{“error”:{“message”:“Services require JSON-RPC”,“code”:0,“origin”:2},“id”:null}

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12630627

  •  04-07-2021
  •  | 


Iam new to json RPC. when I type the url of the service that provides the methods for invoking in browser I get the folowing message :

{"error":{"message":"Services require JSON-RPC","code":0,"origin":2},"id":null}

Can anyone explain to me what is this message and whay i am getting it ?

هل كانت مفيدة؟


JSON RPC expects the client to send parameters to the server using an HTTP POST command with the procedure parameters in the post data. When you type a URL into the browser it sends an HTTP GET command, which doesn't send any parameters.

RPC is intended for use by application programs, not directly by end users. See http://json-rpc.org/ for more details about it.

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