
I am sure this question has been answered before, but I would like to caclulate mean and sd by treatment for multiple variables (100s) all at once and cannot figure out how to do it aside from using a long winded ddply code.

This is a portion of my dataframe (g):

   trt blk til res sand silt clay ibd1_6 ibd9_14 ibd_ave
1  CTK   1  CT   K   74   15   11  1.323   1.593   1.458
2  CTK   2  CT   K   71   15   14  1.575   1.601   1.588
3  CTK   3  CT   K   72   14   14  1.551   1.594   1.573
4  CTR   1  CT   R   72   15   13  1.560   1.647   1.604
5  CTR   2  CT   R   73   14   13  1.612   1.580   1.596
6  CTR   3  CT   R   73   13   14  1.709   1.577   1.643
7  ZTK   1  ZT   K   72   16   12  1.526   1.546   1.536
8  ZTK   2  ZT   K   71   16   13  1.292   1.626   1.459
9  ZTK   3  ZT   K   71   17   12  1.623   1.607   1.615
10 ZTR   1  ZT   R   66   16   18  1.719   1.709   1.714
11 ZTR   2  ZT   R   67   17   16  1.529   1.708   1.618
12 ZTR   3  ZT   R   66   17   17  1.663   1.655   1.659 

I would like to have a function that does what ddply does, i.e ddply(g, trt, meanSand=mean(sand), sdSand=sd(sand), meanSilt=mean(silt). . . .) without having to write it all out. Any ideas? Thank you for your patience!

هل كانت مفيدة؟


The function you will likely want to apply to your dataframe is aggregate() with either mean or sd as the function parameter.

نصائح أخرى

assuming myDF is your original dataset:

myDT <- data.table(myDF)

# Which variables to calculate  All columns but the first five? : 
variables <- tail( names(myDT), -5)

myDT[, lapply(.SD, function(x) list(mean(x), sd(x))), .SDcols=variables, by=list(trt, til)]

## OR Separately, if you prefer shorter `lapply` statements
myDT[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=variables, by=list(trt, til)]
myDT[, lapply(.SD, sd),   .SDcols=variables, by=list(trt, til)]


> myDT[, lapply(.SD, mean), .SDcols=variables, by=list(trt, til)]
#    trt til     silt     clay   ibd1_6  ibd9_14  ibd_ave
# 1: CTK  CT 14.66667 13.00000 1.483000 1.596000 1.539667
# 2: CTR  CT 14.00000 13.33333 1.627000 1.601333 1.614333
# 3: ZTK  ZT 16.33333 12.33333 1.480333 1.593000 1.536667
# 4: ZTR  ZT 16.66667 17.00000 1.637000 1.690667 1.663667

> myDT[, lapply(.SD, sd), .SDcols=variables, by=list(trt, til)]
#    trt til      silt      clay     ibd1_6     ibd9_14    ibd_ave
# 1: CTK  CT 0.5773503 1.7320508 0.13908271 0.004358899 0.07112196
# 2: CTR  CT 1.0000000 0.5773503 0.07562407 0.039576929 0.02514624
# 3: ZTK  ZT 0.5773503 0.5773503 0.17015973 0.041797129 0.07800214
# 4: ZTR  ZT 0.5773503 1.0000000 0.09763196 0.030892286 0.04816984
aggregate(g[, c("sand", "silt", "clay")],  g$trt, function(x) c(mean=mean(x), sd=sd(x) ) )

Using an anonymous function with aggregate.data.frame allows one to get both values with one call. You only want to pass in the columns to be aggregated.If you had a long list of columns and only wanted to exclude let's say the first 4 from calculations, it could be written as:

aggregate(g[, names(g)[-(1:4)],  g$trt, function(x) c(mean=mean(x), sd=sd(x) ) )
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