
In the package manager console, is it possible to get a list of available cmdlets?

For example, I installed the Entity Framework package and I want to play around with migrations. I know the commands Enable-Migrations, Add-Migration, and Update-Database, however I want to play with rollbacks but I didn't know the cmdlet to call.

I just want a way to list all available cmdlets in the current context, and if possible a short description of what each does.


I know how to do a rollback, it was just a story to explain why getting a list of cmdlets would be useful.

هل كانت مفيدة؟


Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet

You can use:

Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet | Get-Help | select name,synopsis | fl

to get your description of what the cmdlet does .However, piping to Get-Help seems very slow. There might be a better way of getting the synopsis than calling Get-Help.

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