
I have created a SliderField class in order to show a drag-able slider in my BlackBerry application. The slider is basically used to set interval for location updates (via GPS) in the app. The app is built on OS 5.0 and so no API was found for the SliderField. The problem I am facing is that I need to increase the integer value in a label as the slider is moved. For instance, if the integer value in a label is 1 and the user moves the slider the value should increase to 5,10,15 etc. I do not know how to link moving the slider to increasing the value in the label field. Can anyone please help? I am adding the SliderField object to the screen as below:

Bitmap sliderBack = Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "progress51.png" );
    Bitmap sliderFocus = Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "progress51.png" );
    Bitmap sliderThumb = Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "butt.png" );
SliderField theSlider = new SliderField( sliderThumb, sliderBack, sliderFocus,20, 1, 1, 1 );

Below is my code for the SliderField class.

public class SliderField extends Field
 Bitmap _imageThumb;

Bitmap _imageSlider;
Bitmap _imageSliderLeft;
Bitmap _imageSliderCenter;
Bitmap _imageSliderRight;

Bitmap _imageSliderFocus;
Bitmap _imageSliderFocusLeft;
Bitmap _imageSliderFocusCenter;
Bitmap _imageSliderFocusRight;

private int _numStates;
private int _currentState;
private boolean _selected;

private int _xLeftBackMargin;
private int _xRightBackMargin;

private int _thumbWidth;
private int _thumbHeight;

private int _totalHeight;
private int _totalWidth;

private int _rop;

private int _backgroundColours[];
private int _backgroundSelectedColours[];

private int _defaultSelectColour = 0x977DED;
private int _defaultBackgroundColour = 0x000000;
private int _defaultHoverColour = 0x999999;

public SliderField( Bitmap thumb
            , Bitmap sliderBackground
            , int numStates
            , int initialState
            , int xLeftBackMargin
            , int xRightBackMargin )
    this( thumb, sliderBackground, sliderBackground, numStates, initialState, xLeftBackMargin, xRightBackMargin, FOCUSABLE );

public SliderField( Bitmap thumb
            , Bitmap sliderBackground
            , int numStates
            , int initialState
            , int xLeftBackMargin
            , int xRightBackMargin
            , long style )
    this( thumb, sliderBackground, sliderBackground, numStates, initialState, xLeftBackMargin, xRightBackMargin, style );

public SliderField( Bitmap thumb
            , Bitmap sliderBackground
            , Bitmap sliderBackgroundFocus
            , int numStates
            , int initialState
            , int xLeftBackMargin
            , int xRightBackMargin )
    this( thumb, sliderBackground, sliderBackgroundFocus, numStates, initialState, xLeftBackMargin, xRightBackMargin, FOCUSABLE );

public SliderField( Bitmap thumb
            , Bitmap sliderBackground
            , Bitmap sliderBackgroundFocus
            , int numStates
            , int initialState
            , int xLeftBackMargin
            , int xRightBackMargin
            , long style )
    super( style );

    if( initialState > numStates || numStates < 2 ){
    _imageThumb = thumb;
    _imageSlider = sliderBackground;
    _imageSliderFocus = sliderBackgroundFocus;
    _numStates = numStates;
    setState( initialState );

    _xLeftBackMargin = xLeftBackMargin;
    _xRightBackMargin = xRightBackMargin;

    _rop = _imageSlider.hasAlpha() ? Graphics.ROP_SRC_ALPHA : Graphics.ROP_SRC_COPY;

    _thumbWidth = thumb.getWidth();
    _thumbHeight = thumb.getHeight();
public SliderField( Bitmap thumb
            , Bitmap sliderBackground
            , int numStates
            , int initialState
            , int xLeftBackMargin
            , int xRightBackMargin
            , int[] colours
            , int[] selectColours )
    this(thumb, sliderBackground, sliderBackground, numStates, initialState, xLeftBackMargin, xRightBackMargin, FOCUSABLE );

    if( colours.length != numStates+1 ){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    _backgroundColours = colours;
    _backgroundSelectedColours = selectColours;
public void initBitmaps()
    int height = _imageSlider.getHeight();

