
I am new to Flex coding and am trying to import an Excel file so that I can work with it later. I've cobbled enough together from the two articles below so that I can successfully load one Excel file and display the contents in a DataGrid.

However, if I try to upload a second Excel file, the contents of the DataGrid don't change. (And I end up truncating one row from the top, when the code re-writes the headers to the DataGrid.)

  1. http://blog.flexexamples.com/2007/09/21/uploading-files-in-flex-using-the-filereference-class
  2. http://code.google.com/p/as3xls/wiki/Tutorial

Full code is below. Any thoughts on where I'm going wrong?

Cheers and thanks in advance!


PS: There is a glitch in how I'm handling the headers, as any formulae in the Excel sheet still reference the original row after I remove the headers. They are pointing to one row below where they should.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="vertical" xmlns="*" creationComplete="init()" height="727" width="777">


        import com.as3xls.xls.ExcelFile;
        import com.as3xls.xls.Sheet;

        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

        //Based on example from: http://blog.flexexamples.com/2007/09/21/uploading-files-in-flex-using-the-filereference-class/

        private var fileRef:FileReference;
        private var ba:ByteArray;
        private var xlFile:ExcelFile;
        private var hdrs:Array;
        private var runOnce:Boolean;

        private var xlsheet:ArrayCollection;

        private const FILE_URL:String = "http://localhost:8500/fileref/uploader.cfm";
        private const XLS_FILTER:FileFilter = new FileFilter("EXCEL FILES (*.xls, *.xlsx)", "*.xls; *.xlsx");
        private const TXT_FILTER:FileFilter = new FileFilter("TEXT FILES (*.txt, *.csv, *.tsv)", "*.txt; *.csv; *.tsv");
        private const ALL_FILTER:FileFilter = new FileFilter("ALL FILES (*.*)", "*.*");

        private function init():void {
            fileRef = new FileReference();
            fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileRef_select);
            fileRef.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, fileRef_progress);
            fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileRef_complete);

            ba = new ByteArray();
            xlFile = new ExcelFile();
            hdrs = new Array();
            xlsheet = new ArrayCollection();

        private function browseAndUpload():void {
            fileRef.browse([XLS_FILTER, TXT_FILTER, ALL_FILTER]);
            message.text = "";


        private function fileRef_select(evt:Event):void {
            try {
                message.text = "size (bytes): "+ numberFormatter.format(fileRef.size);
                message.text += " | " + fileRef.name

                //Alert.show (fileRef.name);

            } catch(err:Error) {
                message.text = "ERROR: zero-byte file";

        private function fileRef_progress(evt:ProgressEvent):void{
            progressBar.visible = true;

        private function fileRef_complete(evt:Event):void{

            try {
                message.text += " (complete)";
                progressBar.visible = false;

                xlsheet = xlFile.sheets[0].values;

                hdrs =  xlsheet[0];

                grid.dataProvider = xlsheet;
            } catch (err:Error) {
                message.text = "An error occurred";


        private function updateHeaders(): void {
                for (var i:int=0; i<=grid.columnCount-1; i++){




<mx:NumberFormatter id="numberFormatter"/>
<mx:Button label="Upload File"
           click="browseAndUpload();" labelPlacement="left"/>
<mx:Label id="message"/>
<mx:ProgressBar id="progressBar"
                visible = "false"/>

<mx:DataGrid id="grid"

هل كانت مفيدة؟


The only error in your code is that the xlFile object is incremented each time you load a new stuff. So the sheets[0] is always the same! If your files have 3 sheets, then the first sheet of the new file is in the sheets[3] object.

To correct this try to initiate the xlFile object every time you load a new file. I have done it by me and it works perfectly! Here is my code (I have wiped some lines to simplify it)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" 
            height="727" width="777" creationComplete="init()">

        import com.as3xls.xls.ExcelFile;
        import com.as3xls.xls.Sheet;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

        private var fileRef:FileReference;
        private var ba:ByteArray;
        private var xlFile:ExcelFile;
        private var hdrs:Array;
        private var runOnce:Boolean;

        [Bindable]private var xlsheet:ArrayCollection;

        private const XLS_FILTER:FileFilter = new FileFilter("EXCEL FILES (*.xls)", "*.xls");

        private function init():void 
            fileRef = new FileReference();
            fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, fileRef_select);
            fileRef.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, fileRef_progress);
            fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileRef_complete);

            ba = new ByteArray();
            hdrs = new Array();
            xlsheet = new ArrayCollection();

        private function browseAndUpload():void {
            message.text = "";

        private function fileRef_select(evt:Event):void {
            try {
                message.text = "size (bytes): "+ fileRef.size;
                message.text += " | " + fileRef.name
            } catch(err:Error) {
                message.text = "ERROR: zero-byte file";

        private function fileRef_progress(evt:ProgressEvent):void{
            progressBar.visible = true;

        private function fileRef_complete(evt:Event):void{
            try {
                xlFile = new ExcelFile();

                message.text += " (complete)";
                progressBar.visible = false;

                xlsheet = xlFile.sheets[0].values;

                hdrs =  xlsheet[0];

                grid.dataProvider = xlsheet;
            } catch (err:Error) {
                message.text = "An error occurred";

        private function updateHeaders(): void {
                for (var i:int=0; i<=grid.columnCount-1; i++){


<mx:Button label="Upload File" click="browseAndUpload();" labelPlacement="left"/>
<mx:Label id="message"/>
<mx:ProgressBar id="progressBar" indeterminate="true" visible = "false"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="grid" updateComplete="updateHeaders();"/>
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