
How do I structure my Inno Setup script to automatically register a dll if it is the first time a user has installed my application but unregister a previous version if there is one and then register the new one (assuming the interface is different)?

I currently use the the regserver and ignoreversion flags in my Files section as seen below:



Source: "C:\example.dll"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion regserver

In my google search I have found UnregisterServer but I not know how to add this to my script. I would gladly start tinkering around to see how this works, but I do not want to do anything that will mess-up my registry.

There is a similar post here but it does not address how this is actually accomplished.


After hacking around in Pascal I was able to add the following to the [Code] section and it worked. Does anyone know how to use the {app} constant to dynamically define the fileName in the code below?

  fileName = 'C:\Program Files\TFolderName\tigercontroller.dll';
  serverExists: Boolean;

function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
  serverExists := UnregisterServer(False, fileName, False);

  if serverExists then begin
    Result:= True;
    MsgBox('This will update with the most recent version', mbInformation, mb_Ok);
  end else
    Result := True;
هل كانت مفيدة؟


What about using BeforeInstall and AfterInstall parameters for file?

Usage is:

Source: "MYDLL.DLL"; DestDir: "{app}"; BeforeInstall: MyBeforeInstall; AfterInstall: MyAfterInstall;

BeforeInstall and AfterInstall functions must not have a return value!

procedure MyBeforeInstall();
  // Your code here: If file (old) file exists call UnregisterServer() on old file
  // Use function FileExists(const Name: String): Boolean; or similar for it
  // Also you can delete the file entirely with function DeleteFile(const FileName: string): Boolean;

  // Hint: You can use 'CurrentFileName' variable to get currently processed file 

procedure MyAfterInstall();
  // Your (new) file was processed and now you can do additional tweaks on it
  // 'CurrentFileName' variable is still available 
  // Setup registers all files with the 'regserver' or 'regtypelib' flags as the last step of installation so in this function the file is still not registered!

نصائح أخرى

Try this one, it also handles 32/64bit side-by-side COM servers:

 function UnregisterCOMServer(sServerCLSID: String): Boolean;
   sServerPath: String;
     //search in HKCR (merged view)
     if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'CLSID\'+sServerCLSID+'\InprocServer32', '', sServerPath) then
        if sServerPath<>'' then
            Log('Found COM server CLSID:'+ sServerCLSID +', path:'+sServerPath);
            Result:=UnregisterServer(False, sServerPath, True);
            if Result then Log('COM server '+ sServerCLSID +' unregistered.')
            else Log('UnregisterServer on '+ sServerPath +' failed!');
        else Log('No COM server path found.');
     else Log('COM server CLSID:'+ sServerCLSID +' not found!'+sServerPath);

if Is64BitInstallMode then Begin if RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'Wow6432Node\CLSID\'+sServerCLSID+'\InprocServer32', '', sServerPath) then Begin if sServerPath<>'' then Begin Log('Found COM server (Wow6432) CLSID:'+ sServerCLSID +', path:'+sServerPath); Result:=UnregisterServer(True, sServerPath, True); if Result then Log('COM server (Wow6432) '+ sServerCLSID +' unregistered.') else Log('UnregisterServer (Wow6432) on '+ sServerPath +' failed!'); end else Log('No COM server (Wow6432) path found.'); end else Log('COM server (Wow6432) CLSID:'+ sServerCLSID +' not found!'+sServerPath); end;


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