    _imageSliderLeft = new Bitmap( _xLeftBackMargin, height );
    _imageSliderCenter = new Bitmap( _imageSlider.getWidth() - _xRightBackMargin - _xLeftBackMargin, height);
    _imageSliderRight = new Bitmap( _xRightBackMargin, height );

    copy( _imageSlider, 0, 0, _xLeftBackMargin, height, _imageSliderLeft );
    copy( _imageSlider, _xLeftBackMargin, 0, _imageSlider.getWidth() - _xRightBackMargin - _xLeftBackMargin, height, _imageSliderCenter);
    copy( _imageSlider, _imageSlider.getWidth() - _xRightBackMargin, 0, _xRightBackMargin, height, _imageSliderRight);

    _imageSliderFocusLeft = new Bitmap( _xLeftBackMargin, height );
    _imageSliderFocusCenter = new Bitmap( _imageSlider.getWidth() - _xRightBackMargin - _xLeftBackMargin, height);
    _imageSliderFocusRight = new Bitmap( _xRightBackMargin, height );

    copy( _imageSliderFocus, 0, 0, _xLeftBackMargin, height, _imageSliderFocusLeft );
    copy( _imageSliderFocus, _xLeftBackMargin, 0, _imageSlider.getWidth() - _xRightBackMargin - _xLeftBackMargin, height, _imageSliderFocusCenter);
    copy( _imageSliderFocus, _imageSlider.getWidth() - _xRightBackMargin, 0, _xRightBackMargin, height, _imageSliderFocusRight);
private void copy(Bitmap src, int x, int y, int width, int height, Bitmap dest) {
    int[] argbData = new int[width * height];
    src.getARGB(argbData, 0, width, x, y, width, height);
    for(int tx = 0; tx < dest.getWidth(); tx += width) {
        for(int ty = 0; ty < dest.getHeight(); ty += height) {
            dest.setARGB(argbData, 0, width, tx, ty, width, height);
public void setState(int newState) {
    if( newState > _numStates ){
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    } else {
        _currentState = newState;
public int getState() {
    return _currentState;
public int getNumStates() {
    return _numStates;
public int getColour() {
    if(_backgroundSelectedColours != null) {
        return _backgroundSelectedColours[getState()];
    return 0x000000;

public int getPreferredWidth() {
    return _totalWidth;

public int getPreferredHeight() {
    return _totalHeight;
protected void layout( int width, int height ) {
    if (width < 0 || height < 0)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    _totalWidth = width;
    _totalHeight = Math.max(_imageSlider.getHeight(), _imageThumb.getHeight());

    setExtent( _totalWidth, _totalHeight );

public void paint( Graphics g )
    int sliderHeight = _imageSlider.getHeight();
    int sliderBackYOffset = ( _totalHeight - sliderHeight ) >> 1;
    int backgroundColor = _defaultBackgroundColour;
    if( _backgroundSelectedColours != null || _backgroundColours != null ) {

        if( _selected ) {
            backgroundColor = _backgroundSelectedColours != null ? _backgroundSelectedColours[getState()] : _defaultSelectColour;
        } else if(g.isDrawingStyleSet(Graphics.DRAWSTYLE_FOCUS)) {
            backgroundColor = _backgroundColours != null ? _backgroundColours[getState()] : _defaultHoverColour;
        } else {
            backgroundColor = _defaultBackgroundColour;
    g.setColor( backgroundColor );
    g.fillRect( 1, sliderBackYOffset + 1, _totalWidth - 2, sliderHeight - 2 );

    if(g.isDrawingStyleSet(Graphics.DRAWSTYLE_FOCUS)) {    
        paintSliderBackground( g, _imageSliderFocusLeft, _imageSliderFocusCenter, _imageSliderFocusRight );
    } else {
        paintSliderBackground( g, _imageSliderLeft, _imageSliderCenter, _imageSliderRight );
    int thumbXOffset = ( ( _totalWidth - _thumbWidth ) * _currentState ) / _numStates;
    g.drawBitmap( thumbXOffset, ( _totalHeight - _thumbHeight ) >> 1, _thumbWidth, _thumbHeight, _imageThumb, 0, 0 );

private void paintSliderBackground( Graphics g, Bitmap left, Bitmap middle, Bitmap right ) 
    int sliderHeight = _imageSlider.getHeight();
    int sliderBackYOffset = ( _totalHeight - sliderHeight ) >> 1;
    g.drawBitmap( 0, sliderBackYOffset, _xLeftBackMargin, sliderHeight, left, 0, 0 );
    g.tileRop( _rop, _xRightBackMargin, sliderBackYOffset, _totalWidth - _xLeftBackMargin - _xRightBackMargin, sliderHeight, middle, 0, 0 );
    g.drawBitmap( _totalWidth - _xRightBackMargin, sliderBackYOffset, _xRightBackMargin, sliderHeight, right, 0, 0 );

