
I am trying TeeChart .Net componets and I am focusing on financial charts. When I try to use a PageScroller tool to manage chart scrolling, it work well in GDI but cause a Red cross when i set D2D render.

Does somebody know if it is a known issue or i am doing something wrong in this code?

here is how i add the Pager:

public teeChartTestCtl()

        tool = new Steema.TeeChart.Tools.ScrollPager(tChart1.Chart);

        tChart1.Aspect.View3D = false;


        for (int i = 0; i < frmMain.tradingClient.chartData.Count; i++)
                BarData bar = frmMain.tradingClient.chartData[i];
                seriesMain.Add(bar.Date, bar.Open,bar.High,bar.Low,bar.Close);

        clonedSeries.DataSource = seriesMain;
        tool.Series = clonedSeries;
        tool.DivisionRatio = 6;


Here is how i set D2D Drawing (it work fine if no pager is on the chart)

 tChart1.Graphics3D = new Graphics3DDirect2D(tChart1.Chart);

Bests, Salvatore Rossitto.

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Sorry for the delay. I have been doing many test with ScrollPager Tool in TeeChart2D2 and we found that is produced an exception. We have added it in bug list report with number [TD29016423] and we will try to fixed it to upcoming versions of TeeChartFor.Net.


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