follows StrIndexTable

        // XMLTags, The XML tag tree starts after some unknown content after the
        // StringTable.  There is some unknown data after the StringTable, scan
        // forward from this point to the flag for the start of an XML start tag.
        var xmlTagOff = LEW(xml, 3 * 4)  // Start from the offset in the 3rd word.
        // Scan forward until we find the bytes: 0x02011000(x00100102 in normal int)
        run {
            var ii = xmlTagOff
            while (ii < xml.size - 4) {
                if (LEW(xml, ii) == startTag) {
                    xmlTagOff = ii
                ii += 4
        } // end of hack, scanning for start of first start tag

        // XML tags and attributes:
        // Every XML start and end tag consists of 6 32 bit words:
        //   0th word: 02011000 for startTag and 03011000 for endTag
        //   1st word: a flag?, like 38000000
        //   2nd word: Line of where this tag appeared in the original source file
        //   3rd word: FFFFFFFF ??
        //   4th word: StringIndex of NameSpace name, or FFFFFFFF for default NS
        //   5th word: StringIndex of Element Name
        //   (Note: 01011000 in 0th word means end of XML document, endDocTag)

        // Start tags (not end tags) contain 3 more words:
        //   6th word: 14001400 meaning??
        //   7th word: Number of Attributes that follow this tag(follow word 8th)
        //   8th word: 00000000 meaning??

        // Attributes consist of 5 words:
        //   0th word: StringIndex of Attribute Name's Namespace, or FFFFFFFF
        //   1st word: StringIndex of Attribute Name
        //   2nd word: StringIndex of Attribute Value, or FFFFFFF if ResourceId used
        //   3rd word: Flags?
        //   4th word: str ind of attr value again, or ResourceId of value

        // TMP, dump string table to tr for debugging
        //tr.addSelect("strings", null);
        //for (int ii=0; ii<numbStrings; ii++) {
        //  // Length of string starts at StringTable plus offset in StrIndTable
        //  String str = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, ii);
        //  tr.add(String.valueOf(ii), str);

        // Step through the XML tree element tags and attributes
        var off = xmlTagOff
        var indent = 0
        var startTagLineNo = -2
        while (off < xml.size) {
            val tag0 = LEW(xml, off)
            //int tag1 = LEW(xml, off+1*4);
            val lineNo = LEW(xml, off + 2 * 4)
            //int tag3 = LEW(xml, off+3*4);
            val nameNsSi = LEW(xml, off + 4 * 4)
            val nameSi = LEW(xml, off + 5 * 4)

            if (tag0 == startTag) { // XML START TAG
                val tag6 = LEW(xml, off + 6 * 4)  // Expected to be 14001400
                val numbAttrs = LEW(xml, off + 7 * 4)  // Number of Attributes to follow
                //int tag8 = LEW(xml, off+8*4);  // Expected to be 00000000
                off += 9 * 4  // Skip over 6+3 words of startTag data
                val name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi)
                //tr.addSelect(name, null);
                startTagLineNo = lineNo

                // Look for the Attributes
                val sb = StringBuffer()
                for (ii in 0 until numbAttrs) {
                    val attrNameNsSi = LEW(xml, off)  // AttrName Namespace Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
                    val attrNameSi = LEW(xml, off + 1 * 4)  // AttrName String Index
                    val attrValueSi = LEW(xml, off + 2 * 4) // AttrValue Str Ind, or FFFFFFFF
                    val attrFlags = LEW(xml, off + 3 * 4)
                    val attrResId = LEW(xml, off + 4 * 4)  // AttrValue ResourceId or dup AttrValue StrInd
                    off += 5 * 4  // Skip over the 5 words of an attribute

                    val attrName = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrNameSi)
                    val attrValue = if (attrValueSi != -1)
                        compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, attrValueSi)
                        "resourceID 0x" + Integer.toHexString(attrResId)
                    sb.append(" $attrName=\"$attrValue\"")
                    //tr.add(attrName, attrValue);
                resultXml.append(prtIndent(indent, "<$name$sb>"))

            } else if (tag0 == endTag) { // XML END TAG
                off += 6 * 4  // Skip over 6 words of endTag data
                val name = compXmlString(xml, sitOff, stOff, nameSi)
                resultXml.append(prtIndent(indent, "</$name>  (line $startTagLineNo-$lineNo)"))
                //tr.parent();  // Step back up the NobTree

            } else if (tag0 == endDocTag) {  // END OF XML DOC TAG

            } else {
                        println("  Unrecognized tag code '" + Integer.toHexString(tag0)
                            + "' at offset " + off
        } // end of while loop scanning tags and attributes of XML tree
        println("    end at offset $off")

        return resultXml.toString()
    } // end of decompressXML

     * Tool Method for decompressXML();
     * Compute binary XML to its string format
     * Source: Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2097813/how-to-parse-the-androidmanifest-xml-file-inside-an-apk-package/4761689#4761689
     * @param xml Binary-formatted XML
     * @param sitOff
     * @param stOff
     * @param strInd
     * @return String-formatted XML
    fun compXmlString(xml: ByteArray, sitOff: Int, stOff: Int, strInd: Int): String? {
        if (strInd < 0) return null
        val strOff = stOff + LEW(xml, sitOff + strInd * 4)
        return compXmlStringAt(xml, strOff)

     * Tool Method for decompressXML();
     * Apply indentation
     * @param indent Indentation level
     * @param str String to indent
     * @return Indented string
    fun prtIndent(indent: Int, str: String): String {

        return spaces.substring(0, Math.min(indent * 2, spaces.length)) + str

     * Tool method for decompressXML()
     * Return the string stored in StringTable format at
     * offset strOff.  This offset points to the 16 bit string length, which
     * is followed by that number of 16 bit (Unicode) chars.
     * @param arr StringTable array
     * @param strOff Offset to get string from
     * @return String from StringTable at offset strOff
    fun compXmlStringAt(arr: ByteArray, strOff: Int): String {
        val strLen = (arr[strOff + 1] shl (8 and 0xff00)) or (arr[strOff].toInt() and 0xff)
        val chars = ByteArray(strLen)
        for (ii in 0 until strLen) {
            chars[ii] = arr[strOff + 2 + ii * 2]
        return String(chars)  // Hack, just use 8 byte chars
    } // end of compXmlStringAt

     * Return value of a Little Endian 32 bit word from the byte array
     * at offset off.
     * @param arr Byte array with 32 bit word
     * @param off Offset to get word from
     * @return Value of Little Endian 32 bit word specified
    fun LEW(arr: ByteArray, off: Int): Int {
        return (arr[off + 3] shl 24 and -0x1000000 or ((arr[off + 2] shl 16) and 0xff0000)
                or (arr[off + 1] shl 8 and 0xff00) or (arr[off].toInt() and 0xFF))
    } // end of LEW

    private infix fun Byte.shl(i: Int): Int = (this.toInt() shl i)
    private infix fun Int.shl(i: Int): Int = (this shl i)

هذا هو نسخة Kotlin من الإجابة أعلاه.

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