public void paintBackground( Graphics g ) 

protected void drawFocus( Graphics g, boolean on )
    boolean oldDrawStyleFocus = g.isDrawingStyleSet( Graphics.DRAWSTYLE_FOCUS );
    try {
        if( on ) {
            g.setDrawingStyle( Graphics.DRAWSTYLE_FOCUS, true );
        paint( g );
    } finally {
        g.setDrawingStyle( Graphics.DRAWSTYLE_FOCUS, oldDrawStyleFocus );
protected boolean touchEvent(TouchEvent message)
    boolean isConsumed = false;
    boolean isOutOfBounds = false;
    int x = message.getX(1);
    int y = message.getY(1);
    if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x > getExtent().width || y > getExtent().height) {
        isOutOfBounds = true;
    switch(message.getEvent()) {
        case TouchEvent.CLICK:
        case TouchEvent.MOVE:
            if(isOutOfBounds) return true; 
            _selected = true; 

            int stateWidth = getExtent().width / _numStates;
            int numerator = x / stateWidth;
            int denominator = x % stateWidth;
            if( denominator > stateWidth / 2 ) {
            _currentState = numerator;

            isConsumed = true;
        case TouchEvent.UNCLICK:
            if(isOutOfBounds) {
                _selected = false; 
                return true;
            _selected = false; 
            stateWidth = getExtent().width / _numStates;
            numerator = x / stateWidth;
            denominator = x % stateWidth;
            if( denominator > stateWidth / 2 ) {
            _currentState = numerator;
            isConsumed = true;
    return isConsumed;
protected boolean navigationMovement(int dx, int dy, int status, int time) 
    if( _selected )
        if(dx > 0 || dy > 0) {
            fieldChangeNotify( 0 );
            return true;
        } else if(dx < 0 || dy < 0) {
            fieldChangeNotify( 0 );
            return true;
    return super.navigationMovement( dx, dy, status, time);
public void decrementState() {
    if(_currentState > 0) {
public void incrementState() {
    if(_currentState < _numStates) {
protected boolean invokeAction(int action) {
    switch(action) {
        case ACTION_INVOKE: {
            return true;
    return false;
protected boolean keyChar( char key, int status, int time ) {
    if( key == Characters.SPACE || key == Characters.ENTER ) {
        return true;

    return false;
protected boolean trackwheelClick( int status, int time ) {
    if( isEditable() ) {
        return true;
    return super.trackwheelClick(status, time);
private void toggleSelected() {
    _selected = !_selected;
public void setDirty( boolean dirty )
public void setMuddy( boolean muddy )

هل كانت مفيدة؟


If you use the code below, you will get your actual requirement,you can get the slider current value into your screen class by invoking getValue() method on sliderfield reference..

Implement FieldChangeListener interface and try to override fieldChanged() method.

Use HorizontalFieldManager class and setStatus() method, if you want to display your slider bar at bottom of your screen,other wise you can display it normally.

Here the Code:

    public class SliderScreen extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener
private SliderField slider;
 private HorizontalFieldManager hm;

public SliderField(){

slider = new SliderField(
                    Bitmap.getBitmapResource("slider2_base_focused.png"), 8, 4,
                    8, 8, FOCUSABLE);

            hm = new HorizontalFieldManager();




public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
        try {

            if (field == slider) {
                int value = slider.getValue();


        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {

        } catch (NullPointerException e) {


نصائح أخرى

I have done simple example of how to use this code,Check it

    public final class MyScreen extends MainScreen implements FieldChangeListener//,FocusChangeListener
     * Creates a new MyScreen object
    public MyScreen()
        // Set the displayed title of the screen       

        SliderField slider;

        slider = new SliderField( 
            Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_thumb_normal.png" ),  Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_progress_normal.png" ),  Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_base_normal.png" ),
            Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_thumb_focused.png" ), Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_progress_focused.png" ), Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_base_focused.png"),
            Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_thumb_pressed.png" ), Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_progress_pressed.png" ), Bitmap.getBitmapResource( "slider_base_pressed.png"),
            10, 0, 12, 12, FOCUSABLE );
        slider.setPadding( 20, 20, 20, 20 );
        slider.setBackground( BackgroundFactory.createSolidBackground( 0xD3D3D3 ) );
        add( slider );


    public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if(field instanceof SliderField)
            SliderField temp = (SliderField)field;
            System.out.println("Temp value is"+temp.getValue());

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